Time |
Mon 17 Oct |
Tue 18 Oct |
Wed 19 Oct |
Thu 20 October |
Fri 21 Oct |
13.00 UTC |
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extra open slot |
Advanced dualboot (Win/Ubuntu) config sharing a lot of stuff! - Tiago Carrondo |
extra open slot |
extra open slot |
14.00 UTC |
Getting Started with Ubuntu Development - Part 1-- Daniel Holbach |
15.00 UTC |
Contributing to Ubuntu at a Local level: A Roadmap - Randall Ross (rrnwexec) |
Getting Started with Ubuntu Development - Part 2 -- Daniel Holbach |
Ubuntu Orchestra -- Servers, Live and in Concert! -- DustinKirkland |
16.00 UTC |
Is your system Ubuntu Friendly? Contributing to the community hardware testing program -- Daniel Manrique (roadmr) |
17.00 UTC |
Ubuntu Brainstorm: Will your idea change the world? - Cheesehead |
Best ways to find technical support help in Ubuntu - philipballew |
- Feel free to negotiate and move slots amongst yourselves but please don't move someone without their consent. (Mark is locked in ahead of time so please don't move him)