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Log of the December 16th, 2007 Meeting

19:02 <    greg-g> well, the topics for the meeting are Penguicon update, Packaging Jam schedule stuff, and the next real life meeting schedule stuff
19:02 <    greg-g> so, not much really
19:02              tjagoda looks around
19:02 <   tjagoda> I dont have any updates on penguicon
19:02 <    greg-g> ok
19:02 <    greg-g> I got an email from Jono saying that he will look into what he can bring as far as swag for us
19:03 <    greg-g> so, uh yeah
19:03 <   jcastro> I'll be working some swag as well
19:03 <    greg-g> jcastro: cool
19:04 <   jcastro> I want to get those lanyards if I can
19:04 <    greg-g> oh right, that sounds good
19:04 <   jcastro> jono is on vacation until jan though, so don't expect much for the rest of the year
19:04 <    greg-g> right
19:05 <   tjagoda> The bugger!
19:05 <   tjagoda> I mean
19:05 <   tjagoda> erh
19:05 <   tjagoda> Good for him.  He works hard.  *nods*
19:05 <   tjagoda> Can we edit that out of logs? =P
19:05 <    greg-g> heh, it is a wiki ;)
19:06 <    greg-g> so... I guess that is it for penguicon stuff
19:06 <    greg-g> how about packaging jam...
19:06 <    greg-g> lets see, there was that forum poll
19:06 < alienseer> <---is kinda here
19:07 <    greg-g> and the poll is split 3/3 on the 26th vs. the 2nd
19:07 <    greg-g> looks like rick_h_ will just have to make an executive decision on when
19:07 <    greg-g> hello kdubois 
19:07 <   kdubois> hey greg-g
19:08 <    greg-g> just in time for the meeting, we're talking about our next real life get togethers
19:08 <   kdubois> alright, cool
19:08 <    greg-g> so, rick_h_ will need to probably make the decision for the packaging jam
19:08 < AaronThul>  /me goes to vote the 2nd
19:08 < AaronThul> oops
19:08 <   jcastro> rick is on a plane right now
19:09 <   jcastro> I will vote for the 2nd as well
19:09 <    greg-g> alright then :)
19:09 <   kdubois> AaronThul: i like the second too
19:09 <   wolfger> so I guess it's the 2nd then
19:09 < AaronThul> can I 2nd the 2nd?
19:09 <   jcastro> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=630311
19:09 <   jcastro> vote there
19:09 <    greg-g> you may 3rd the 2nd, but only if someone else 2nd's the 2nd 1st
19:10 <    greg-g> ok, well, when rick_h_ gets back we can set up the announcement for that
19:10 <   jcastro> yeah
19:10 <   jcastro> so we can be famous again
19:10 <   jcastro> chicago ripping us off
19:10 <   wolfger> lol
19:11 <   wolfger> yeah
19:11 <    greg-g> heh, right, we have to stay at least 1 packaging jam ahead of everyone else
19:11 <   wolfger> that darned nixternal
19:11 <    greg-g> so, the next get together.  I don't think we had anything set for that yet
19:12 <    greg-g> nope (just checked email)
19:12 <    greg-g> I would suggest something like the 2nd week of January
19:13 <   jcastro> sure
19:13 <    greg-g> now, what kind of meeting do we want this to be
19:13 <   kdubois> i wouldnt mind some sort of lan party like event...
19:13 <    greg-g> kdubois: like a gaming thing?
19:14 <    greg-g> or just general we all bring our computers
19:14 <   wolfger> uh-oh... sounds like a non-gamer. ;-)
19:14 <   kdubois> greg-g: more the latter idea
19:14 <    greg-g> heh, 'tis true, I don't game
19:14 <    greg-g> ok, what sorts of activities would we have?
19:15 <   wolfger> we could storm #ubuntu-bugs and do some group triage. ;-)
19:15 <    greg-g> that is always a good idea
19:15 <   jcastro> bug jam would be cool
19:15 <   jcastro> yeah
19:16 <    greg-g> jams are cool
19:16 <    greg-g> ok.. I like that idea
19:16 <   wolfger> so *when* in the second week? Are we talking weeknight, or weekend?
19:17 <   kdubois> i like the bug-jam idea better
19:17 <    greg-g> let me check to see what other events are going on that week
19:17 <   jcastro> mug is that week
19:17 <   wolfger> Tues and Wed conflict with MUG and WSLUG
19:17 <    greg-g> ok
19:17 <   wolfger> I'm personally unavailable on that weekend
19:17 <   jcastro> wayne state is that week
19:17 <    greg-g> hmmmmmm
19:18 <   jcastro> I am gone after wed that week as well
19:18 <    greg-g> well then
19:18 <   jcastro> but people not available will happen no matter what week you pick
19:18 <    greg-g> right
19:19 <    greg-g> and code mash is that week
19:19 <   wolfger> code mash?
19:19 <    greg-g> codemash.org
19:20 <    greg-g> how about tuesday the 15th
19:20 <    greg-g> looks open relative to other group meetings
19:21 <   wolfger> Perl Mongers
19:21 <    greg-g> still a couple weeks between that and the packaging jam
19:21 <   wolfger> which, I think, only affects me
19:21 <   wolfger> hmm
19:21 <    greg-g> what is the best way to plan a group meeting like this... this is always an issue
19:22 <   wolfger> The loco's google calendar says we're meeting Thursday the 17th
19:22 <   wolfger> lol
19:22 <    greg-g> oh, it does, HA!
19:22 <    greg-g> that sounds good
19:23 <    greg-g> south east michigan I assume
19:23 <    greg-g> do we have facilities available?
19:23 <    greg-g> (sorry, I'm not leading much tonight, I don't have a whole lot of info about this stuff yet, been a busy last couple of weeks)
19:23 <   wolfger> as for best way to schedule, Matt Arnold has suggested we use http://meetomatic.com/calendar.php
19:24 <   wolfger> no location is given for the meeting on the calendar, so I'm guessing we haven't secured a place
19:24 <    greg-g> right
19:24 <    greg-g> there was talk of oakland I believe
19:24 <    greg-g> if we can get some space
19:25 <   jcastro> ou shouldn't be an issue once we nail a date
19:25 <    greg-g> ok
19:25 <   wolfger> sweet
19:25 <   wolfger> close to work :-)
19:25 <    greg-g> wolfger: that date in the calendar work for you?
19:25 <   wolfger> works for me
19:26 <    greg-g> that should be good then, we can send out the notice on the mailing list and drum up some noise about it
19:26 <   wolfger> would OU have any issues with our proposed bug jam (use of wi-fi or cat-5)?
19:26 <    greg-g> yeah, what is connectivety like there?
19:27 <   jcastro> I will ask
19:27 <   jcastro> it used to be open but they got all strict lately
19:27 <   wolfger> this is going to be cool. I want to see if rick_h_ looks as much like me in person as he does in his blog photo...
19:27 <    greg-g> jcastro: cool, thanks
19:27 <    greg-g> haha
19:27 < DanielEad> Will they have outlets?   My craptop only lives for like 45 minutes on battery
19:27 <   jcastro> wolfger: he looks meaner than you
19:27 <   jcastro> yeah, power and stuff won't be a problem
19:28 <    greg-g> ok, so, that sounds good, jcastro can get back to us on the details about connections
19:28 <    greg-g> but that date/location is good
19:28 <    greg-g> probably a 6pm start is a good idea no?
19:28 <   jcastro> yeah
19:28 <   jcastro> there is a nice pub and stuff across the street too
19:28 <    greg-g> right on
19:29 <    greg-g> alright, I'll write up that email and send it out tonight
19:29 <    greg-g> that is really all I had for this meeting, it was for updates on penguicon and meeting times/locations
19:30 <    greg-g> anyone else have anything they would like to bring up?
19:30 <    greg-g> ...
19:31 <    greg-g> and, ok
19:31 <    greg-g> meeting is adjurned
19:31 <   wolfger> s/u/ou/
19:31 <   wolfger> ;-)

MichiganTeam/Meetings/20071216log (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:45 by localhost)