
Revision 19 as of 2008-04-24 16:21:12

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What: Release party for Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron

Where: [http://www.globebarandcafe.com Globe Bar & Grill]BR 565 Boylston StBR Boston, MA 02116BR (617) 778-6993BR

When: April 24th, 2008 7pm till we pass out

Who: YOU! There will also be other Ubunteros, developers, geeks, fans, delicious foods, and tasty beers

Pictures from the previous release party: [http://gallery.ubuntu-ma.us/?g2_itemId=205 Gutsy Gibbon Release Party]

Answers to All Your Questions

Finger foods will be available (feel free to donate a few bucks). Servers will be around for dinner from the menu, and drinks so bring plenty of cash.

How do I get there?

[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=l&hl=en&geocode=&q=globe+bar+%26+grill&near=Boston,+MA&ie=UTF8&ll=42.352201,-71.072037&spn=0.00712,0.023518&z=16&iwloc=A Google maps]( [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=l&hl=en&geocode=&q=globe+bar+%26+grill&near=Boston,+MA&ie=UTF8&layer=c&cbll=42.350392,-71.076285&cbp=1,338.3034672193804,,0,4.4306358145804365&ll=42.353787,-71.07429&spn=0.00712,0.023518&z=16 Street View] ) to 565 Boylston St, Boston, MA. The nearest T stop is the [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=copley+square&sll=42.359686,-71.058884&sspn=0.056954,0.188141&ie=UTF8&ll=42.351,-71.076661&spn=0.00178,0.005879&z=18&layer=c&cbll=42.350111,-71.077241&cbp=1,341.39817346982886,,1,-0.6247690603780892 Copley Square] stop on the Green Line.

  • We will be on the mezzanine, just go all the way back past the bar and bathrooms and up the stairs.

I don't run Ubuntu yet. Should I come?

  • Sure. Bring a laptop. You can try not get beer spilled on it and we can try to set you up with HardyHeron.

I still have friends who don't use Ubuntu. Can they come?

  • Sure. Tell them to bring their laptop. See above.


If you are planning on attending, please add your name to the list below. We need a head count so we can reserve a big enough table.

  • Martin Owens (["DoctorMO"])
  • Mike Rushton (["Leftyfb"])
  • Sara Abbott ("deviousdragen")
  • T-Burn (avila)
  • Jason M Normand
  • Jonathan M. Prigot
  • Rebecca L. Prigot
  • Aaron Sherman
  • YuriyKozlov

  • Dan Horan (["MoneyD"]) +1 (my newly converted Ubuntu useing roommate)
  • Carter McKendry (+1)

  • RossPeoples

  • Rachael Anderson
  • Cameron Cope (maccam94) -- I'll be arriving on a plane from Washington D.C. at 9pm, I'll call ahead to see if the party is still going. Can someone save me a CD?
  • Dan Boateng (aka dannamite) -- I'm new to Linux and excited about this meeting.
  • Matt Lee

If you are embarrassed that all your Windows friends will find out about your Ubuntu habit you can RSVP in secret by emailing Martin Owens at doctormo@gmail.com.

See you there!