
Revision 26 as of 2007-05-06 21:40:48

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Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team Page

The Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team is a group working to advocate Ubuntu throughout the state of Massachusetts.

Team Info

This is the wiki page for the Ubuntu Massachusetts Team that is currently being formed. The team will coordinate to spread Ubuntu in Massachusetts. Currently, our team is heavily focused around the Boston/Cambridge area. If you are in Western Massachusetts and want to start meetings and a community there, please communicate with us and we can decide how to proceed. Our team is a chapter of the ["NUUbuntuTeam"] which promotes Ubuntu in the North Eastern United States. We share their goals, but focus more locally in Eastern Massachusetts.


  1. Promote and educate the public about Ubuntu throughout Massachusetts
  2. Supply Ubuntu (CDs & CD images) to the general public

  3. Support Ubuntu Locally, conduct community classes and symposiums
  4. Conduct outreach programs via local schools, colleges community centres and libraries
  5. Provide assistance with migrating, installing, configuring and using Ubuntu
  6. Work with other groups to improve peoples computing experience by increasing awareness of GNU + Linux, open source, copyleft software
  7. Start a "NU Ubuntu Foundation" within the USA to collect donations of old Computers, and install Edubuntu/Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu for Teachers and Students within the Nu Ubuntu Team region. We will specialize in recycling old MS & apple computers for Teachers, students, elderly and those in need

We expect that more goals are to come as time passes.

And, obviously, we all do this in line with the [ Ubuntu Code of Conduct]

Join Our Team

The team is currently being set up so there is lots to do.

To become a member of the Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team please

It is very important that you are on the mailing list to stay in the loop.

You should also join the #ubuntu-massachusetts IRC channel

You can help our team by:

  • Reading LoCoTeamHowto and helping kick things off

  • Taking the initiative to run a project, or plan a meeting, install-fest, or event. Do not be afraid to push things forward but do coordinate with others

  • Help write and build these wiki pages to make things clearer for new users or LocoTeam members

  • Keep our IRC channel active
  • Help us come up with and create a logo for our team
  • Offer to install Ubuntu for people [:MassachusettsTeam/Exchange:Exchange]

  • Help out with some [:MassachusettsTeam/Projects:team projects]

  • Share your ideas with us
  • Any of the more general tasks listed on the page on LoCoTeamRunning

For a detailed list of ways to get involved with Ubuntu more generally, check out the ContributeToUbuntu page.

Team Meetings


Release Parties

Once a new version of Ubuntu is released, there will be plenty to celebrate, whether you were directly involved the release process or just rejoice because the next iteration of the best Linux distribution is finally out. We hold a release party for each new release.

Team Contact

The MassachusettsTeam currently has a mailing list and IRC channel. We currently use the Northeast United States Team's forum for discussion on the web. Here are links to important contact resources:

Interim team contacts (if you're interested in taking a leadership role and planning events and acting as a contact, feel free to add yourself here):

[:MassachusettsTeam/Meetings/ReleaseParties/:Release Parties]

Sub-pages : Navigation(children,1)
