
Kubuntu KDE Meetings at LinuxTag Saturday 6th May 2006

  • 10:30 welcome and opening talk from Mark (20 minutes)

  • status of the project update from Jonathan (10 minutes)
  • dapper status from a contributor (raphink, tonio) (10 minutes)
  • dapper artwork status from Kenneth (10 minutes)
  • Feedback from KDE developers (10 minutes)
  • 11:30 brainstorm (breakout sessions?) for artwork, documentation, developer relations, QA, marketing (30 mins)

  • report back from breakouts (30 mins)
  • 12:30 kubuntu leadership & governance (30 mins)

  • Kubuntu Loco Teams and kubuntu.de (20 mins)
  • general discussion [KDE use of Launchpad, ...] (10 mins)
  • Finish by 13:30 for Mark's keynote

People: Mark Shuttleworth (Ubuntu), Jonathan Riddell (Kubuntu), Sebastian Kuegler (KDE Marketing), Eva Brucherseifer (KDE e.V. president), Scott Wheeler (KDE Multimedia), Daniel Molkentin (KDE PIM), Kenneth Wimer (KDE/Kubuntu Art), Raphael Pinson (Kubuntu), Thomas Zander (KOffice), Achim Bohnet (Kubuntu/Debian), Anthony Mercatante (Kubuntu), any other KDE or Kubuntu contributor...

KubuntuLinuxTagMeetings (last edited 2008-08-06 16:39:40 by localhost)