Meeting Minutes for 2008-03-14

Start: 20:08 UTC
End: 21:25 UTC

Members Present

Agenda Items

Should Ubuntu Membership be a general requirement for MOTUship

Agenda item created by Jordan Mantha

Scott Kitterman likes the idea of MC being able to give out membership with becoming MOTU, but also before so that if someone meets the criteria for membership, but isn't ready to be MOTU yet. The generel idea is that Membership is a lower bar than MOTUship.

Some Arguments:

After further discussion a vote was called to order with the following question to be answered: "Should Ubuntu Membership be a general requirement for MOTUship?". The following are the results:

With this vote and its results, Ubuntu Membership is now a generel requirement for MOTUship. MC grant Membership before and up-to MOTUship.

Should we establish some "u-u-s days" to clear u-u-s queue as much as possible before release day

Agenda item created by Luca Falavigna

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort suggested: It was every Monday for REVU days, we could do the same for u-u-s now that we are not doing REVU. On the other hand, putting them on Mondays would mean it's just until Hardy is released... so a different day would be a good idea to get it continued in Intrepid. This was generally accpeted by the others. Jordan Mantha added things we need:

Furthermore we thought about a name for it and several ideas came up: "MOTU Hug days", "Sponsorship Days", "Hug dholbach day", "Ubuntu love days". But in the end we agreed that the name isn't that important.

After further discussion a vote was called to order with the following question to be answered: "Should we establish one "u-u-s day" to clear u-u-s queue as much as possible before release day?". The following are the results:

With this vote and its results, the motu team accepted to establish a single "u-u-day".

Next Meeting Time

Due to the new rotation, the next meeting will occur March 28, 2008 at 04:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting on Freenode.

MOTU/Meetings/2008-03-14 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:47 by localhost)