
Patrice Vetsel


IconsPage/IconNotes.png Patrice Vetsel


IconsPage/PicIRC.png kagou (freenode)







GPG Key:

IconsPage/kgpg.png 0x15C094DB


  • IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png In 2004 sébastien Bacher invited me as an Ubuntu (no-name-yet) beta tester (thanks to Lionel Dricot aka Ploum)

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png I've created the first French forum (on for Ubuntu, and close it later when ubuntu-fr was launched.

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png I've been moderator on the French Ubuntu Forums (joined in December 2004). Do not have enough time to continue this.

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png Inscription on ubuntu wiki : July 17, 2005 (launchpad December, 2005)

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png I'm in the planet-fr admin team

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png I wrote an article for linux+ dvd : presentation of UbuntuStudio (october 2007)

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png I've done some french translations in Rosetta

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png I'm doing bugs reporting and triaging in Launchpad

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png I wrote many tutorials/news (all in French) on my blog, and on the french planet

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png I've made contributions on the French wiki (creations/corrections)

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png I've updated/upgraded some ubuntu packages (dcraw/blender/hugin)

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png I'm trying to improve printing and photo under Ubuntu (member of printing/photo team)

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png I'm under IRC and forums trying to help people

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png I'm active tester of daily iso

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png I'm an Ubuntu member (CommunityCouncilAgenda October 9, 2007)

    IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png Writing articles on Gutsy (a dozen) for "Linux Pratique" Gutsy special edition (french magazine, November 16, 2007)

  • IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png Writing 9 articles on Hardy for "Linux Pratique" Hardy special edition (french magazine, May 23, 2008)



The future


  • Become a motu will be great. But i'm still not ready for this Smile :)

  • Improve s-c-p gui
  • Package/or upgrade all missing photos softwares



  • French translations of shorewall documentations 1 2 3



MartinPitt: I have known Patrice for a long time already. He has done great work with printing bug triage, helped to debug a few issues (cups and gnome printing stuff), and a lot of other small things. I welcome him to become an Ubuntu member. In fact I am quite surprised that he is not yet. Smile :-)

DanielHolbach: As part of the DesktopTeam and the BugSquad I saw Patrice doing a lot of work and am quite glad that he's been around for such a long time. I hope that he'll become a MOTU soon and can help out the MOTU/Teams/Photo.

JeremieCorbier: Patrice has been around for a long time and I am quite surprised he is not a member yet. He has done a lot of triaging and helping with bugs and it has always been a pleasure working with him.

YannHamon: As an Ubuntu-fr admin, I have seen Patrice around and active for a long time. His engagement in the Ubuntu-fr team increased a few months ago when he became planet admin. I support his membership as I think he is a longterm and reliable contributor.

TillKamppeter: I work on the printing infrastructure on Ubuntu and I am leading the OpenPrinting project at the Linux Foundation. Patrice helped me a lot by reporting important bugs on printing with Ubuntu and in contrary to many other bug reporters he supplied me quickly all information I needed, so that I could fix all bugs reported by him. I appreciate very much if he will be made a Ubuntu member and a MOTU, as I use also a lot of photo software on Ubuntu.

LionelDricot : Kagou was a very early Ubuntu user and was involved in the FR community since the beginning. I switched from Windows to Debian thanks to his forum and he never really stopped to help other people since then. He does a great job of vulgarisation and help on his blog and in the FR community.


VetselPatrice (last edited 2008-10-05 06:13:33 by 137)