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Hi, I am Morgan Collett.

I'm located in Cape Town, South Africa.

I've used Debian since 1998, including sysadmining on Hamm, Slink, Potato and Woody. I have run Ubuntu as my primary OS since Warty preview.

During 2005 I was a Launchpad developer.

Currently I work for One Laptop Per Child as a developer.

Launchpad Profile:

Current Ubuntu Activities

Ubuntu-ZA LoCo Team

I've been working on getting our SouthAfricanTeam more active as it was basically dormant for about 18 months after it was started. I've been getting excitement going using the mailing list, and putting a lot into the LoCo team's wiki (

We have some very active LUGs in South Africa, so there's no shortage of skilled and interested people, but generally the participation in Ubuntu-ZA has been quite low. Leadership and vision are definitely required to get people to actively participate. I've been trying to spread the excitement without displacing the existing leadership who are not very active.

Here are some links to mails of mine on the ubuntu-za mailing list:

Here are pages I've written on the Ubuntu-ZA wiki:

  • Bought a copy of the Official Ubuntu Book and got it signed by Jono, Mako and Ivan at UDS-MTV to give away as a prize for a competition to promote/develop the Ubuntu-ZA LoCo Team. The competition is still to be decided on...

  • Represented the ZA LoCo team at UbuntuDeveloperSummitMountainView and participated in Community specs

Other Ubuntu Activities

  • Working with local hardware vendors to get Ubuntu tested on their hardware (perhaps certified in the future...) (website:

Future Work

  • Push the Ubuntu-ZA LoCo Team up the hill until it gets active with translationfests, installfests, bugfests, regular IRC meetings, effective advocacy

  • Contribute to LaptopTestingTeam for my Sony Vaio for the Feisty+1 release cycle

Contact information

  • Email me: (use my first name and last name...)

  • IRC: morgs on (usually in #ubuntu-za, #ubuntu-locoteams)
  • Jabber:

  • Mailing Lists I read: ubuntu-devel, sounder, ubuntu-za, launchpad-users
