
Time and place

When: Sunday, 14th September, 18:00 UTC

Where: #ubuntu-meeting on the Freenode Network



Not Assigned








Check for extensions and plugins that are not supported in Firefox 3, and remove them, if there are no updates for them

Jazzva, everyone


Remove Firefox 2 from the archive

asac, fta


Add abrowser to all firefox rdepends and upload

asac, fta


Try to get Firefox 3.1 alpha2 into the archive

asac, fta


Write down how to get items into the monthly reports and send that to mailing list/wiki



Write scripts for automatic upgrade of extensions

asac, fta, Volans

Assigned (Started)

File a bug about removing libflashssupport from ia32-libs


Get mozilla-devscripts in Debian

asac, fta

Needs clarification (what can be improved)

Agenda and minutes

Firefox 2 archive removal

  • Topic summary: Remove Firefox 2 from the archives because is outdated and we are not able to continue providing security support
  • Actions:
    • Check for extensions and plugins that are not supported in Firefox 3, and remove them, if there are no updates for them
    • Remove Firefox 2 from the archive

abrowser rdepends transition

  • Topic summary: abrowser has its own metapackage which basically means that packages that currently depend on firefox cannot be installed with abrowser
  • Actions:
    • asac and fta to add abrowser to all firefox rdepends and upload; everyone to help updating extension branches

Mozilla Freeze Exceptions

  • Topic summary: Are there any packages that require freeze exceptions from the Mozilla team?
  • Actions:
    • Provide FFe for extension updates (those that are uncompatible with Firefox 3, but there are updates available which are compatible with Firefox 3)
    • fta and asac try to get 3.1 alpha2 into the archive

Team report

  • Topic summary: How to better track what was done?
  • Actions:
    • asac to write down how to get items into the monthly reports and send that to mailing list/wiki

Status of automatic update for extensions

  • Topic summary: What we have, what we need, where we are now?
  • Actions:
    • write a script "download-xpi-from-amo <extension-name> <version>"

    • write a script "request merge <branch1> <branch2>"

    • write a high level script that assembles check-extension, download-xpi-from-amo and request-merge to automatically update upstream branches for extension branches that use the med-xpi orig structure

Other business

  • Problem: npviewer.bin keeps crashing on Hardy
  • Action: file a bug about removing libflashssupport from ia32-libs
  • Problem: outdated extensions
  • Action: look over all extensions and see if they a) have been updated in this cycle at all or b) if they can be updated.
  • Problem: mozilla-devscripts is not in Debian, so we're still diverging from Debian's extension packages
  • Actions:
    • file RFP for mozilla-devscripts and get it into debian archive
    • asac to find out if initial uploads to debian strictly require a wnpp bug
    • blacklist mozilla-devscripts for auto-syncher/MoM
    • create debian branch with initial mozilla-devscript debian1 version


MozillaTeam/Meetings/Minutes/2008-09-14 (last edited 2008-11-02 19:32:35 by e177169084)