Idea Pool Share your thoughts with the world and we will together materialize them.

Global Material Recollection

As we know SU has a page where we collect material from all places. Right now we are doing this process manually, but If we could somehow get this process "automatized" it would be great so we can continue our work.

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Work flow




Have frequent and easy to implement campaigns related to our release cycle and other worldwide events related to FLOSS driven from the site taking advantage of our community structure. This can easily e achieved by using a microsite approach in the spirit of

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Work flow



Viral Marketing

The idea is to make it simple for marketers out there to get access to the material ASAP after the material is available and have an easy way to upload changes (translations, improvements). We need, of course, several steps to get this done.
Image taken from - Opinions Libres

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Translation workflow

There is a discussion in Launchpad at the moment to fin a better way to interact with upstream translators. We will deal with *lots* of upstream translators in DIY and should have a plan for this. See more here:

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Work flow



Organic Groups

Organic Groups can simply provide a nice staging area for users of a specific language. We can make it so new users are automatically a member of their LoCo through the launchpad team module. Essentially, organic groups could replace almost entirely the need for LoCo's to create their own websites.

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Making SpreadUbuntu more accesible in the FrontPage

Spread Ubuntu, the SIte part, needs to be defined. I think that SpreadUbuntu is not about informing what Ubuntu is, but rather to get people to:

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Work flow



Ways in which we can improve the SU experience:

  1. Make it more cycle focused by creating multilingual Marketing kits (one zip where you can download say, a Guerrilla Marketing kit and go out to the streets and do your thing).
  2. Make our campaigns be more activism focused, i.e. make a Marketing Jam in a locality and, with the SU Marketing kit go out and make havoc: Install Ubuntu in 5 places, put posters in 5 public places, Put a leaflet (of those that you can just grab a small paper with or something) in 10 lampposts, Go to a mall ang give away 20 CDs. And takes pictures ofg it all!
  3. Karma: We need to implement a way to give our contributors karma for their activities and keep them excited.
  4. Focus the main page in a way that activism can be accesible wheter as media contributions, havoc making or sending ideas to the list.

    • By this I mean subsections in the main page (besides showing our campaigns) such as:
      • If you are a LoCo

      • If you want to share your material (send them to DIY - Share)
      • If you want to get material for havoc making (send them to DIY - Get)
      • Get the Guerrilla Marketing Kit NOW! (send them to DIY - Marketing kits)


Editable tags for material

From a chat with flannel after the UDS marketing session:

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Idea Template

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Work flow



MarketingTeam/Projects/SpreadUbuntu/IdeaPool (last edited 2009-11-17 02:21:54 by 77)