DIY project description and status

This will be It will be a dynamic repository, enabling easy download, upload and translation.

Until we get the official domain, we are using

Launchpad project.

We are coding this from scratch. How will end up looking:


Task List:(don't hesitate to use...)

Specifications and features

We will use drupal and we plan on getting the site hosted at Canonical.

A key issue is to find out how the work flow in the site will be and implement blueprints in Launchpad that can target it. Please use our Idea Pool page to see the current ideas and propose new ones in this regard.

The Drupal frontend


Drupal comes with numerous modules and several versions. We may be able to use already existing modules with little or no modification to achieve our goals. Has anyone gone through the extensive list of modules yet to see what is available from No sense in re-inventing the wheel Smile :-) Also I suggest using drupal 5 rather than drupal 6 because it is less buggy, has more optional modules, and works with either php4 or php5. whereas drupal 6 pretty much requires php5. which may or may not be installed on the server we use to host the site. JohnBotscharow

Planning Drupal


Content types:

LaunchPad & SU

Using BZR

Classification System

The idea is to save a lot of time in the process of searching for material. We want a site that is really helpful for the marketeer. If, once SU has grown big, s/he has to browse through thousands of archives before finding the ressource s/he was looking for, we won't have achieved our goal.

The system: (proposal)

A submitter comes to the site with marketing material. During the upload process, s/he has to specify a certain number of options. These can be:

Drupal uses a sophisticated taxonomy module. All of the different variables (language, LoCo, etc.) listed above can be set up as separate taxonomies and be made mandatory fields to be completed, either by ticking off or, better yet, allwoing multiple selection, at the time of submission. We can use any given taxonomy in one or more areas of the site, e.g., uploads, marketing ideas, and the taxonomic tags become key words in the drupal site search, thus making it easier to find a specific piece of information. The design of the classification system is of extreme importance as it will determine the design of the site taxonomy. (After discussion, we will probably attach a meta file with all the information to every document/material)

On the other side, a marketeer browses SU can sort/filter the database by one or more of the previous criteria. In this way, material will be more easily found for given purposes, or for a given language, etc... (For obvious reasons, it will be part of the role of SU admins/controlers to make sure all submitted material is filed in the right categories.)

How to cope with the language problem: (proposal)

(You should have read the "Design" proposal, further down.)

Imagine the same document exists in 6 languages. A person filtering by the document type and purpose would see 6 entries for the same document. Rather pointless. So first I thought of having one entry per document, and not per document per language, but that disables the filtering by language in the list... still following me? So in my opinion, the best solution is to use the 'preferred languages' associated with ones launchpad profile, as we use openID, which will considerably reduce the number of redundant documents. Only appear the documents in english + the languages specified in LP. As a potential translator will have his preferred languages set in LP, he won't miss a document he's susceptible to translate.

What's the deal with the numbers? (see mockup further down) As you see, I put a serial number. There will be one per document, however many languages are associated with it. (So for example, if there are 3 versions of a document, the references will be: 4215-fr, 4215-ru and 4215-it.) The number is not random of course, we will have to analyse this in depth if we need any information in it, but at first sight, first number can be the type and the ones following serve only identification purposes. It allows quick designation of one specific document. If you look at the mockup you'll see several other criteria, the title will be different per language, the date also (last modified if corrections have been made), and the rating will be the same for every language.


It is important to have a nice Website we can be proud of! So add your proposals here! We're talking about the diy part only.

What will it look like?

Previous ideas

These are mockups of previous projects, to give an idea what they had in mind: one two (probably more relevant to what we now understand under SU, so to be kept in mind...)

Recollecting Currently Existing Material


Find a collaboration framework with LoCos and other teams within the Ubuntu community.

Material compilation

We have a material compilation page of our own. Add links and marketing material there.

I have been thinking of ways to automagically get this page updated with no effort. See our idea pool for more details

SUGUI (spreadubuntu gui)

This is a Client side program for designers. The project driver is :meisok:, but he does undeerstand English if you drop him a line, so don't be afraid to do so if you are interested Wink ;) (English translation to follow...) Sugui es el nombre en clave para la aplicacion de acceso al stock de recursos desde nuestro escritorio, creada con la finalidad de facilitar el trabajo de diseñadores y colaboradores.

Leonov as our base?

We have just found Leonov (it's @ Launchpad too) which could basically be tha base for SUGUI: a Launchpad Client (Gnome/GTK and KDE/QT).



Se busca conseguir un interfaz de trabajo que nos proporcione una vision amplia de los contenidos, y al mismo tiempo ofrezca una forma de desplazamiento y navegacion rapida.


MarketingTeam/Projects/SpreadUbuntu/diy (last edited 2009-08-08 01:12:47 by adsl-75-4-139-116)