- Change back to weekly meetings
- "Powered by Ubuntu" Stickers
- Charity boxes (let's get these out!)
Please feel free to add to this list of topics as you see fit.
20:01 < Zuph> Okay, are we ready to get the meeting started, or should we give people 10 more minutes? 20:02 < Yoooder> whenever 20:02 >>> Zelut!n=christer@ubuntu/member/zelut 20:02 < zenwhen_!n=zenwhen@adsl-074-171-220-223.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net [Remote closed the connection] 20:02 < Zuph> bkingx: ? 20:02 < bkingx> Zuph: yo 20:03 < bkingx> Naw...let's start 20:03 >>> zenwhen!n=zenwhen@ubuntu/member/zenwhen 20:03 < Zuph> Alright 20:04 < p0g0!n=pogo@madwifi/support/p0g0 [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 20:04 < bkingx> So, first on the list. 20:05 < Zuph> Well, Etank can't join us (or will be late) to this meeting, so bkingx and I will be your handy moderators for the evening. 20:05 < venomous> applause for the mods!! 20:05 Zuph applauds himself 20:05 < bkingx> We want to start back to weekly meetings. Although they may be short, we think it may help in keeping interest alive and growth. 20:05 < bkingx> Those in favor? 20:05 bkingx +1 20:06 Yoooder raises hand 20:06 Zuph +1 20:06 venomous +1 20:07 < bkingx> Anyone else? 20:08 < bkingx> Comments, questions, conspiracy theories about this item? 20:10 < bkingx> OK, then that passes...we will be having weekly meetings from now on. 20:10 < bkingx> Next up, Charity PC Cleanup. 20:11 < jkeyes0> (I'm back, btw) 20:11 < bkingx> We had to cancel the meeting at my house due to scheduling, but we hope to re-schedule soon. 20:11 >>> Pat40503!n=patchad@74-131-211-12.dhcp.insightbb.com 20:11 < bkingx> I have started a new job, so it is hard to figure out what my schedule will be, but it shouldn't be too hard. 20:12 < bkingx> Basically, we need to clean, inventory, and test the machines to see what we have. 20:12 < venomous!i=ven0m0us@gateway/tor/x-b3fb86be6dedfc34 ["Leaving"] 20:13 < bkingx> From there we can move to the project to load for charities. 20:13 < bkingx> So by next week I hope to have a solid date to work on these machines. 20:14 < bkingx> Next up, "Powered by Ubuntu" stickers. 20:14 < bkingx> Zuph, want to fill us in? 20:16 < bkingx> Guess not! 20:16 < bkingx> Basically, we have some simple Powered by Ubuntu stickers to put on our machines. 20:17 < bkingx> Problem we are finding is the top layer peels off leaving a blank sticker. 20:18 < bkingx> So the NY team, I believe, has designed some aluminum ones that are pretty sweet. 20:18 < jkeyes0> I think it's massachusetts, but that's a moot point 20:18 < bkingx> They are being sold in lots, and of course, the more the cheaper. 20:18 < bkingx> Thanks jkeyes0 ! 20:18 < jkeyes0> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MassachusettsTeam/Projects/AluminiumCaseBadges 20:19 < bkingx> Good job! 20:19 < bkingx> jkeyes0: want to chime in here? 20:20 < jkeyes0> not really. that link has all the info. It looks like Zuph has tentatively signed us up for 250 badges at $0.44, or 400 at $0.24 20:21 < bkingx> Right, so we need volunteers to chip in and give up some money! 20:21 < bkingx> These are VERY nice case badges. If you can help. contact Zuph . 20:22 < jkeyes0> I've got some spare funds in my paypal acct I'd be happy to donate. 20:22 < bkingx> You da man! 20:22 < jkeyes0> hooray for pinecone research sending to paypal. :) 20:22 < bkingx> :) 20:22 < bkingx> Ok, that is about it. 20:23 < bkingx> Short and sweet! 20:23 < bkingx> Does anyone have anything else? 20:23 < jkeyes0> any ideas for another cup of ubuntu meeting? 20:23 < Pat40503> Are any CRT's, keyboards,mice, etc needed? 20:23 < bkingx> Pat40503: we have some CRT's and keyboards. But mice are def needed. 20:23 >>> Zupht0r!n=Brad@74-138-194-123.dhcp.insightbb.com 20:24 < Zuph!n=Brad@74-138-194-123.dhcp.insightbb.com [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 20:24 < Zupht0r> I hate my internet 20:24 ~ Zupht0r is now Zuph 20:24 < bkingx> most of the CRT's are 15" 20:24 < Zuph> Where are we? 20:24 < bkingx> Done! Thanks for coming! 20:24 < bkingx> LOL 20:24 < Zuph> Bah 20:24 < Zuph> I hate everything 20:25 < bkingx> Pat40503 was asking about accessories for the charity machines. 20:25 < bkingx> and jkeyes0 was asking about another Cup of Ubuntu meeting. 20:26 < Zuph> I am happy to host a cup of ubuntu in louisville any time! 20:26 < Pat40503> I have about seven 17 in CRT's all were working last time I checked,another friend had a bunch of keyboards and mice he got when he bought at UK auction 20:26 < etank> hi all 20:26 < jkeyes0> holy crap, it's etank! 20:26 < bkingx> Pat40503: Awesome! Bookmark those for the project, if you can. 20:27 < Pat40503> Not much at all last Tue at UK surplus auction.They have sold all summer 20:28 < bkingx> Alright...we will know more when we find out how many machines we have. 20:28 < Pat40503> My friend got a bunch of mostly all Dells GX400 GX270 GX 150 those all P4 a a couple of P3 Dells I have a couple here I am using 20:28 < etank> WTH 20:28 < etank> meeting over already? 20:28 < bkingx> WOW! All of our machines are GX1's and 100's 20:29 < Pat40503> He got 45 keyboards and maybe 50 mice but he tossed some in donations to Cove Lake that picks up stuff 20:29 < etank> Pat40503: i'll take some :) 20:29 < bkingx> Hmm...mice would be nice. 20:29 < etank> so was everyone a go for the weekly meetings? 20:29 < etank> and for chipping in on the case stickers? 20:30 < bkingx> Yes and Yes 20:30 < Pat40503> He already donated some. I keep asking if these items needed.I have some extras here seven CRTs 17in one 19 in 20:30 < etank> and for once a month IRL meetings? 20:30 < etank> I have a good friend that is a teacher that has the keys to the building and permission to allow us to meet in the school 20:31 < etank> we can have actual lug style meetings 20:31 < Zuph> I like the idea of coffee shop meetings. 20:31 < etank> that would be in addition to the coffee shop meetings 20:31 < etank> one laid back and one more g33ky 20:31 < Zuph> ah 20:31 < Zuph> okay 20:32 < etank> and he said that he is willing to get his students to do some of the clean up work on the charity boxes 20:32 < jkeyes0> sweet 20:32 < etank> as a "class project" 20:32 < etank> and he can get them to do some of the OS install and config as well 20:32 < Zuph> haha 20:32 < Zuph> awesome 20:33 < etank> and if we are interested in getting tax exemption and stuff he has some ideas for that 20:35 < etank> that would help if we ever wanted to do the FreeGeek thing 20:36 < etank> hi jkeyes0 20:36 < jkeyes0> hey etank! 20:36 < etank> hi Yoooder 20:36 < etank> nice to meet you 20:37 < etank> bkingx: did you upload logs from the meeting? 20:39 < bkingx> not yet 20:39 < etank> do you want me to do it? 20:39 < bkingx> Sure. 20:39 < bkingx> So meeting adjurned then? 20:39 < etank> is it? 20:40 < etank> does anyone have anything at all to add? 20:40 < bkingx> Not I 20:40 < bkingx> I say adjourn the meeting for tonight. 20:40 < etank> what all was covered? 20:41 < bkingx> Case Badges, weekly meetings, charity boxes, and your teacher buddy. 20:41 < etank> is anyone interested in the IRL meetings at the school? 20:41 < bkingx> People will contact Zuph for donating to case badges. 20:41 < bkingx> We are moving back to weekly meetings. 20:41 < Zuph> Okay 20:42 < bkingx> We will schedule a cleanup date next week (I have to see how the new job goes) 20:42 < jkeyes0> I like the idea of IRL meetings 20:42 < etank> i realllllly would like to see more LUG style meets 20:43 < etank> if not i may have to join a LUG 20:43 < bkingx> Once a month....I think we can do that. 20:43 < Zuph> So wait 20:43 < Zuph> What was our decision on case badges? 20:43 < Zuph> We need money 20:44 < Zuph> And need to tell the MA team 20:44 < bkingx> Anyone who wishes to donate can contact you. 20:44 < etank> i have someone that has said that he would match whatever i contribute 20:44 < jkeyes0> I've got $15 in my paypal I can donate 20:44 < etank> would it be better to commit to a $dollar$ amount or a number of badges? 20:44 < Zuph> I mean, I want to know how much we'll have so I know how many to order 20:44 < Zuph> etank: yes yes a thousand times yes 20:45 < etank> which ones? 20:45 < bkingx> I should be able to find a few $$ 20:45 < Zuph> Dollar amount 20:45 < etank> i agree 20:45 < Zuph> Right now, we are committed to 250 or $110 at 44 cent each or 400 / $96 at .24 each 20:46 < etank> Zuph: is that what you are going to do 20:46 < Zuph> I am willing to put in $25! 20:46 < etank> i see 20:46 < Zuph> If we can get ~$100, then yes. 20:46 < Zuph> I can't afford this on my own though. 20:46 < bkingx> Hard to tell tonight, have to wait until the paycheck comes in. 20:46 < etank> so we can stay at 250 badges and just collect for that 20:46 < bkingx> So 400 is cheaper that 250? 20:46 < Zuph> It depends 20:46 < Zuph> There are price levels 20:47 < Zuph> If the total number of badges is under 1000, then they're .44 each 20:47 < etank> so we are collecting to meet the $110 amount right now 20:47 < Zuph> But if the total is between 1000 and 2500, they're .24 each 20:47 < Zuph> Do we think we can meet $110 if we try??? 20:47 < etank> i think so 20:47 < Zuph> Okay. 20:48 < etank> if you are willing to do $25 20:48 < jkeyes0> between me and you, Zuph, we're at $40, so it shouldn't be a problem. 20:48 < Yoooder> I can kick in $10 20:48 < Zuph> So it is settled. 20:48 < etank> i am willing to pitch in about $20 - $25 20:48 < bkingx> Yeah, I can chip in. 20:48 < Zuph> ~$100 worth of case badges 20:48 < etank> and my friend is willing to do the same 20:48 < Zuph> excellent 20:48 < Zuph> we have it then 20:48 < etank> so that is about $100 then 20:48 < bkingx> Might have to go to McDonald's instead of StarBucks for coffee now. 20:49 < etank> they may be to expensive too 20:49 < etank> McDonalds that is 20:50 < bkingx> Yup... 20:50 < etank> so how many people were present tonight? 20:51 < Yoooder> who is taking up the collection? 20:51 < Zuph> Not enough. 20:51 < Zuph> I am 20:51 < Zuph> Zupht0r is 20:51 < Zuph> Me me me 20:51 < etank> Zuph: how do you want us to get the money to you? 20:51 < Zuph> Any way you can 20:51 < Yoooder> what's your paypal? 20:52 < Zuph> Let me check 20:52 < etank> carrier pidgeon 20:52 < Zuph> BradLuyster@gmail.com 20:52 < Zuph> I will make a post in the forums about it. 20:52 < bkingx> Thanks Zuph ! 20:53 < Zuph> No problem! 20:53 < etank> how do we distribute them 20:53 < etank> what will they be used for? 20:53 < Zuph> Meetings / USPS 20:53 < etank> i assume we will give them away at Install Fests 20:53 < etank> oh yeah 20:53 < etank> one more thing 20:54 < etank> i signed us up for the O'Reilly UG thing 20:54 < etank> we can get free books to review 20:54 < jkeyes0> Zuph, you've got money from me. 20:54 < jkeyes0> woot, etank ! 20:54 < etank> and also get free swag to give out at Fests 20:55 < etank> http://ug.oreilly.com/ 20:55 < bkingx> Awesome! 20:55 < bkingx> Put me down for an ESX book. 20:56 < bkingx> ESX 3.0 if possible 20:56 < etank> are you willing to write a review about it? 20:56 < jkeyes0> ooh, an esx book would be great. we're getting ready to start using it. 20:56 < etank> jkeyes0: it is very cool 20:57 < jkeyes0> we've got an eval version right now. lots of fighting with it so far, but it's nice to have linux around... 20:57 < bkingx> etank: sure 20:58 < bkingx> jkeyes0: we are running about 8 esx servers right now. 20:58 >>> srwalter!n=srwalter@CPE-76-177-36-23.natcky.res.rr.com 20:58 < bkingx> about 20 guests each. 20:58 < etank> srwalter: w00t 20:58 srwalter hijacks the conversation 20:58 < jkeyes0> wow. I need a job in your company 20:58 < srwalter> any of you guys hooked ubuntu to an HDTV? 20:58 < bkingx> jkeyes0: IBM - contract work. 20:58 < etank> me hasn't 20:59 < bkingx> I think they need an AIX admin. 20:59 < bkingx> not I srwalter 20:59 < jkeyes0> curses, no AIX experience. 20:59 < etank> srwalter: how ya been doing? 20:59 < jkeyes0> not I either, srwalter. however, you might look at Gutsy (better Xorg) 20:59 < srwalter> doing well. still liking things at Lexmark? 20:59 < etank> for the most part 20:59 < etank> there more work than there are people :( 21:00 < srwalter> yeah, but isn't that always how it is? 21:01 < etank> is the meeting over now????? 21:02 < etank> srwalter: if i had a HDTV i would be willing to test it with ya :) 21:02 < bkingx> yeah, meeting adjourned. 21:02 < bkingx> Good meeting!
KentuckyTeam/Meetings/2007Aug16 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:28:34 by localhost)