- Web site woes.
- Ubuntu US Team meeting coming up.
Please feel free to add to this list of topics as you see fit.
20:25 < etank> @startmeeting 20:25 < etank> oh well 20:25 < etank> i guess the bot is sick tonight 20:25 < bkingx> Dead bot 20:25 < bkingx> Poor dead bot 20:26 < etank> really i have only two things on the topic list 20:26 < etank> 1) Web site woes. 20:26 < etank> 2) Ubuntu US Team meeting coming up. 20:26 < etank> so to start 20:27 < etank> i have been trying to work with the drupal install and theme that is currently running on our site 20:27 < etank> i think that it looks nice but there is something screwed up with the theme i think 20:27 < bkingx> It is a little hard to work with. 20:27 < etank> it messes up when you try to add content 20:28 < X626> I've noticed problems with some themes. I've started messing around with Drupal, myself. 20:28 < etank> i have looked into joomla and wordpress but can not find a real good theme for it 20:28 < etank> and i suck at making themes 20:28 < etank> I am to the point now where I dont care if the site looks like the ubuntu home page or not 20:29 < etank> there are some really nice looking sites out there 20:29 bkingx nods 20:29 < etank> ubuntu-rs.org, meetlinux.com, etc 20:29 < etank> do any of you have webdev skills to help make a better looking site? 20:30 < bkingx> What was the deal with the Russian site? They won't let us use their theme? 20:30 < X626> I can't make themes, but I can write modules. 20:30 < etank> they are using a theme that is not released under an open license 20:30 < etank> so we can not have it 20:30 < etank> X626: thats cool. 20:30 < etank> the thing we really need is the look 20:31 < klb!i=kevin@buley.org [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 20:31 < bkingx> The Penn site is pretty clean...I like that. 20:31 < Ubuntu-Ky!i=kevin@buley.org [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 20:31 < X626> Unfortunately, when it comes to designing the look, I can't help there...I suck at making themes. 20:32 < bkingx> I can help with the design: colors, placement, graphics 20:32 < etank> X626: i know the feeling 20:32 < bkingx> But we need a basic framework to start with. 20:32 < etank> bkingx: the Penn site is running wordpress 20:32 < bkingx> That is where I am lost. 20:32 < bkingx> Yeah...I'm cool with Wordpress. 20:32 < etank> this kind of also leads to the second topic 20:33 < etank> the US Team has just this week created planet.ubuntu-us.org 20:33 < etank> it is for aggregating approved team blogs 20:33 < etank> not individual blogs 20:34 < etank> I think that we should just use our site as a team blog 20:34 < etank> and then have a seperate site for stuff like the charity project, etc 20:34 < etank> you know though if we want to go back to the old theme for drupal we could do that 20:35 < etank> there seem to be quite a few teams still using that look 20:35 < etank> and it was a lot easier to work with 20:35 < etank> http://www.ubuntu-cl.org/ http://www.ubuntu-id.org/ http://www.ubuntu-ve.org/ <--- examples 20:35 < bkingx> You mean, the original Ubuntu theme? 20:36 < bkingx> Naw...I think we need to go in a totally different direction. 20:36 < etank> bkingx: yeah the one that we started with in the first place 20:36 < jkeyes0!n=jkeyes0@host-067-131-062-080.dhcp.fewpb.net ["Later!"] 20:36 < etank> but we need to get it working as quick as possible in my opinion 20:37 < bkingx> Are there other default templates included with Drupal? 20:37 >>> jkeyes0!n=jkeyes0@host-067-131-062-080.dhcp.fewpb.net 20:37 < X626> There's some included. I don't remember how many. I deleted most of them from mine. 20:38 < etank> bkingx: about 4 or 5 20:38 < etank> but they are very basic 20:38 < bkingx> OK...and it looks like there are some more to download off of drupal's site. 20:38 < bkingx> http://drupal.org/project/Themes 20:38 < etank> and again we would have to figure out how they work so we can change then 20:38 < etank> *them 20:39 < bkingx> Can we look at these and choose one to begin with? Make that decision tonight. 20:39 < bkingx> ? 20:39 < etank> i like this one http://amadou.sp0ke.net/ 20:40 < X626> Yeah, that one looks pretty good. 20:41 < bkingx> It's OK. Seems a bit busy to me. 20:41 < etank> and this one too http://goldenhour.sp0ke.net/ 20:43 < bkingx> better 20:43 < bkingx> So clarify 20:43 < etank> those are the only ones that i saw that i really liked 20:44 >>> zenwhen!n=troy@ubuntu/member/zenwhen 20:44 < bkingx> Drupal is basically a blog publishing site ? 20:44 < etank> if we want to wait a few i can get them installed on the server so we can see them 20:44 < etank> drupal is a content management site 20:44 < etank> cms 20:44 < bkingx> But from all these, I don't see any content. 20:44 < bkingx> I think that is my problem. 20:45 < X626> Aurora is one of my favorites, but I don't know if you all will like it: http://drupal.org/project/aurora 20:45 < bkingx> It appears to be a blog and links to other sites. 20:46 < X626> Actually, you can do all sorts of stuff with Drupal, especially with different modules. 20:46 < etank> X626: is right there 20:46 < etank> X626: i like that one but the colors are a little off 20:47 < etank> but i guess we could change the colors if the layout matches what we want 20:47 < X626> Like I said, I wasn't sure if you'd like it or not. 20:47 < bkingx> Colors I am good at. Picking the layout, not so much. 20:47 < etank> http://kentucky.ubuntu-us.org/ 20:48 < etank> check it out 20:48 < etank> the header images would have to move but that is the general layout 20:49 < etank> do a refresh now 20:49 < bkingx> I think we need to keep the front page relatively static. Or at least have a small module that shows latest posts or something. 20:49 < etank> latest posts should not be a problem 20:50 < X626> The link that has "My Account" and Logout seems to have disappeared on me. 20:50 < bkingx> To me this doesn't say approved team site. It says, here is a quick blog to show we exist. 20:50 >>> Ubuntu-Ky!i=kevin@buley.org 20:50 < etank> you can make a story sticky so that it stays on the front page 20:50 < etank> bkingx: it is a starting point not a finished thing 20:50 < etank> alright lets look at the other one 20:51 < etank> refresh 20:51 < bkingx> I know...just basic design elements for a web site. 20:51 < etank> i like the first one better 20:51 >>> klb!i=kevin@buley.org 20:52 < X626> I do, too. 20:52 < bkingx> Out of those two, #1 better 20:52 < bkingx> http://themebot.com/gallery/?g2_itemId=22640 20:53 < etank> for X626 20:53 < etank> refresh again 20:54 < etank> bkingx: you like that one? 20:54 < bkingx> Getting better. 20:55 < etank> i like the one that is on now except for the notebook look to the page 20:55 < X626> You are going to leave it so that members can choose the theme, aren't you? I like that feature of Drupal. 20:56 < etank> bkingx: its up there now check it out 20:56 < bkingx> etank: exactly my thought. 20:56 < etank> you like that one the best? 20:56 < XdarkXana> that one is kinda cool. needs different colours though. 20:57 < bkingx> So far, yes 20:57 < X626> That one isn't too bad. I kinda like it. 20:57 < etank> XdarkXanarchyX: i agree 20:57 < bkingx> Def needs dif colors. 20:57 < etank> it is just so narrow 20:57 < etank> not a lot of room for other content the way it is 20:57 < XdarkXana> Can't you change the width of it? 20:58 < XdarkXana> I know some CSS/HTML if that helps any. 20:58 < X626> I'd say you can, but I don't know much about Drupal themes. 20:58 < bkingx> It looks like it was made for 800x600 20:58 < etank> im sure we can change it some for sure 20:58 < bkingx> We 'might' be able to resized it. 20:59 < bkingx> *resize 20:59 < etank> refresh one more time 20:59 < bkingx> Color and images aside, do you like this one: http://www.slashcode.com/ 21:00 < etank> bkingx: give me a link to download it and we will check it out for real 21:00 < X626> That one is kinda nice, too. 21:01 < XdarkXana> I do, the colours are nice too, maybe not for Ubuntu but they do match my desktop! 21:01 < bkingx> etank: what version? 21:01 < etank> 5.x 21:01 < etank> we can always go to an older version of drupal if we need to 21:01 < bkingx> http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/drupal/files/projects/slash-5.x-1.x-dev.tar.gz 21:02 < etank> f5 it guys 21:03 < etank> that one is not to bad 21:03 < etank> i like that one and the one before it 21:03 < X626> I like that one. 21:03 < etank> on the one before i really liked the space on the right side 21:03 < bkingx> another one: http://florall.ru/rezina.jpg 21:03 >>> lapjack!i=kevin@buley.org 21:04 < X626> Wow...a lot of themes. 21:05 < etank> link to the theme bkingx 21:05 < bkingx> http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/drupal/files/projects/rezina-5.x-1.2.tar.gz 21:07 < bkingx> This one? 21:07 < bkingx> http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/drupal/files/projects/internet_services-5.x-1.1.tar.gz 21:07 >>> Ubuntu-KY-AltNic!i=kevin@buley.org 21:07 < etank> bkingx: the rezina has an error so we can not see it right now 21:08 < bkingx> K 21:08 < bkingx> internet services? 21:08 < etank> it up 21:08 < etank> the slash one has 4 themes in it 21:09 < etank> red, black, blue and green 21:09 < etank> i like the slash one better so far 21:10 < bkingx> Slash and this current one are my favs so far. 21:10 < etank> i dont like the current one myself 21:10 < etank> i have one 21:11 < X626> I don't like the current one, either. 21:11 < etank> f5 21:11 < bkingx> OK...slash seems to be the best so far. 21:11 < bkingx> I say we load that. 21:11 < X626> Yeah, I like the slash one best. 21:11 < etank> the one that is up now has two themes 21:11 < etank> onw wide and one narrow 21:12 < bkingx> Can you show us the different colors for slash? 21:12 < etank> which color slash 21:12 < bkingx> lol 21:12 < etank> black is up now 21:12 < etank> blue going up now 21:13 < bkingx> Blue is noce. 21:13 < bkingx> *nice! 21:13 < X626> I didn't llike the black, but the blue is nice. 21:13 < etank> and now green 21:13 < bkingx> Not bad either. 21:13 < X626> I think the green is the worst one. 21:13 < etank> green looks like the old windows nt colors when your video driver is screwed up bad 21:14 < bkingx> LOL 21:14 < XdarkXana> haha 21:14 < etank> green is out 21:14 < bkingx> Let's go blue 21:14 < bkingx> It screams KY too, I think 21:14 < XdarkXana> i agree 21:15 X626 agrees 21:15 < etank> i still like the one that is up there now 21:15 < X626> I like many of those themes. 21:16 < bkingx> What's this one called? 21:16 < etank> the one that is up now (yes i changed it again) is really my favorite of them all 21:16 < etank> this one is amadou 21:16 < X626> I don't know which I like the most. 21:16 < etank> the one before was spread firefox 21:16 < bkingx> OK...and this one? 21:18 < etank> this is amadou 21:18 < etank> i added some stuff to it 21:18 < bkingx> OK...I like this one too. 21:18 < bkingx> And much better with the added stuff!! 21:18 < etank> this is my favorite of them all 21:18 < bkingx> Yup! 21:18 < etank> jkeyes0: what are your thoughts 21:18 < etank> you to klb 21:18 < bkingx> @vote 21:18 < X626> I don't know which I prefer, but I really like the current one. 21:18 < Ubuntu-KY> No vote in progress 21:18 < jkeyes0> I'm a big fan of blue, but does it really follow the ubuntu theme in general? 21:19 < XdarkXana> It follows Kubuntu.. 21:19 < etank> jkeyes0: we are thinking of moving away from trying to mimic the ubuntu thing 21:19 < etank> XdarkXanarchyX: good point 21:19 bkingx nods 21:19 < jkeyes0> ah, I missed that part. :P dad called, then a coworker (setting up his VPN) 21:19 bkingx +1 for the current one (amadou) 21:20 < klb!i=kevin@buley.org [Nick collision from services.] 21:20 < etank> [vote] is the current theme the one to go with? 21:20 < Ubuntu-KY> etank, Either there isn't a meeting in progress, or there is already an active vote. 21:20 < Ubuntu-Ky!i=kevin@buley.org [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 21:20 ~ Ubuntu-KY-AltNic is now Ubuntu-Ky 21:20 < etank> darn you Ubuntu-Ky 21:20 >>> klb!i=kevin@buley.org 21:20 < klb> bloody hell 21:20 jkeyes0 +1 in that case, though I do prefer the menus on the left side 21:20 < etank> jkeyes0: me too 21:20 < etank> but i dont know if i can easily change that 21:21 < bkingx> On the right makes it look different and fresh. 21:21 < X626> I also prefer them on the left, but I can get used to something new. 21:21 < lapjack!i=kevin@buley.org [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 21:21 < bkingx> I think I like it the way it is. 21:21 >>> zenwhen_!n=troy@adsl-074-171-220-223.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net 21:22 < etank> is this the one to go with then for now? 21:22 etank +1 21:22 bkingx +1 21:22 X626 +1 21:23 < XdarkXana> +1 21:23 < etank> looks like its a go then 21:23 < bkingx> ;) 21:23 < etank> do we want to allow users to change the look like X626 mentioned 21:23 < etank> or should we lock it in to have consistency 21:24 < bkingx> I suggest lock it in. 21:25 < X626> I always like being able to customize stuff, that's the reason I mentioned it. 21:25 < etank> i think so too 21:26 < X626> Of course, it doesn't really matter to me. 21:26 < bkingx> meh...I guess 21:26 >>> jkeyes0_!n=jkeyes0@host-067-131-062-080.dhcp.fewpb.net 21:26 < etank> so are we are good with this being a team blog thing then 21:26 < XdarkXana> I also like to customize things, that's why I generally use KDE. 21:26 < jkeyes0!n=jkeyes0@host-067-131-062-080.dhcp.fewpb.net [Nick collision from services.] 21:26 ~ jkeyes0_ is now jkeyes0 21:27 < etank> so since we are going with this one how do we want to customize it 21:27 < etank> header, links, ???? 21:28 < bkingx> yup and yup 21:28 < bkingx> I want to see a calendar link 21:28 < bkingx> team calendar. The google thing is OK, but if we can integrate it with the site theme, it will look nice. 21:29 < etank> oops 21:30 >>> Pat40503!n=patchad@74-131-211-12.dhcp.insightbb.com 21:30 < jkeyes0> what happened to the site? :P 21:31 < jkeyes0> ah, back. 21:31 < etank> deleted the wrong folder 21:31 < etank> my bad 21:31 < etank> i was cleaning out the themes that we dont need 21:32 < etank> bkingx: do you want to see if you can find a nice drupal module for a cal 21:32 < bkingx> Sure = looking 21:36 < bkingx> still looking 21:36 < zenwhen_!n=troy@adsl-074-171-220-223.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net ["Leaving"] 21:36 >>> zenwhen_!n=troy@adsl-074-171-220-223.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net 21:37 < zenwhen!n=troy@ubuntu/member/zenwhen [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 21:37 < etank> well now we have something to work with at least 21:37 < etank> we can spend some time making it more Kentucky-ish 21:38 < bkingx> http://www.elderweb.com/demo/calendar 21:38 < etank> once we have the look a little more the way we want it then i will send the rss feed to the guys who host the ubuntu-us planet 21:39 < bkingx> That sounds cool 21:39 < bkingx> http://drupal.org/project/event 21:39 < bkingx> better event calendar 21:40 < bkingx> I still think we need to keep the front page more 'welcome-ish' and have a link to a blog module. 21:42 < etank> bkingx: http://kentucky.ubuntu-us.org/?q=event/2007/05/24 21:43 < bkingx> OH HELL YEAH!! 21:43 < bkingx> That is SEXY!! 21:43 < bkingx> Say, can the links at the top be organized with drop-downs? 21:44 < zenwhen_!n=troy@adsl-074-171-220-223.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net ["This computer has gone to sleep"] 21:44 < etank> bkingx: i think that they can 21:44 < bkingx> Cool. 21:44 < etank> should we end the meeting now and just keep working on the site some? 21:44 < bkingx> Well crap...I was hoping that wouldn't happen. 21:45 < bkingx> Yeah... 21:45 < XdarkXanarchyX!n=XdarkXan@74-140-240-129.dhcp.insightbb.com [Remote closed the connection] 21:45 < bkingx> Your event you added showed up as a blog post. That sucks. 21:45 < etank> no it didnt 21:45 < etank> it showed up as content 21:46 < etank> there is a difference 21:46 < etank> meeting over 21:46 < bkingx> eh? 21:46 < klb> @endmeeting
KentuckyTeam/Meetings/2007May24 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:41:01 by localhost)