Meeting information
#ubuntu-meeting: July 2014 Regular Meeting -- LoCo Council, 15 Jul at 20:00 — 20:51 UTC
Full logs at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-07-15-20.00.log.html
Meeting summary
Taking Attendance
The discussion about "Taking Attendance" started at 20:01.
- Stephen Michael Kellat present
- Bhavani Shankar could not be present for this meeting but has cast votes in the case management bugs for both the Florida and Germany cases which will be announced later
- Marco Costales present
- Pablo Rubianes present
Special Situations -- Tabling A Resolution
The discussion about "Special Situations -- Tabling A Resolution" started at 20:05.
- Jose Rey present
Open Cases For Disposition
The discussion about "Open Cases For Disposition" started at 20:06.
Florida (20:06)
Vote: That the Florida LoCo be verified for two years from today's date (Carried)
- If councilor Shankar had been present for this meeting, his vote would have been +1 relative to Florida
Germany (20:29)
Vote: That the German LoCo be verified for two years from today's date (Carried)
- If councilor Shankar had been present for this meeting, his vote would have been +1 relative to Germany
Consideration of Resolution
The discussion about "Consideration of Resolution" started at 20:49.
- Consideration of resolution deferred to mailing list
Any Other Business
The discussion about "Any Other Business" started at 20:50.
The next regular meeting of LoCo Council is scheduled for 2000 UTC on August 19, 2014. If there are issues to be brought to our attention before then please contact us via e-mail at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com to make us aware.
Vote results
- Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 4/0/0)
Voters jose, PabloRubianes, skellat, costales
- Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 4/0/0)
- Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 4/0/0)
Voters jose, PabloRubianes, skellat, costales
- Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 4/0/0)
Done items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- skellat (72)
- toddy (47)
- jose (32)
- mhall119 (30)
- meetingology (23)
- costales (15)
PabloRubianes (12)
- itnet7 (10)
- MichelleQ (7)
- balloons (5)
Full Log
20:00 <skellat> #startmeeting July 2014 Regular Meeting -- LoCo Council
20:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jul 15 20:00:07 2014 UTC. The chair is skellat. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
20:00 <meetingology>
20:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
20:00 <skellat> Welcome to the July 2014 regular meeting of LoCo Council. My name is Stephen Michael Kellat and I will be chairing this meeting.
20:00 <skellat> Before we proceed I ask that members of the Council indicate their attendance. Members should indicate their presence during the next topic by putting forward "#info" items.
20:00 <mhall119> o/
20:01 <skellat> #topic Taking Attendance
20:01 <skellat> #info Stephen Michael Kellat present
20:01 <skellat> #info Bhavani Shankar could not be present for this meeting but has cast votes in the case management bugs for both the Florida and Germany cases which will be announced later
20:01 <costales> Hi skellat! Thanks
20:01 <skellat> #info Marco Costales present
20:01 <costales> |o/
20:02 <skellat> We need four members present for there to be a quorum to proceed. I had a separate notice that jose will be joining us shortly and PabloRubianes may be able to attend as well.
20:03 <PabloRubianes> here o/
20:03 <skellat> #info Pablo Rubianes present
20:04 <skellat> Since we already have Bhavani's votes, we can proceed with three in hopes that Jose will be joining us shortly.
20:04 <skellat> #voters PabloRubianes costales skellat
20:04 <meetingology> Current voters: PabloRubianes costales skellat
20:05 <skellat> #topic Special Situations -- Tabling A Resolution
20:05 <skellat> The following resolution is laid on table for further consideration:
20:05 <skellat> 1. That the actions taken in the IRC meeting with respect to the Catalan team on June 17th earlier this year be vacated.
20:05 <skellat> 2. That the prior "country rule" be dropped effective immediately.
20:05 <skellat> 3. That the following rule about territory be adopted instead: "Local communities reflect the active life of participants in the development and use of Ubuntu as well as its many flavors. An active community life shows that that community continues to exist and thrive. While it is preferred to not have teams overlap in terms of geography, part of an active community life requires working together to resolve such. The LoCo Council shall p
20:05 <skellat> 4. That the Catalan team be verified for two years effective from July 15, 2014.
20:05 <skellat> 5. That the LoCo Council review the Quebec team independently, write to them of its findings as to whether or not it meets verification guidelines while also suggesting corrective actions as well as ways to grow membership, ask the team if it wishes to stand as part of ~locoteams-verified, and if the team indicates that they wish to do so they be verified without further vote.
20:05 <skellat> 6. That the LoCo Council recommend as part of any renewal/reconstruction/revision of the LoCo Portal that specific attention be given to teams nested within other teams so that they are accurately reflected as part of all our communities across the planet.
20:05 <jose> hello everyone, sorry for being late
20:05 <mhall119> hey jose
20:05 <skellat> #info Jose Rey present
20:06 <costales> Hi jose!
20:06 <skellat> The resolution shall lay on the table until later in this meeting for further disposition.
20:06 <skellat> #topic Open Cases For Disposition
20:06 <skellat> #subtopic Florida
20:06 <skellat> And who is present to speak for Florida?
20:07 <mhall119> I am
20:07 <jose> just one thing - can we take it a little bit more like a... regular meeting? I feel it's too procedural
20:07 <MichelleQ> I'm here as well
20:07 <skellat> jose: For the moment we'll stick to procedural niceties and gradually loosen up
20:08 <PabloRubianes> welcome Florida team
20:08 <costales> Hi mhall119 & MichelleQ
20:08 <skellat> Welcome to the representatives from Florida. Please tell us a bit about your community, your application, and then be ready for questions members of the Council may put forward.
20:09 <mhall119> so years ago we were a very active and approved team, but life got in the way for many of the driving members and we became dormant for a while
20:09 <mhall119> in December we had a reboot meeting to revive the team, we've since elected a council to lead it, had regular IRC meetings and a number of meetups
20:10 <mhall119> with >6 months of renewed activity, we decided it was time to seek verified status again
20:10 <mhall119> we've documented our application in the wiki as requested: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/VerificationApplication2014
20:11 <skellat> Okay
20:11 <skellat> Are there questions from Council members for mhall119 & MichelleQ?
20:11 <mhall119> I would also add that we will be organizing UbuCon at FOSSETCON this september as well
20:12 <skellat> Could you please tell us a little more about FOSSETCON and the LoCo's participation in that event?
20:12 <PabloRubianes> having a reboot could be hard, how is that doing?
20:12 <mhall119> FOSSETCON is a new pan-FOSS community conference, it's being organized by some of hte people who ran Florida Linux Show years ago
20:12 <MichelleQ> At the moment I'm working with Bryan on PR and social media outreach for Fossetcon, and we're working as a team to host Ubucon.
20:13 <mhall119> the organizer (Bryan) has asked our loco team to run UbuCon sessions during the first day of the event, and to help with other aspects of organizing and promoting
20:13 <MichelleQ> PabloRubianes, we're doing reasonably well, I think. We've had several meet-ups and get togethers with reasonable success.
20:13 <mhall119> PabloRubianes: thankfully our reboot wasn't caused by anything contentious, just people not having the time they used to, and we lost several key people to other states
20:14 <PabloRubianes> mhall119: many other locos are having time issues
20:14 <skellat> We've been seeing that happen across the USA
20:14 <mhall119> PabloRubianes: I know, something I'd like to talk to the LC about separate from this
20:14 <PabloRubianes> is nice that the team could move forward
20:14 <jose> I see that you have been using the LTP for events and even for blog posts, would you have any recommendations for improving the LTP? (having in mind that Michael is an LTP dev)
20:15 <costales> I really like your work in these last months
Good start!
20:15 <mhall119> jose: aside from bribing daker, we generally need to recruit more web-devs around those projects
20:15 <jose> hehe, daker's been doing an awesome work
20:15 <skellat> Any ballpark figure as to the number of Ubuntu Member persons in Florida?
20:16 <mhall119> he has, across a number of projects
20:16 <PabloRubianes> mhall119: I was looking to join the LTP devs
20:16 <mhall119> skellat: hmmm, at least half a dozen I would assume
20:16 <mhall119> some people left the state but still consider themselves part of the team, like crashsystems and dan trevino
20:16 <MichelleQ> At least a half dozen, possibly closer to a dozen
20:16 <skellat> Any aspiring candidates for Member status in the future?
20:17 <mhall119> govatent if he's not already, should definitely apply
20:17 <mhall119> we're getting more people from south florida involved lately that I think could soon be candidates for membership
20:18 <skellat> Mentoring and encouraging folks within the LoCo to seek Member status is something we always encourage 20:18 * balloons saunters in
20:18 <itnet7> Sorry I'm running behind time wise, hello everyone!
20:18 <mhall119> skellat: agreed, we can start being more pro-active in that
20:18 <mhall119> welcome balloons and itnet7
20:18 <skellat> Ubuntu Member persons are often the kernels of activity throughout our communities
20:18 <jose> hey itnet7, long time no see
20:18 <costales> Hi itnet7
20:19 <MichelleQ> Hi balloons , itnet7
20:19 <itnet7>
hey there jose costales
20:19 <balloons> hi everyone
20:19 <costales> hi balloons !
20:19 <mhall119> skellat: I think we have more Ubuntu Members in the state that haven't been active on the team, so maybe our first focus should be to contact them
20:19 <itnet7> +1 mhall119
20:20 <skellat> mhall119: Sounds like a good plan
20:20 <itnet7> We can also encourage some of the active members that haven't applied for membership to do so... (sorry if this is repeated
20:20 <skellat> Now, MichelleQ & mhall119...is there anything specific LoCo Council can assist the Florida community with at this time?
20:21 <MichelleQ> nothing that I can think of off the top of my head at the moment... we're excited to breathe some life back into the team
20:21 <mhall119> skellat: nothing other than more global promotion of loco teams
20:21 <skellat> Okay
20:22 <skellat> Is there any further discussion of this application at this time or are we ready to go to a vote?
20:22 <jose> it's go time
20:22 <itnet7> I do have a google doc that outlines some of the activity that I didn't 20:22 * mhall119 has nothing further
20:22 <itnet7> get a chance to put on the wiki
20:22 <jose> oh, it'd be handy to have those
20:22 <skellat> #voters jose costales PabloRubianes skellat
20:22 <meetingology> Current voters: PabloRubianes costales jose skellat
20:22 <mhall119> itnet7: post the link
20:23 <itnet7> Ubuntu Events at Planet Linux Caffe - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YnWNwqWRNcaVgMh7zT8uu8hljjdNItD1HTrw7JEnI2g/edit?usp=sharing
20:23 <skellat> Are we ready for the question to vote on?
20:23 <PabloRubianes> yes
20:24 <skellat> #vote That the Florida LoCo be verified for two years from today's date
20:24 <meetingology> Please vote on: That the Florida LoCo be verified for two years from today's date
20:24 <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)
20:24 <skellat> +1
20:24 <meetingology> +1 received from skellat
20:24 <mhall119> skellat: can we take a moment so everybody can look at itnet7's doc?
20:24 <PabloRubianes> +1 keep the nice work up
20:24 <meetingology> +1 keep the nice work up received from PabloRubianes
20:24 <costales> +1 from my side!
20:24 <meetingology> +1 from my side! received from costales
20:24 <jose> I'm checking at the doc now
20:25 <jose> looks like the team has been keeping up with events! awesome!
20:25 <jose> +1
20:25 <meetingology> +1 received from jose
20:25 <skellat> #endvote
20:25 <meetingology> Voting ended on: That the Florida LoCo be verified for two years from today's date
20:25 <meetingology> Votes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0
20:25 <meetingology> Motion carried
20:25 <skellat> #info If councilor Shankar had been present for this meeting, his vote would have been +1 relative to Florida
20:25 <costales> Thanks a lot team, you did a really hard work with the reboot and I wish the best for you!
20:25 <mhall119> \o/ thank you everyone!
20:25 <skellat> Thank you representatives from Florida
20:25 <itnet7> Thank you!!!
20:25 <MichelleQ> Thanks everyone!
20:26 <PabloRubianes> congrats Florida Team
20:26 <balloons> woot
20:26 <costales> Cheers! 20:26 * jose gives balloons to everyone
20:26 <mhall119> no, we need him here 20:26 * skellat wonders if that is a human trafficking charge for jose :-D
20:26 <balloons> lol..
20:27 <balloons> I prefer that to being popped
20:27 <jose> no balloons then
20:27 <mhall119> we prefer cookies in the Florida team
20:27 <itnet7>
20:27 <itnet7> You'd make govatent proud mhall119 !
20:27 <mhall119> I know
20:28 <skellat> Again, thank you to the Florida team. I'm going to ping toddy at this moment as Germany is next on the agenda today and I want to make sure Torsten is ready to proceed. 20:28 * mhall119 wonders if Germany has recovered from post-cup celebrations yet
20:28 <toddy> Hi from Germany (from near Hamburg). I wish all a nice evening.
20:28 <toddy> hi skellat
20:28 <skellat> toddy: Are you ready to proceed with the German LoCo application?
20:29 <jose> hey toddy!
20:29 <toddy> hi jose
20:29 <PabloRubianes> hello toddy
20:29 <toddy> yes, skellat
20:29 <toddy> hello PabloRubianes
20:29 <skellat> #subtopic Germany
20:29 <costales> Hi toddy
20:29 <toddy> Hi costales
20:30 <skellat> Welcome to Torsten Franz from the German LoCo. If you could please take a few moments to speak to your community's application, tell us a bit about what is happening in your community, and then prepare for questions from Council members.
20:30 <toddy> Our application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GermanTeam/VerificationApplication2014
20:30 <toddy> Our LoCo works fine and the most time.
20:30 <toddy> We have many projects. The biggest is the portal ubuntuusers.de.
20:31 <toddy> There we have an own forum and a wiki which is a documentation of Ubuntu and his programs.
20:31 <toddy> Many users from other distributions use this wiki, too.
20:31 <toddy> Another project is the booth team.
20:31 <toddy> We were on many linux events with a booth and get in talk to other which using Ubuntu.
20:31 <toddy> In October we will make a Ubucon with round about 200 visitors.
20:32 <toddy> The first time in a village and not a city.
20:32 <jose> I heard this one had Ubuntu for Cats?
20:32 <jose> s/had/will have/
20:32 <toddy> Yes, jose
20:33 <toddy> we work with a mobil tablet manufactur
20:33 <toddy> together
20:33 <costales> You're working a lot with others LUGs
20:33 <toddy> We want present Ubuntu for Touch on this tablets
20:34 <toddy> yes, that is correct, costales – the most with the Switzerland
20:34 <toddy> And with other LUGs with arch users
20:35 <toddy> A lot of formaly ubuntu users are now arch users
20:35 <costales> Nice
20:36 <toddy> and we work together.
20:36 <skellat> A switch from Ubuntu mainline to Arch in lieu of one of the flavors? Any particular reason for that sort of change?
20:36 <toddy> That are most the very technicals. Ubuntu is too boring for them.
20:36 <toddy> It is too stabil.
20:37 <jose> well, I would find that being stable is something good
20:37 <jose> they're personal opinions though
20:37 <skellat> Those are folks who might do great pushing things like Xfce or even Phone forward
20:37 <toddy> But they say to there friends, which are more maintream: take ubuntu not arch
20:38 <skellat> Cool
20:38 <toddy> I like stabil
20:38 <toddy> We have supporters in our forum which support ubuntu but use the most time arch
20:39 <skellat> Do you have a rough estimate as to the number of Ubuntu Member persons in Germany at this point?
20:39 <toddy> Ubuntu is more than a distribution. It is a feeling and a life style.
20:39 <toddy> moment, I think I have a link.
20:39 <toddy> http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/LocoTeam/UbuntuMember
20:40 <toddy> I don't know if there are all.
20:40 <jose> wow, that's a good list
20:41 <toddy> I think there could be one or two miss in the list.
20:41 <toddy> But I don't know.
20:41 <skellat> Okay
20:42 <jose> at the moment I see that the team in LP is not following the naming standards, but I would understand this is because of a person with the LP ID of ~ubuntu-de, we could proceed and help you regain the name later on
20:42 <toddy> we use ubuntu-de for irc and for all other.
20:42 <toddy> what is the standard?
20:43 <jose> the Launchpad team would have to be ~ubuntu-de, but you can not change it
20:43 <jose> a person has taken that ID so we need to follow a procedure in order for you to claim it
20:43 <toddy> ah
20:43 <jose> it's currently ~ubuntu-de-locoteam
20:43 <toddy> correct
20:43 <toddy> I see
20:43 <toddy> I haven't notice this.
20:43 <jose> it's fine
20:44 <skellat> There is also an exception if disproportionate cost involved in making the change such as if you have a large amount of print collateral and/or other promotional material that might have to be updated
20:44 <toddy> No. That would be good to change it.
20:44 <skellat> Okay
20:44 <jose> cool, we can follow up on that later today
20:44 <toddy> We make materials most with ubuntuusers.de
20:45 <jose> awesome
20:45 <skellat> Is there any further discussion or are we ready to go for a vote?
20:45 <toddy> thanks
20:46 <jose> I'm ready to go
20:46 <skellat> #vote That the German LoCo be verified for two years from today's date
20:46 <meetingology> Please vote on: That the German LoCo be verified for two years from today's date
20:46 <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)
20:46 <skellat> +1
20:46 <meetingology> +1 received from skellat
20:46 <costales> +1
20:46 <meetingology> +1 received from costales
20:46 <jose> +1
20:46 <meetingology> +1 received from jose
20:46 <PabloRubianes> +1
20:46 <meetingology> +1 received from PabloRubianes
20:47 <skellat> #endvote
20:47 <meetingology> Voting ended on: That the German LoCo be verified for two years from today's date
20:47 <meetingology> Votes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0
20:47 <meetingology> Motion carried
20:47 <skellat> #info If councilor Shankar had been present for this meeting, his vote would have been +1 relative to Germany
20:47 <toddy> Thanks everybody.
20:47 <costales> Thanks a lot team!! You're doing an amazing work
Please, keep it!
Congrats!!! Cheers!
20:47 <jose> congratulations, toddy, and keep up the good work
20:47 <toddy> Thanks
20:48 <jose> I'll follow up with you in order to check the team naming thig
20:48 <jose> thing*
20:48 <toddy> thanks jose
20:49 <PabloRubianes> congrats toddy
20:49 <toddy> thanks
20:49 <skellat> #topic Consideration of Resolution
20:49 <skellat> Is it the pleasure of the LoCo Council to consider the resolution put forward earlier?
20:49 <jose> -1 on my side
20:50 <skellat> Okay
20:50 <jose> I have already stated my thoughts on that on the ML
20:50 <skellat> We'll defer that to the mailing list
20:50 <skellat> #info Consideration of resolution deferred to mailing list
20:50 <skellat> #topic Any Other Business
20:50 <skellat> Is there any further business to be brought before the LoCo Council at this time?
20:51 <skellat> #info The next regular meeting of LoCo Council is scheduled for 2000 UTC on August 19, 2014. If there are issues to be brought to our attention before then please contact us via e-mail at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com to make us aware.
20:51 <skellat> And we stand adjourned
20:51 <skellat> #endmeeting
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LoCoCouncil/Minutes/20140715 (last edited 2014-07-15 20:57:57 by skellat)