
Dapper Preview Archive Bugs

If you find NEW bugs in any preview package from the Mozilla Preview Archive, please add a short summary below:

Feisty Preview Archive Bugs

If you find NEW bugs in any preview package from the Mozilla Preview Archive, please add a short summary below:


  • Search plugin is missing [asac: done in bzr]
  • Icon in the taskbar and desktop preview are gone [asac: i fixed the missing window icon in bzr]
  • Broken User-Agent [asac: fixed in bzr]


  • Search plugin is missing [done]
  • Fails to build anything newer than 20070430 [done]


  • The link from /usr/share/pixmaps/thunderbird.png gets dangling (no mozicon128.png in /usr/share/thunderbird/icons), [asac: fixed in bzr]
  • Reply-to-list doesn't work, We need to work on a patch [asac: fixed in bzr]
  • Message Filters do not display in Tools/Message Filters dialog - but message filtering rules seem to be operating correctly when new mail arrives. Also was broken in Ubuntu 1.5.x Thunderbird version
  • Add support for Thunderbird-Trunk



MozillaTeam/PreviewArchives/Bugs (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:32 by localhost)