
Revision 22 as of 2008-05-21 21:01:25

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Detalis of myself

Name: Martin Pihl

Age: 27

Nationality: Danish


My Launchpad profile:

My blog:

My Danish Forum profile:

My Ubuntu work

* I'm the founder and site administrator of the main Danish Ubuntu site and forum, which I created in 2006 and have been working with ever since ( * Besides creating the support forum I also support through various channels like IRC and other forums * Member of the Danish LoCo Team * I have created Danish artwork to be used with releases * I have created artwork to be used for advocacy in the form of banners, profile avatars and other stuff ( * I have previously been involved with Danish translations (part Ubuntu - most Open Office) * I have created the Danish Marketing Group (which need another push)

My plans with Ubuntu in the near future

Currently I'm making plans and roadmaps with other participants of the Danish local community on some new initatives. This include:

* Kick-starting the Marketing group

* To start a kind of Danish Ubuntu ambassadorship - which, if succesful, could extend into a mentorship

* A Danish equivalent to Ubuntu Open Week, all though with focus on teaching new active Ubuntueros (in Danish) about Ubuntu and how to become active within the different kind of groups. The sessions would include people from different kind of OSS projects.

* Making the Danish LoCo an entity which is capable of making different kind of relationships with other groups and organisations

* A partnership with an humanitarian organisation to collect and prepare old computers with Ubuntu and to ship them to Africa where needed.

To sum up, my primary focus and greatest challenge is to get the Danish LoCo team more organized and thus more efficient

In the more distant future :-)

Denmark hosts Microsoft's largest development center outside of the US with its 900 employees, and though being one of the top five countries in the world when measuring use of technology, Denmark is also one of the European countries which uses Open Source software the less.

So beside building a strong Danish LoCo Team, I see it as neccessary at some point creating (or supporting somehow) the grounds for commercial development and support. We might not be able to create 900 paid Ubuntu related jobs in the next decade or two, but the goal is nevertheless to have as many people making a living working with Ubuntu (and other OSS projects) as possible.

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