
Differences between revisions 2 and 19 (spanning 17 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2009-11-12 22:30:29
Size: 2804
Editor: 72-254-192-38
Revision 19 as of 2009-12-01 05:22:21
Size: 30622
Editor: dsl-173-206-1-210
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * '''Contributors''':  * '''Contributors''':  MathiasGug
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This should provide an overview of the issue/functionality/change proposed here. Focus here on what will actually be DONE, summarising that so that other people don't have to read the whole spec. See also CategorySpec for examples. ## This should provide an overview of the issue/functionality/change proposed here. Focus here on what will actually be DONE, summarising that so that other people don't have to read the whole spec. See also CategorySpec for examples.

Perform a critical review of the current packages in main related to the Ubuntu Server product in view of Lucid being an LTS release. A complete list of packages to be added to main as well as removed from main can be found in the [[#Design|Design section]].
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This section should include a paragraph describing the end-user impact of this change. It is meant to be included in the release notes of the first release in which it is implemented. (Not all of these will actually be included in the release notes, at the release manager's discretion; but writing them is a useful exercise.)

It is mandatory.
## This section should include a paragraph describing the end-user impact of this change. It is meant to be included in the release notes of the first release in which it is implemented. (Not all of these will actually be included in the release notes, at the release manager's discretion; but writing them is a useful exercise.)

## It is mandatory.

Provide an overview of some important packages that have been promoted to main for Lucid.
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This should cover the _why_: why is this change being proposed, what justifies it, where we see this justified. ## This should cover the _why_: why is this change being proposed, what justifies it, where we see this justified.

Since Lucid is LTS, a critical review of the current contents of the server CD is necessary, both to free some space on the CD and to reduce the number of packages we'll be maintaining for 5 years. Some packages are not necessary and might be abandoned. Some packages are brought up in main by recommends while they should just be suggested. Some very useful packages are missing and should be added.
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== Assumptions ==  * James, an IS manager, wants to ensure that his production infrastructure relies only on fully supported and maintained software. He checks that all of the installed packages come from the Ubuntu "main" repository, and sleeps soundly at night.
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You can have subsections that better describe specific parts of the issue. ## You can have subsections that better describe specific parts of the issue.

=== Packages to be demoted to universe ===

Universe demotion proposals should be added to the [[#proposed-universe-demotions|Proposed universe demotions list]] and discussion should take place [[#proposed-universe-demotions|there]].

List of package that should be demoted to universe for Lucid with an (optional) reason:
## Please use the Universe demotion proposal section further down the document for discussion
 * nis
 * elinks
 * lm-sensors
 * sensord
 * cricket
 * radvd
 * logwatch:
   * logcheck provides the same functionality
 * vlock
 * lilo
 * libxp6

=== Packages to be promoted to main ===

Main promotion proposals should be added to the [[#proposed-main-promotions|Proposed main promotions list]] and discussion should take place [[#proposed-main-promotions|there]].

List of package that should be promoted to main for Lucid with an (optional) reason:
## Please use the Main promotion proposal section further down the document for discussion
 * oidentd
 * tdb-tools:
   * samba cluster
 * ctdb:
   * samba cluster
 * acl
 * zip:
   * default (server) install
 * unzip:
   * default (server) install

=== Recommends downgraded to Suggests ===

Abusive recommends that should be downgraded to Suggests, as it brings a lot of packages into main as well:

=== Misc ===
 * supported-misc-servers needs reorg/comments/etc. for readability/documentation

=== Autofs 5 upgrade ===

RHEL has been shipping autofs5 since RHEL 4 (at least).
Line 32: Line 87:
This section should describe a plan of action (the "how") to implement the changes discussed. Could include subsections like:

=== UI Changes ===

Should cover changes required to the UI, or specific UI that is required to implement this

=== Code Changes ===

Code changes should include an overview of what needs to change, and in some cases even the specific details.

=== Migration ===

 * data migration, if any
 * redirects from old URLs to new ones, if any
 * how users will be pointed to the new way of doing things, if necessary.

== Test/Demo Plan ==

It's important that we are able to test new features, and demonstrate them to users. Use this section to describe a short plan that anybody can follow that demonstrates the feature is working. This can then be used during testing, and to show off after release. Please add an entry to for tracking test coverage.

This need not be added or completed until the specification is nearing beta.
## This section should describe a plan of action (the "how") to implement the changes discussed. Could include subsections like:

See the work items in the [[UbuntuSpec:server-lucid-seeds|blueprint]].

=== Timeline ===

 1. Call for package proposal to be added to main and demoted to universe (ubuntu-server@, blog): Week 0
 1. Request for discussion on package lists (ubuntu-devel@, ubuntu-server@, blog): Week 1
 1. Final review of package lists: Week 3
 1. Write MIR and file demotion bugs: Week 4+
Line 57: Line 100:
This should highlight any issues that should be addressed in further specifications, and not problems with the specification itself; since any specification with problems cannot be approved. ## This should highlight any issues that should be addressed in further specifications, and not problems with the specification itself; since any specification with problems cannot be approved.

Line 60: Line 104:

=== Proposed universe demotions ===

 * redhat-cluster-suite:
   * not properly maintained
   * Recommend removal, modulo objections from enterprise customers:
     * enterprise customer objecting
   * See ClusterStack blueprint.
 * virt-manager:
   * I'd like to request that virt-manager be dropped from Main to Universe. It ships on the DVD, but not the other installable media. Most all virt-manager users have to apt-get install it post installation anyway. From a maintainability standpoint, no core-developer is really looking after the package. It falls outside of the scope of the Server team, since it's a GUI/desktop package, but no one from the Desktop team is looking after it either. The interface is years and years behind the interface of VirtualBox. And the bug backlog is huge. I suggest that virt-manager be dropped from the Main seeds, to Universe, for Lucid. -- DustinKirkland
 * backuppc:
   * jmdault says almost all his customers use backuppc at the moment
   * Yann: our company is also using backuppc. In favour of what other tool is it being demoted for?
 * racoon:
   * Should we support an IPSEC based VPN solution in main?
   * isakmpd is the only(?) other ISPec daemon, and is in universe.
 * ipsec-tools:
   * the security team would not mind not needing to update ipsec-tools any more.
 * minicom:
   * cu is tiny and trivial to support, but doesn't support error correction
 * openssh-blacklist, openssl-blacklist:
   * needs further consideration by cjwatson
 * analog:
   * awstats is also in main - upstream much more active.

=== Rejected universe demotions ===

List of packages that have been considered to be demoted to universe. However after discussion it was decided to keep these in main. Include the reason why the package is kept in main when a package is added to this list:

 * quagga:
   * still maintained, needed for BGP
 * siege:
   * ivoks: i'd like to keep this one cause it's only usable http benchmarking tool

=== Proposed main promotions ===

 * apache-openid:
   * does this mean libapache2-mod-auth-openid? - ask IS.
 * Update autofs4 to autofs5:
   * autofs5 description says it is "experimental" - need to confirm this
 * pacemaker:
   * See ClusterStack blueprint:
   * Debian Maintainer wants to coordinate this cluster stack that they are shipping in squeeze with our LTS.

=== Rejected main promotions ===
List of packages that have been considered to be promoted to main. However after discussion it was decided to keep these in universe. Include the reason why the package is kept in universe when a package is added to this list:

 * wordpress:
   * security team is against it.

=== Proposed Recommends downgrades ===

List of Recommends that have been considered to be dropped to Suggests in order to not be pulled in main:

==== List of Recommended packages on the -server isos ====
$ wget
$ grep -i recommends server-ship | cut -d\| -f 1-3
Package | Source | Why
aspell-en | aspell-en | libaspell15 (Recommends)
bzrtools | bzrtools | bzr (Recommends)
cracklib-runtime | cracklib2 | libcrack2 (Recommends)
dctrl-tools | dctrl-tools | devscripts (Recommends)
debconf-utils | debconf | drbd8-source (Recommends)
dput | dput | devscripts (Recommends)
erlang-crypto | erlang | erlang-base (Recommends)
erlang-syntax-tools | erlang | erlang-base (Recommends)
gcc | gcc-defaults | libc6-dev (Recommends)
kernel-package | kernel-package | drbd8-source (Recommends)
libapache2-reload-perl | libapache2-reload-perl | libapache2-mod-perl2 (Recommends)
libaugeas-ruby1.8 | libaugeas-ruby | puppet (Recommends)
libauthen-sasl-perl | libauthen-sasl-perl | devscripts (Recommends)
libbsd-resource-perl | libbsd-resource-perl | libapache2-mod-perl2 (Recommends)
libcompress-raw-zlib-perl | libcompress-raw-zlib-perl | amavisd-new (Recommends)
libdate-manip-perl | libdate-manip-perl | munin (Recommends)
libfile-rsyncp-perl | libfile-rsyncp-perl | backuppc (Recommends)
libio-socket-inet6-perl | libio-socket-inet6-perl | spamassassin (Recommends)
libmail-sendmail-perl | libmail-sendmail-perl | po-debconf (Recommends)
libmail-spf-perl | mail-spf-perl | spamassassin (Recommends)
libnet-xwhois-perl | libnet-xwhois-perl | awstats (Recommends)
libparse-debcontrol-perl | libparse-debcontrol-perl | devscripts (Recommends)
libpod-coverage-perl | libpod-coverage-perl | libparse-debcontrol-perl (Recommends)
libsctp1 | lksctp-tools | erlang-base (Recommends)
libterm-size-perl | libterm-size-perl | devscripts (Recommends)
libtest-pod-perl | libtest-pod-perl | libparse-debcontrol-perl (Recommends)
libtie-ixhash-perl | libtie-ixhash-perl | libparse-debcontrol-perl (Recommends)
lintian | lintian | devscripts (Recommends)
lksctp-tools | lksctp-tools | libsctp1 (Recommends)
nagios-images | nagios-images | nagios3-cgi (Recommends)
nagios-plugins | nagios-plugins | nagios3-common (Recommends)
openssh-blacklist | openssh-blacklist | openssh-blacklist-extra (Recommends)
patchutils | patchutils | devscripts (Recommends)
python-gst0.10 | gst0.10-python | checkbox (Recommends)
python-paramiko | paramiko | bzr (Recommends)
rdoc | ruby-defaults | puppet (Recommends)
re2c | re2c | spamassassin (Recommends)
sensible-utils | sensible-utils | devscripts (Recommends)
spamc | spamassassin | spamassassin (Recommends)
wdiff | wdiff | devscripts (Recommends)

=== UDS session agenda ===
Line 64: Line 213:

Use this section to take notes during the BoF; if you keep it in the approved spec, use it for summarising what was discussed and note any options that were rejected.
 * sysstat package be shipped with Ubuntu Server - jsalisbury
 * oprofile and systemtap package be shipped to provide deeper performance analysis. -jsalisbury
 * I'd like to request that virt-manager be dropped from Main to Universe. It ships on the DVD, but not the other installable media. Most all virt-manager users have to apt-get install it post installation anyway. From a maintainability standpoint, no core-developer is really looking after the package. It falls outside of the scope of the Server team, since it's a GUI/desktop package, but no one from the Desktop team is looking after it either. The interface is years and years behind the interface of VirtualBox. And the bug backlog is huge. I suggest that virt-manager be dropped from the Main seeds, to Universe, for Lucid. -- DustinKirkland
 * Look at the delta between hardy and karmic
 * General server seeds review / server package set
 * Look into dvd seed for server packages (time permitting)

=== UDS Lucid discussion notes ===

 * Canonical application support (UbuntuSpec:server-lucid-canonical-application-support) -mdz
  * Xen: not feasible
  * drupal (v6)
   * security team says core is "quite good"
   * uses wwwconfig-common (universe) which we do not want
   * would need to be repackaged
  * asterisk
   * long-term release 1.8 is coming up (Q2 2010). Lucid will have 1.6.X most likely.
   * 1.8 is still vaporware, and will not likely be even beta for Lucid.
   * gives the security team "pause" (7 CVEs last year, 13 the year before)
   * could add an apparmor profile (jdstrand has one)
   * hard to fully test (potentially lots of hardware bits)
   * will have more information after asterisk session tomorrow
  * wordpress
   * kees says "no", jamie says "whoa"!
  * irqbalance
   * James T. says this is very important
   * should be upstartified
   * install by default on servers and desktops
  * python-* for Launchpad
   * python-celementtree
    * only built for python2.4, not 2.5; requires small amount of porting, but there's no reason we should pull this back into main (or even have it in the archive)
   * python-svn
    * python-subversion already in main; check with Launchpad team on whether we need both)
   * python-tickcount
   * python-simplejson
    * already in main
   * python-magic
    * already in main
   * python-psycopg2
   * python-pygments
    * already in main
  * python-* for Landscape
   * python-genshi
    * +1 from kees, good overall design
   * python-psycopg2
   * python-pysqlite2
   * python-simplejson
    * already in main
   * smartpm-core
    * already in main
   * python-smartpm
    * already in main
  * python-* for Ubuntu One
  * apache-openid
   * does this mean libapache2-mod-auth-openid?
  * oidentd
  * nagios-nrpe
   * nagios-nrpe-plugin, nagios-nrpe-server? both?
 * Update autofs4 to autofs5? -mdz
  * autofs5 description says it is "experimental" - need to confirm this
 * Cluster stack (UbuntuSpec:server-lucid-cluster-stack) -mdz
  * removal of redhat-cluster-suite from main (because not properly maintained).
  * Push pacemaker instead (Debian Maintainer wants to coordinate this cluster stack that they are shipping in squeeze with our LTS).
  * recommend removal, modulo objections from enterprise customers? enterprise customer objecting
 * Build samba with clustering extensions, means including tdb-tools (source already in main) and ctdb in main. -- reduces debian delta
  * already included in the Debian package, so this is a revert of existing delta
  * Need to move "acl" package in main (was a hal dependency but not since karmic)
 * exim4 (in supported-misc-servers)
  * used by Canonical IS
  * keep
 * Review hardy/lucid diff
  * Mail filtering (Spec: server-lucid-more-mail-integration)
   * postgrey
   * Possibly a few small python-modules/app (all packages ScottK maintains in Debian)
   * amavisd-postfix package
 * sysstat package be shipped with Ubuntu Server - jsalisbury
  * already in main
 * oprofile and systemtap package be shipped to provide deeper performance analysis. -jsalisbury
  * NAK on systemtap -- it is young and actively generating CVEs --Kees
  * no reason for these to be in main
 * I'd like to request that virt-manager be dropped from Main to Universe. It ships on the DVD, but not the other installable media. Most all virt-manager users have to apt-get install it post installation anyway. From a maintainability standpoint, no core-developer is really looking after the package. It falls outside of the scope of the Server team, since it's a GUI/desktop package, but no one from the Desktop team is looking after it either. The interface is years and years behind the interface of VirtualBox. And the bug backlog is huge. I suggest that virt-manager be dropped from the Main seeds, to Universe, for Lucid. -- DustinKirkland
 * General server seeds review / server package set
 * Look into dvd seed for server packages (time permitting)
 * Look into NAS developemnt for SMB/Home Users. Would recommend making it a install option on list of installables (or separate lightweight flavor). - azteech
 * remove backuppc? (jmdault says almost all his customers use backuppc at the moment)
 * remove nis
 * no need to explicitly seed?
  * libaio1
  * libaio-dev
  * libpkcs11-helper1
  * cvs
  * dbconfig-common
  * pnm2ppa
 * remove gnbd-*
 * remove elinks
 * sensors
  * lm-sensors
   * sensord
  * still needed on modern hardware?
 * remove racoon? Should we support an IPSEC based VPN solution in main? isakmpd is the only(?) other ISPec daemon, and is in universe. That said, the security team would not mind not needing to update ipsec-tools any more.
  * ipsec-tools?
 * remove cricket
 * section for tomcat
 * remove analog
 * remove freenet6 (already gone from archive)
 * remove quagga? (NAK, still maintained, needed for BGP)
 * remove radvd
 * remove minicom? (cu is tiny and trivial to support, but doesn't support error correction)
 * remove siege (ivoks: i'd like to keep this one cause it's only usable http benchmarking tool)
 * further consideration (duplicate functionality?)
  * logwatch (has existed for a long time, cargo-culted by Kees)
  * logcheck (potentially better package integration, preferred by IS)
 * remove vlock
 * needs further consideration by cjwatson: openssh-blacklist, openssl-blacklist
 * remove system-cleaner (gone)
 * kvm -> qemu-kvm
 * remove lilo?
 * promote zip, unzip to server default install?
 * remove libxp6? - 29153
 * supported-misc-servers needs reorg/comments/etc. for readability/documentation

== Hardy/Lucid diff ==


-aoetools (can we keep aoetools in main please?) Who's asking? Andrew Pollock jmdault as well it is not in main, but we will add it for eucalyptus anyway

## Use this section to take notes during the BoF; if you keep it in the approved spec, use it for summarising what was discussed and note any options that were rejected.


Perform a critical review of the current packages in main related to the Ubuntu Server product in view of Lucid being an LTS release. A complete list of packages to be added to main as well as removed from main can be found in the Design section.

Release Note

Provide an overview of some important packages that have been promoted to main for Lucid.


Since Lucid is LTS, a critical review of the current contents of the server CD is necessary, both to free some space on the CD and to reduce the number of packages we'll be maintaining for 5 years. Some packages are not necessary and might be abandoned. Some packages are brought up in main by recommends while they should just be suggested. Some very useful packages are missing and should be added.

User stories

  • James, an IS manager, wants to ensure that his production infrastructure relies only on fully supported and maintained software. He checks that all of the installed packages come from the Ubuntu "main" repository, and sleeps soundly at night.


Packages to be demoted to universe

Universe demotion proposals should be added to the Proposed universe demotions list and discussion should take place there.

List of package that should be demoted to universe for Lucid with an (optional) reason:

  • nis
  • elinks
  • lm-sensors
  • sensord
  • cricket
  • radvd
  • logwatch:
    • logcheck provides the same functionality
  • vlock
  • lilo
  • libxp6

Packages to be promoted to main

Main promotion proposals should be added to the Proposed main promotions list and discussion should take place there.

List of package that should be promoted to main for Lucid with an (optional) reason:

  • oidentd
  • tdb-tools:
    • samba cluster
  • ctdb:
    • samba cluster
  • acl
  • zip:
    • default (server) install
  • unzip:
    • default (server) install

Recommends downgraded to Suggests

Abusive recommends that should be downgraded to Suggests, as it brings a lot of packages into main as well:


  • supported-misc-servers needs reorg/comments/etc. for readability/documentation

Autofs 5 upgrade

RHEL has been shipping autofs5 since RHEL 4 (at least).


See the work items in the blueprint.


  1. Call for package proposal to be added to main and demoted to universe (ubuntu-server@, blog): Week 0
  2. Request for discussion on package lists (ubuntu-devel@, ubuntu-server@, blog): Week 1
  3. Final review of package lists: Week 3
  4. Write MIR and file demotion bugs: Week 4+

Unresolved issues

BoF agenda and discussion

Proposed universe demotions

  • redhat-cluster-suite:
    • not properly maintained
    • Recommend removal, modulo objections from enterprise customers:
      • enterprise customer objecting
    • See ClusterStack blueprint.

  • virt-manager:
    • I'd like to request that virt-manager be dropped from Main to Universe. It ships on the DVD, but not the other installable media. Most all virt-manager users have to apt-get install it post installation anyway. From a maintainability standpoint, no core-developer is really looking after the package. It falls outside of the scope of the Server team, since it's a GUI/desktop package, but no one from the Desktop team is looking after it either. The interface is years and years behind the interface of VirtualBox. And the bug backlog is huge. I suggest that virt-manager be dropped from the Main seeds, to Universe, for Lucid. -- DustinKirkland

  • backuppc:
    • jmdault says almost all his customers use backuppc at the moment
    • Yann: our company is also using backuppc. In favour of what other tool is it being demoted for?
  • racoon:
    • Should we support an IPSEC based VPN solution in main?
    • isakmpd is the only(?) other ISPec daemon, and is in universe.
  • ipsec-tools:
    • the security team would not mind not needing to update ipsec-tools any more.
  • minicom:
    • cu is tiny and trivial to support, but doesn't support error correction
  • openssh-blacklist, openssl-blacklist:
    • needs further consideration by cjwatson
  • analog:
    • awstats is also in main - upstream much more active.

Rejected universe demotions

List of packages that have been considered to be demoted to universe. However after discussion it was decided to keep these in main. Include the reason why the package is kept in main when a package is added to this list:

  • quagga:
    • still maintained, needed for BGP
  • siege:
    • ivoks: i'd like to keep this one cause it's only usable http benchmarking tool

Proposed main promotions

  • apache-openid:
    • does this mean libapache2-mod-auth-openid? - ask IS.
  • Update autofs4 to autofs5:
    • autofs5 description says it is "experimental" - need to confirm this
  • pacemaker:
    • See ClusterStack blueprint:

    • Debian Maintainer wants to coordinate this cluster stack that they are shipping in squeeze with our LTS.

Rejected main promotions

List of packages that have been considered to be promoted to main. However after discussion it was decided to keep these in universe. Include the reason why the package is kept in universe when a package is added to this list:

  • wordpress:
    • security team is against it.

Proposed Recommends downgrades

List of Recommends that have been considered to be dropped to Suggests in order to not be pulled in main:

$ wget
$ grep -i recommends server-ship | cut -d\| -f 1-3
Package                            | Source                       | Why
aspell-en                          | aspell-en                    | libaspell15 (Recommends)              
bzrtools                           | bzrtools                     | bzr (Recommends)                      
cracklib-runtime                   | cracklib2                    | libcrack2 (Recommends)                
dctrl-tools                        | dctrl-tools                  | devscripts (Recommends)               
debconf-utils                      | debconf                      | drbd8-source (Recommends)             
dput                               | dput                         | devscripts (Recommends)               
erlang-crypto                      | erlang                       | erlang-base (Recommends)              
erlang-syntax-tools                | erlang                       | erlang-base (Recommends)              
gcc                                | gcc-defaults                 | libc6-dev (Recommends)                
kernel-package                     | kernel-package               | drbd8-source (Recommends)             
libapache2-reload-perl             | libapache2-reload-perl       | libapache2-mod-perl2 (Recommends)     
libaugeas-ruby1.8                  | libaugeas-ruby               | puppet (Recommends)                   
libauthen-sasl-perl                | libauthen-sasl-perl          | devscripts (Recommends)               
libbsd-resource-perl               | libbsd-resource-perl         | libapache2-mod-perl2 (Recommends)     
libcompress-raw-zlib-perl          | libcompress-raw-zlib-perl    | amavisd-new (Recommends)              
libdate-manip-perl                 | libdate-manip-perl           | munin (Recommends)                    
libfile-rsyncp-perl                | libfile-rsyncp-perl          | backuppc (Recommends)                 
libio-socket-inet6-perl            | libio-socket-inet6-perl      | spamassassin (Recommends)             
libmail-sendmail-perl              | libmail-sendmail-perl        | po-debconf (Recommends)               
libmail-spf-perl                   | mail-spf-perl                | spamassassin (Recommends)             
libnet-xwhois-perl                 | libnet-xwhois-perl           | awstats (Recommends)                  
libparse-debcontrol-perl           | libparse-debcontrol-perl     | devscripts (Recommends)               
libpod-coverage-perl               | libpod-coverage-perl         | libparse-debcontrol-perl (Recommends) 
libsctp1                           | lksctp-tools                 | erlang-base (Recommends)              
libterm-size-perl                  | libterm-size-perl            | devscripts (Recommends)               
libtest-pod-perl                   | libtest-pod-perl             | libparse-debcontrol-perl (Recommends) 
libtie-ixhash-perl                 | libtie-ixhash-perl           | libparse-debcontrol-perl (Recommends) 
lintian                            | lintian                      | devscripts (Recommends)               
lksctp-tools                       | lksctp-tools                 | libsctp1 (Recommends)                 
nagios-images                      | nagios-images                | nagios3-cgi (Recommends)              
nagios-plugins                     | nagios-plugins               | nagios3-common (Recommends)           
openssh-blacklist                  | openssh-blacklist            | openssh-blacklist-extra (Recommends)  
patchutils                         | patchutils                   | devscripts (Recommends)               
python-gst0.10                     | gst0.10-python               | checkbox (Recommends)                 
python-paramiko                    | paramiko                     | bzr (Recommends)                      
rdoc                               | ruby-defaults                | puppet (Recommends)                   
re2c                               | re2c                         | spamassassin (Recommends)             
sensible-utils                     | sensible-utils               | devscripts (Recommends)               
spamc                              | spamassassin                 | spamassassin (Recommends)             
wdiff                              | wdiff                        | devscripts (Recommends)               

UDS session agenda

  • Canonical application support (server-lucid-canonical-application-support) -mdz

  • Update autofs4 to autofs5? -mdz
  • Cluster stack (server-lucid-cluster-stack) -mdz

  • sysstat package be shipped with Ubuntu Server - jsalisbury
  • oprofile and systemtap package be shipped to provide deeper performance analysis. -jsalisbury
  • I'd like to request that virt-manager be dropped from Main to Universe. It ships on the DVD, but not the other installable media. Most all virt-manager users have to apt-get install it post installation anyway. From a maintainability standpoint, no core-developer is really looking after the package. It falls outside of the scope of the Server team, since it's a GUI/desktop package, but no one from the Desktop team is looking after it either. The interface is years and years behind the interface of VirtualBox. And the bug backlog is huge. I suggest that virt-manager be dropped from the Main seeds, to Universe, for Lucid. -- DustinKirkland

  • Look at the delta between hardy and karmic
  • General server seeds review / server package set
  • Look into dvd seed for server packages (time permitting)

UDS Lucid discussion notes

  • Canonical application support (server-lucid-canonical-application-support) -mdz

    • Xen: not feasible
    • drupal (v6)
      • security team says core is "quite good"
      • uses wwwconfig-common (universe) which we do not want
      • would need to be repackaged
    • asterisk
      • long-term release 1.8 is coming up (Q2 2010). Lucid will have 1.6.X most likely.
      • 1.8 is still vaporware, and will not likely be even beta for Lucid.
      • gives the security team "pause" (7 CVEs last year, 13 the year before)
      • could add an apparmor profile (jdstrand has one)
      • hard to fully test (potentially lots of hardware bits)
      • will have more information after asterisk session tomorrow
    • wordpress
      • kees says "no", jamie says "whoa"!
    • irqbalance
      • James T. says this is very important
      • should be upstartified
      • install by default on servers and desktops
    • python-* for Launchpad
      • python-celementtree
        • only built for python2.4, not 2.5; requires small amount of porting, but there's no reason we should pull this back into main (or even have it in the archive)
      • python-svn
        • python-subversion already in main; check with Launchpad team on whether we need both)
      • python-tickcount
      • python-simplejson
        • already in main
      • python-magic
        • already in main
      • python-psycopg2
      • python-pygments
        • already in main
    • python-* for Landscape
      • python-genshi
        • +1 from kees, good overall design
      • python-psycopg2
      • python-pysqlite2
      • python-simplejson
        • already in main
      • smartpm-core
        • already in main
      • python-smartpm
        • already in main
    • python-* for Ubuntu One
    • apache-openid
      • does this mean libapache2-mod-auth-openid?
    • oidentd
    • nagios-nrpe
      • nagios-nrpe-plugin, nagios-nrpe-server? both?
  • Update autofs4 to autofs5? -mdz
    • autofs5 description says it is "experimental" - need to confirm this
  • Cluster stack (server-lucid-cluster-stack) -mdz

    • removal of redhat-cluster-suite from main (because not properly maintained).
    • Push pacemaker instead (Debian Maintainer wants to coordinate this cluster stack that they are shipping in squeeze with our LTS).
    • recommend removal, modulo objections from enterprise customers? enterprise customer objecting
  • Build samba with clustering extensions, means including tdb-tools (source already in main) and ctdb in main. -- reduces debian delta
    • already included in the Debian package, so this is a revert of existing delta
    • Need to move "acl" package in main (was a hal dependency but not since karmic)
  • exim4 (in supported-misc-servers)
    • used by Canonical IS
    • keep
  • Review hardy/lucid diff
    • Mail filtering (Spec: server-lucid-more-mail-integration)
      • postgrey
      • Possibly a few small python-modules/app (all packages ScottK maintains in Debian)
      • amavisd-postfix package
  • sysstat package be shipped with Ubuntu Server - jsalisbury
    • already in main
  • oprofile and systemtap package be shipped to provide deeper performance analysis. -jsalisbury
    • NAK on systemtap -- it is young and actively generating CVEs --Kees
    • no reason for these to be in main
  • I'd like to request that virt-manager be dropped from Main to Universe. It ships on the DVD, but not the other installable media. Most all virt-manager users have to apt-get install it post installation anyway. From a maintainability standpoint, no core-developer is really looking after the package. It falls outside of the scope of the Server team, since it's a GUI/desktop package, but no one from the Desktop team is looking after it either. The interface is years and years behind the interface of VirtualBox. And the bug backlog is huge. I suggest that virt-manager be dropped from the Main seeds, to Universe, for Lucid. -- DustinKirkland

  • General server seeds review / server package set
  • Look into dvd seed for server packages (time permitting)
  • Look into NAS developemnt for SMB/Home Users. Would recommend making it a install option on list of installables (or separate lightweight flavor). - azteech
  • remove backuppc? (jmdault says almost all his customers use backuppc at the moment)
  • remove nis
  • no need to explicitly seed?
    • libaio1
    • libaio-dev
    • libpkcs11-helper1
    • cvs
    • dbconfig-common
    • pnm2ppa
  • remove gnbd-*
  • remove elinks
  • sensors
    • lm-sensors
      • sensord
    • still needed on modern hardware?
  • remove racoon? Should we support an IPSEC based VPN solution in main? isakmpd is the only(?) other ISPec daemon, and is in universe. That said, the security team would not mind not needing to update ipsec-tools any more.
    • ipsec-tools?
  • remove cricket
  • section for tomcat
  • remove analog
  • remove freenet6 (already gone from archive)
  • remove quagga? (NAK, still maintained, needed for BGP)
  • remove radvd
  • remove minicom? (cu is tiny and trivial to support, but doesn't support error correction)
  • remove siege (ivoks: i'd like to keep this one cause it's only usable http benchmarking tool)
  • further consideration (duplicate functionality?)
    • logwatch (has existed for a long time, cargo-culted by Kees)
    • logcheck (potentially better package integration, preferred by IS)
  • remove vlock
  • needs further consideration by cjwatson: openssh-blacklist, openssl-blacklist
  • remove system-cleaner (gone)
  • kvm -> qemu-kvm

  • remove lilo?
  • promote zip, unzip to server default install?
  • remove libxp6? - 29153
  • supported-misc-servers needs reorg/comments/etc. for readability/documentation

Hardy/Lucid diff


-aoetools (can we keep aoetools in main please?) Who's asking? Andrew Pollock jmdault as well it is not in main, but we will add it for eucalyptus anyway


LucidServerSeeds (last edited 2010-02-17 18:59:09 by dsl-173-206-1-210)