Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2010-01-07 17:10:21
Size: 3240
Editor: rrcs-71-42-141-146
Comment: save draft
Revision 3 as of 2010-01-07 17:12:47
Size: 3391
Editor: rrcs-71-42-141-146
Comment: save draft
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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  * JamieStrandboge mentions that it would be nice to get libvirt 0.7.5 into Lucid, he will do the merge   * libvirt 0.7.5
* JamieStrandboge mentions that it would be nice to get libvirt 0.7.5 into Lucid, StefanGraber agrees, as there are some LXC enhancements in 0.7.4
   * JamieStrandbog
e will do the merge
   * Long discussion ensued, see the full log



Previous actions points

Non-alpha2 targeted specs for lucid

  • server-lucid-aws-client-libraries

    • MathiasGug needs input from community on which libraries to package

    • MathiasGug to send an email to ubuntu-cloud@, ubuntu-ec2@ and blog about it

    • ACTION jib to complete Perl list for AWS client libs

    • ACTION nijaba to complete PHP list for AWS client libs

    • ACTION Mathiaz to send out AWS Client lib RFC

    • NOTE: Regarding the Perl API, EricHammand notes: There is a *different* Amazon::SimpleDB on CPAN which is not high quality, not maintained, and the author did not respond to my questions about its status. My ideal solution would be for Amazon's package to be renamed to Net::Amazon::SimpleDB and added to CPAN and then libnet-amazon-simpledb in Ubuntu.

  • server-lucid-cluster-stack

    • ivoks has it packaged at https://edge.launchpad.net/~ivoks/+archive/ppa/+packages

    • pacemaker might be a decent replacement for redhat-cluster-suite
    • ivoks to blog a call for testing
    • ivoks to add work items to his blueprint
    • ACTION ivoks to update server-lucid-cluster-stack with lucid (and alpha3) goals

  • lucid-serverguide

    • AdamSommer suggests a weekly meeting item, asking for server guide changes

  • server-lucid-contextualization

    • not yet targeted, StefanGraber says updated userspace + tested libvirt could be targeted at Alpha3

    • SorenHansen mentioned some potential issues between LXC and upstart

    • lxc needs an MIR, should be straight-forward, StefanGraber to file the MIR

    • libvirt 0.7.5
      • JamieStrandboge mentions that it would be nice to get libvirt 0.7.5 into Lucid, StefanGraber agrees, as there are some LXC enhancements in 0.7.4

      • JamieStrandboge will do the merge

      • Long discussion ensued, see the full log

Agree on next meeting date and time

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 7th at 14:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


MeetingLogs/Server/20100106 (last edited 2010-01-08 09:52:33 by c161-174)