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I am a freelance web developer from Australia.
I began playing with livecds such as Knoppix and Damn Small Linux since around April 2005 and I've been using Linux, primarily Ubuntu since approximately July 2005. It has been my primary Operating System since some time in January 2006, and while I have tinkered with other distros out of curiosity, Ubuntu has firmly remained as my preference.
I like my operating systems like I like my cars - already assembled and without any rust spots.
IRC(freenode): elkbuntu
IRC(oftc): elky
Jabber: and
Email: melissa [at] meldraweb [dot] com
Marketing Team (aka, servant of CoreyBurger)
Regular contributor to the UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter
- Ubuntu Surveys (No, I have not finished analysing the results yet)
JonoBacon's unofficial apprentice
LoCo Mentoring
- More to come
IRC & Mailing Lists
- IRC Op
Although I do not desire to be a packager, I have made a .deb of fonts. It is called ttf-fossfonts and can be found in the SeveasPackages repository and mirrors.
I am responsible for The Ubuntu Counter Project ( ), which is a non-official 'census' of users and their machines. Just a little project to gather some interesting and possibly useful stats. Also to provide users with little blog or forum sig images with which to display their Ubuntu pride and spread the word of Ubuntu to the unwashed masses.
The Future
My dream is not to have every computer in the world running Ubuntu, although it would be nice. Rather, I dream of the day that everyone knows that they have a choice.
I enjoy working with all the wonderful people in this community to help Ubuntu grow and be strong, and I hope to remain a part of it.