Differences between revisions 19 and 20
Revision 19 as of 2012-09-21 15:17:03
Size: 12286
Editor: adsl-68-248-238-53
Revision 20 as of 2012-09-21 15:19:11
Size: 12161
Editor: adsl-68-248-238-53
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 Action - h00k to send interest survey to the mailing list.<<BR>>
 Action - h00k to coordinate a bug-reporting session.<<BR>>
 Action - h00k to locate a trainer for packaging training session<<BR>>
 Action - h00k to send call-for-hangout-ideas to the mailing list.<<BR>>
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{{{[20:00] <r0n0c> made it! {{{
[20:00] <r0n0c> made it!

This is the first 2012 meeting of the Wisconsin Team, starting at 20:00 CDT, 20110920 (2400 UTC, 20110927) and finishing at 21:00 CDT (0100 UTC, 20111027)


h00k, r0n0c, yotux, spikeb, mikeputnam, Cheesehead


  • Who are you?

  • Why Ubuntu, at least one reason?

  • What do you want to LoCo to do for you?



[20:00]  <r0n0c> made it!
[20:01]  <h00k> r0n0c: cool, welcome
[20:01]  <h00k> jrolland-ubuntu, KBme, mikeputnam, ripps, uberushaximus: ping for meeting start
[20:02]  * yotux (~androirc@ has joined #ubuntu-us-wi
[20:03]  <yotux> Hello to all
[20:03]  <h00k> Hey yotux
[20:03]  <yotux> Sorry hand some difficulties with irc on Android
[20:04]  <h00k> yotux: it's okay, I just reset my modem not too long ago.
[20:04]  <h00k> cool, so we have three!
[20:04]  <h00k> Anyone else?
[20:04]  <r0n0c> anyone ping in #wilug?
[20:05]  <h00k> I didn't ping over there
[20:06]  <h00k> and I just left a message
[20:06]  <h00k> So. I suppose...we can rehash some stuffs.

TOPIC: Who are you?

[20:07]  <h00k> Let's start off with who we are. But I'm pretty sure you're familiar
[20:07]  <h00k> I'm Anthony, the LoCo team contact.
[20:08]  <h00k> I like long walks on the beach and Gangnam Style.
[20:09]  * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #ubuntu-us-wi
[20:09]  <r0n0c> I'm Conor, I spend my days working in an IT office with less linux than I prefer.
[20:09]  * yotux has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[20:10]  <h00k> r0n0c: I am...yeah. me too.
[20:10]  <h00k> Hello AndroUser2
[20:10]  <AndroUser2> How do I can change my Nick back to yotux?
[20:10]  <h00k> AndroUser2: /nick youtux
[20:10]  * AndroUser2 is now known as yotux
[20:11]  <h00k> yotux: there we go.
[20:11]  <h00k> r0n0c: I share similar sentiments
[20:11]  <yotux> Thanks guys tower switch from 4G kicked me off server
[20:12]  * r0n0c hopes yotux didn't fall far from the tower
[20:12]  <r0n0c> perhaps the message in #wilug was a bad idea, hah
[20:12]  * ubuntuWi-Guest (ae7c19be@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu-us-wi
[20:12]  <h00k> yotux: no prob, thanks for joining, even if you're having issues
[20:13]  * ubuntuWi-Guest is now known as spikeb
[20:13]  <h00k> hey spikeb
[20:13]  <spikeb> hey
[20:13]  <h00k> spikeb: we're just doing introductions
[20:14]  <yotux> So is there a general topic tonight?
[20:14]  <yotux> Yotux says nm figure it out
[20:15]  <yotux> I am a factory worker stuck with windows servers running Oracle
[20:16]  <yotux> And that wonderful thing called outlook mail
[20:16]  <spikeb> oh fun
[20:16]  <h00k> yotux: ah, yes. that.
[20:16]  <h00k> spikeb: you want to introduce yourself?
[20:17]  <h00k> we're just doing general 'who we are's
[20:17]  <spikeb> I'm spike. I've run ubuntu since the first beta, on more than one architecture, and am a geek in general. i also have a raspberry pi.
[20:17]  <spikeb> :)
[20:18]  <h00k> sweet action. I will get one some day.
[20:18]  <r0n0c> Mine is sitting next to me running mysql
[20:18]  <spikeb> mine is setting under the TV running XBMC
[20:19]  <r0n0c> what are your videos encoded as?
[20:20]  <spikeb> the SD stuff is all kinds of formats, and the pi handles them fine. the HD stuff is h.264 to take advantage of the hw accel
[20:20]  <h00k> What do those take for power?
[20:21]  <r0n0c> microUSB
[20:21]  <h00k> ah, sweet.

TOPIC: Why Ubuntu?

[20:21]  <h00k> So, next on the list is...Why do you guys use Ubuntu?
[20:22]  <yotux> Are you taking about a micro computer like pogoplug
[20:22]  <h00k> What brings you to the platform, and the LoCo?
[20:22]  <h00k> yotux: yeah, similar
[20:22]  <spikeb> yes yotux
[20:22]  <r0n0c> yotux: http://www.raspberrypi.org/
[20:23]  <yotux> Thanks yeah stuck on the mobile version
[20:23]  <spikeb> i originally started running ubuntu because it had a newer GNOME than debian
[20:23]  <r0n0c> I use ubuntu since it was advertised as a good linux to start with, and then I really got into it when I found MythTV and mythbuntu.
[20:24]  <spikeb> i've kept running it first because it was a good distro, and now because i love the work the design team has done, and i love unity.
[20:24]  <h00k> spikeb: back at which version?
[20:24]  <spikeb> h00k: 4.10 beta
[20:24]  <h00k> spikeb: ah, what Gnome, I meant?
[20:24]  <spikeb> oh
[20:24]  <yotux> I moved over because I wanted something more stable than fedora
[20:24]  <spikeb> i think it had 2.x when debian was stuck on 1.4
[20:25]  <h00k> yotux: ah, you moved from Fedora over, cool.
[20:25]  <h00k> I very vaguely remember when gnome 1.x was around :(
[20:26]  <spikeb> when i started using linux, gnome wasn't even beta yet
[20:26]  <spikeb> haha
[20:26]  <yotux> I have learned to like apt a little more than yum
[20:27]  <yotux> My Linux was red Hat 7
[20:27]  <spikeb> i play with fedora off and on, yum is OK
[20:27]  <yotux> Bought it from local staples store
[20:27]  <mikeputnam> h00k: actually both of them are employees of Red Hat
[20:27]  <mikeputnam> so naturally they root for that team
[20:27]  <h00k> mikeputnam: oh, interesting
[20:28]  <h00k> ;) of course
[20:28]  <mikeputnam> dmlloyd is jboss engineer and bress a security guy
[20:28]  <h00k> (we're discussing a separate convo in #wilug, if anyone is wondering)
[20:28]  <h00k> apologies for any confusion
[20:29]  <h00k> I moved over to Ubuntu from Windows back...a while ago
[20:29]  <h00k> I think around 5.something
[20:29]  <h00k> And I loved the ease of use, beginner-friendly-ness
[20:31]  <h00k> and it just stuck. Although I play with other distros on other hardware from time to time, which is always fun.
[20:31]  <spikeb> sure is!
[20:32]  <h00k> Cool.
[20:32]  <h00k> Last that I had on the official list (lol) is

TOPIC: What do you want to LoCo to do?

MeetingLogs/WisconsinTeam/20120920 (last edited 2012-09-21 15:20:25 by adsl-68-248-238-53)