
Revision 2 as of 2007-02-08 10:59:08

Clear message

[asac]: "this is still a stub ... work on it"

Processing Bugs for mozilla based applications can be time-consuming and tricky. In order to deal with the ever high frequency of new bug reports as well as the high number of outstanding bugs, the MozillaTeam tries to establish procedures in order to better share work-load among team members.

This page gives a brief introduction on how to use bug-tracking features to support mozilla bug triagers day by day.

Bug State Policy

Since MozillaTeam heavily depends on properly set bug states to organize the team workflow, we don't allow changes to that field by non-team-members by default. Of course, anyone following our policy on MozillaTeam/BugStates is welcome to help out.

Bug Tag Policy

In addition to MozillaTeam/BugStates, the MozillaTeam refines the bug processing workflow by making use of pre-defined MozillaTeam/BugTags.
