KY Trade
Release Party for Hardy
21:02 < etank> alright lets get this thing going 21:02 < awalton__> etter turn off eveything then 21:02 < etank> has everyone seen the news about KY Trade? 21:02 < jkeyes0> yep. very exciting 21:02 < Condoulo> About selling Ubuntu boxes? If so, then yeah. :) 21:02 < awalton__> somewhat, someone want to clarify it? 21:03 < etank> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=734588 21:03 < awalton__> a-ha 21:03 < etank> basically JarG0n went in there and started discussing that they should sell ubuntu pre-installed 21:03 < awalton__> nice 21:03 < etank> the owner said that he was actually thinking about it already 21:03 < etank> and that 3 others came in asking the same thing 21:04 < etank> so the question is how can this benefit us 21:04 < awalton__> very nice 21:04 < etank> and we benefit them 21:04 < etank> to start is that we can be a body of local support for new users 21:04 < etank> he has offered to post a flyer for the LoCo / BGLUG 21:05 < etank> so this could really help the team grow 21:05 < etank> and also spread linux to the area 21:05 < etank> what are some ideas that the rest of you have about this 21:06 < bkingx> I'm going to play the pessimistic role for a sec. 21:06 < awalton__> all of that sounds really good to me. we could probably spin a custom disk for them that will point them to regional help (i.e. us) 21:07 < etank> awalton__: yeah i have done some playing with OEM setups 21:07 < etank> it really isnt that hard to do the basic stuff 21:07 < bkingx> We have to assume that Freddy is not necessarily wanting us to be the support staff for his customers. 21:08 < bkingx> And that he is going to be promoting to those customers that specifically ask for it, not pushing it to his clients. 21:08 < bkingx> So that part of the job is still up to us. 21:09 < bkingx> And although it is nice he will put up a flyer in his shop, who is actually going to see that? We would be much better off putting up flyers in the computers labs, engineering labs, The CS labs, etc. 21:09 < etank> i agree 21:10 < etank> but it is still a good start 21:10 < awalton__> every bit helps 21:10 < etank> true dat 21:10 < bkingx> sure...just had to play that role for a min. 21:10 < bkingx> Now, outside of that, I am really excited! 21:11 < bkingx> I think we can engage Freddy to help us with a lot of stuff. Money mostly. Like sponsorships for release fests or install fests. 21:11 < etank> it would be cool if he and the company could help us get a big linux fest going here :) 21:12 < bkingx> Yup! Just what I was thinking! 21:12 < klb> Derby City Linux Festival 21:12 < bkingx> He's a small fish, but it is a good place to start. 21:12 < etank> klb: when and where is that 21:12 < bkingx> Thoroughbred Linux Festival. 21:12 < klb> Whenever we create it 21:12 < etank> klb: i see 21:13 < awalton__> thoroughbred linux festival sounds awesome 21:13 < etank> i have been wanting to figure out a way to get something like that going for a while 21:14 < etank> with the plan being that it be 6 months after / before OLF 21:14 < klb> maybe in a few version we can name a release "Thunderous Thoroughbred"? 21:14 < Condoulo> I'd love to have an event in Louisville eventually... would be a bit more convincing to my Dad. 21:14 < klb> That's why I said "Derby City" :) 21:14 < bkingx> LOL... etank , we can't even get 20 people tp show up for a meeting! 21:14 < etank> i would be fine with it being in Da'Ville 21:15 < etank> the down side is that according to the OLF guys it costs them $50,000 / year 21:15 < bkingx> Yeah, that part is scary! 21:15 < etank> that is why they have to have so many sponsers 21:15 < awalton__> quite a bit of cash... we'd have to do some serious fundraising. 21:15 < swalter> it probably didn't cost them that much for the first one. it has grown considerably 21:15 < etank> sponsors 21:15 < awalton__> anyone got a killer cookie recipe ;) 21:15 swalter makes excellent cheesecake 21:15 < klb> death by chocolate. 21:16 < etank> swalter: that you do 21:16 < bkingx> Special Brownies! 21:16 < Condoulo> umm.... I'm eating brownies my Mom Made. lol. 21:16 < etank> we would really need to have support from local companies to pull this off 21:17 < swalter> does extreme software use linux? 21:17 < etank> so that is where KY Trade could come it 21:17 < swalter> exstream, whatever 21:17 < etank> swalter: i think they might 21:17 < etank> it would be cool if Lexmark could help :) 21:17 < swalter> they were really good about sponsoring the UK-ACM programming contest 21:17 < awalton__> that's what I was going to say 21:17 < swalter> they bought us like 4 Xbox 360s and 4 iPod nanos 21:18 < etank> ok. for the sake of swalter battery .. lets move on to the next topic 21:18 < awalton__> they've probably got a few bucks they could lend, 'specially for a big lexmark banner 21:18 < etank> the Release Party 21:18 < Condoulo> woot! 21:18 < awalton__> one month and counting.. gotta get the word out! 21:19 < bkingx> And IBM was a gold sponsor for OLF. 21:19 < swalter> cool, cool 21:19 < etank> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ky/2008-March/000180.html <-- details 21:19 < bkingx> swalter: how about some cheescake? 21:19 < swalter> I should be able to get at least 2 people from lxk to come 21:19 < swalter> and I can bring some cheesecake 21:19 < bkingx> YEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! 21:20 < etank> I still have some books from the last install fest that we could give as door prizes at the party 21:20 < etank> to try to get more people to come 21:20 < awalton__> mm. 21:20 < Condoulo> I can try to come..... but convincing my Dad to drive me all the way to Lexington would be a task. 21:21 < etank> any questions about the party? 21:21 < bkingx> Hitch a ride with Zuph 21:22 < swalter> how big is the Woodland Christian Church? 21:22 < etank> jcarpenter would like to see us do the some presentations 21:22 < etank> no idea awalton__ 21:22 < awalton__> :p 21:23 < etank> http://www.woodlandchristianchurch.org/ 21:23 < etank> i was hoping to see a pic of the church there 21:23 < etank> oh well 21:23 < etank> well if there are now questions about that .... 21:23 < awalton__> superlongdomainname.mobi 21:24 < etank> klb: did you hear any more from the guy who would like us to come do a talk? 21:24 < swalter> what kinds of presentations? 21:25 < etank> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ky/2008-March/000172.html <-- swalter 21:25 < klb> Scott? No. I think the last I saw was the message you posted back to the list 21:25 < etank> klb: ok 21:25 < klb> but... then again, I'm not even sure what day it is right now 21:25 < etank> i think that it would be fun to help him out if he is still interested 21:25 < awalton__> swalter, I think just "welcome to ubuntu" and that kind of thing. I said I could do a "Introduction to Nautilus 2.22 and GVFS" thing, if anyone's interested. 21:25 < etank> > * Presentations - (by those willing) 21:25 < etank> > - an Ubuntu 101 overview 21:25 < etank> > - Why Linux? (GNU/Linux) 21:25 < etank> > - a document exchange HowTo with OpenOffice.org 21:25 < etank> > - Ubuntu in a Non-Profit organization 21:25 < ubot3> etank: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 384, column 84 21:25 < etank> shut up ubot3 21:28 < etank> well that is really all i have tonight 21:28 < etank> anyone have anything else to add? 21:28 < etank> JarG0n: if you are here then speak up :) 21:30 < X626!n=X626@host-216-78-83-26.bgk.bellsouth.net ["Leaving"] 21:31 < awalton__> anybody? bueller? 21:31 < swalter> the cake is a lie! 21:32 < etank> anyone good at graphics? 21:32 < etank> we need to get the flyer for KY Trade done up 21:32 < etank> that has info for the LoCo and BGLUG 21:32 < awalton__> that's probably one we should ask the mailing list for help with 21:33 < awalton__> and hey, the foresight page doesn't look bad, maybe you can do some etank ;) 21:33 < awalton__> muahaha. 21:34 < etank> awalton__: haha ha 21:34 < etank> not funny 21:35 < etank> i suck at that stuff 21:35 < awalton__> know the feeling... 21:37 < etank> jcarpenter did a good job on the flyer for the release party 21:37 < etank> maybe we could bribe him 21:38 >>> mngrif!n=upirc@68-30-74-126.area4.spcsdns.net 21:38 < awalton__> worth a shot 21:38 < bkingx> howdy mngrif 21:38 < mngrif> yohey 21:38 < etank> welcome mngrif 21:39 < etank> awalton__: the hard part is catching him online 21:39 < Condoulo> hello mngrif 21:39 < mngrif> did I miss the fun or is it ongoing? 21:39 < Condoulo> the meeting is still going on. 21:39 < Condoulo> from my understanding 21:39 < etank> for now at least :) 21:40 < etank> mngrif: we have been discussing the upcoming Release Party 21:40 < etank> and also the news that KY Trade is looking to sell ubuntu pre-installed 21:41 < mngrif> I figure as much. 21:42 < etank> bkingx: am i missing anything so far? 21:42 < mngrif> personally i've never had anything good from KY Trade, but if it's good for linux.... besides, isn't the only problem with them selling linux preinstalled to be had between them and M$? 21:42 < bkingx> That's about it. 21:43 < etank> mngrif: the idea is that they can doo the dell thing and sell the canonical support package too 21:44 < etank> the idea for us would be that if it were to sell then we could get more members 21:44 < swalter> my battery light is blinking 21:44 < bkingx> mngrif: playing devil's advocate earlier, I was mentioning the same thing. 21:45 < awalton__> more members for us, better support for them. 21:45 < etank> swalter: plug it in plug it in 21:45 < awalton__> I think it's a win/win relationship. 21:45 < bkingx> etank: was that a Glade Commercial? 21:45 < swalter> no charger! 21:45 < Condoulo> yup. :) As long as we don't include the dows behind the win. 21:45 < etank> more members measn that maybe we can actually get more than 5 or so at a meeting 21:45 < swalter> left it at work 21:45 < etank> swalter: not good 21:45 < bkingx> mngrif: we also hope to gain monetary support and sponsorship as well. 21:46 < etank> the real hopes are to get a linux fest running here 21:46 < etank> a big one 21:46 < etank> that pulls people from other states to come to it 21:46 < bkingx> etank: I think that is YOUR pipe dream! LOL 21:47 < mngrif> I seriously doubt they will donate anything aside from *maybe* space. they do charge $20 for a case fan yaknow... 21:47 < awalton__> well this is a UNIX, and we are on the internet. 21:47 < awalton__> pipes x 2. 21:47 < bkingx> mngrif: You are new blood....what are your thoughts / expectations / goals, etc? 21:48 awalton__ fails at series of tubes, must be really tired. 21:48 < mngrif> lol, I've been with ky ubuntu for a long while, just always out of town when something happens 21:48 < bkingx> LOL...well there you go!! 21:48 < bkingx> Glad you made it tonight. 21:49 < mngrif> the goal of any LUG is to support it's members. right? 21:49 < etank> yup 21:49 < bkingx> Yuppers! 21:49 < Condoulo> Yuo 21:49 < Condoulo> *yup 21:49 < bkingx> And with merging with LPLUG, I think we are on the way to a good solid core / foundation to build from. 21:50 < mngrif> so, is that happening, and how can it be done better? 21:50 < mngrif> (sorry guys, I'm on my palm and sprint's lag makes snipers cry) 21:51 < bkingx> It is. We are running into a few roadblocks, but we should have a new website up soon. 21:52 < mngrif> < sysamin 21:52 < etank> yup 21:53 < mngrif> LPLUG = Louisville peoples? 21:53 < bkingx> Lexington Professional LUG 21:54 < etank> they are merging with BGLUG 21:54 < etank> BlueGrass LUG 21:54 bkingx nods 21:55 < mngrif> so still lexington-area? ($3/gal is a lot when you're already picking between 750GB and decent food) 21:56 < etank> Lexington is the venter 21:56 < etank> s/venter/center/ 21:57 < mngrif> depends on the market. distance plays heavily into any suggestions from this youngblood :P 21:57 < JarG0n> .. 21:57 < bkingx> ^^^^^^ Man of many words 21:59 < mngrif> a merger might not be in order since there will be power struggles. 'associations' and just making the mailing lists and forums known is what will really matter. the goal is to support, after all. 21:59 < etank> mngrif: we already had meetings about it 21:59 < etank> both teams are in agreement 21:59 < mngrif> and the consensus? 21:59 < bkingx> right...we hashed out the diffs and found out we are both on the same page. 22:00 < mngrif> rock on! 22:00 < jkeyes0> no real power struggle. no one wants to lead entirely, so it became sort of a committee. 22:00 < bkingx> While the focus of LPLUG has been more for the business users, BGLUG has become mostly hobby. 22:00 < JarG0n> sorry I missed it guys 22:01 < bkingx> So the merger of the two will build a big support group for Central KY 22:01 < bkingx> And cover many aspects. 22:01 < bkingx> We'll have MythTV guys and some to help build Spam Blockers. 22:02 < bkingx> It will be a good crosscut of a lot of things. 22:03 < bkingx> And our plans are to have monthly lunch meetings that can focus on the business needs. 22:03 < swalter!n=swalter@CPE-76-177-32-143.natcky.res.rr.com [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 22:04 < etank> if we can ever get it going 22:05 < bkingx> lol...it will. 22:05 < bkingx> We will start seeing progress on the front line in the next few weeks. 22:06 < etank> i sure hope so 22:09 < bkingx> That's all I have for tonight. Anyone else? 22:10 < jkeyes0> I'd just like to mention that I hate windows vista again (I had a moment of weakness, but microsoft officially killed it for me) 22:11 < bkingx> AMEN!!!!! 22:13 < etank> nope im done
KentuckyTeam/Meetings/2008Mar27 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:21:39 by localhost)