Meeting information

Meeting summary

Opening Business

The discussion about "Opening Business" started at 20:00.

Re-Verification: France

The discussion about "Re-Verification: France" started at 20:03.

Update on open cases before the LoCo Council

The discussion about "Update on open cases before the LoCo Council" started at 20:19.

The loco-contacts thread "Our teams reject the new LoCo Council policy"

The discussion about "The loco-contacts thread "Our teams reject the new LoCo Council policy"" started at 20:20.

Requests from the Galician and Asturian teams

The discussion about "Requests from the Galician and Asturian teams" started at 20:59.

Any Other Business

The discussion about "Any Other Business" started at 21:13.

Vote results

Done items

People present (lines said)

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LoCoCouncil/Minutes/20141021 (last edited 2014-10-21 21:41:17 by skellat)