Launchpad Entry: desktop-karmic-firefox-3.5
Creator: AlexanderSack
Don't edit this spec page without contacting the Author or the Spec Approver first; feel free to add comments in Comments section.
- Randy installs the karmic desktop CD and expects the latest stable firefox (3.5) to be the default
- Rick upgrades its existing (default) jaunty install to karmic and expects firefox 3.5 to be the new main browser installed
- Rama requires some extensions that only work on firefox 3.0 and wants firefox-3.0 to be easily available from the archive until those extensions become available for ffox 3.5.
Transitioning to Firefox 3.5 involves various high level steps:
- file bugs for all detailed tasks below
- finish firefox 3.5 and xulrunner 1.9.1 main transition in PPA
- do trademark review on patches with mozilla
- switch firefox 3.5 to default and use official branding
- send patches developed upstream
To ease maintainability we aim to migrate all gecko embedding API consumers in main to use webkit; those that cannot be migrated should be ported to xulrunner 1.9.1
Detailed Tasks
Firefox Transition
- Profile Migration
=> drop patches, profile chooser dialog, stop creating versioned profiles
- Move Meta 'firefox' package to 3.5
- Enable Branding
- Open up versioned xulrunner build/dependency
- Demote firefox 3.0 to universe
- Consider to drop firefox 3.0 for final depending on the availability of common extensions for firefox 3.5 at release-time.
- update description
- review apport hooks (profile directory, are they in sync with ffox 3?)
Xulrunner Transition
- move meta-dev package (xulrunner-dev) to xulrunner-1.9.1
- Port all rdepends (just a respin?)
- drop xul 1.9 from archive
- move -addons directories to xulrunner-1.9.1 and make xulrunner-1.9 depend on 1.9.1 until EOL
- ensure that that 3.5 goes into rosetta
- fix langpack-o-matic to understand about more than one firefox version
- fix it so it works in ffox 3.5
- ensure that plugin database can cope with different versions? maybe not necessary.
drop empty firefox-(x.x)-dev package or make it useful - see: mozilla bug 421168
- review patches (drop as many)
- sync patches and rename them in trunk + 3.5
- disable testsuite package unless it becomes ready for release (keep trunk testsuite)
- review all extensions and update as needed.
Important cleanup tasks
- get rid of xul 1.8 forever (LP: #352968)
system lib tasks
- ship latest NSS/NSPR version that allows xul 1.9.1 to be build against system libs
reconsider how we do nss/nspr in xulrunner sdk -> use links instead .pc patches
- update sqlite to latest version
- make mozilla jpeg the system jpeg in ubuntu
-> ask for testing in PPA
Main: 1.9.1 migration is mandatory in main, unless we can move to webkit or demote
- Package: epiphany-browser (migrate to webkit)
- Package: epiphany-extensions (migrate to webkit)
- Package: gluezilla (used by mono in main; check with mono folks)
- Package: gnome-python-extras (demote python-gtkmozembed to universe)
- Package: gtk-vnc (gecko-plugin, migrate to 1.9.1)
- Package: liferea (migrate to webkit)
- Package: mozvoikko (firefox extension; migrate to 1.9.1)
- Package: openjdk-6 (gecko plugin)
- Package: (gecko plugin)
- Package: (gecko plugin)
- Package: packagekit (gecko plugin)
- Package: seahorse-plugins (migrate to webkit)
- Package: totem (gecko plugin)
- Package: yelp (migrate to webkit)
Universe: migration tasks to 1.9.1 are optional in universe for karmic
- Package: chmsee (fileviewer using gecko; try to move to xul 1.9.1)
- Package: evolution-rss (maybe migrate to webkit?)
- Package: fennec (xulapp, move to 1.9.1)
- Package: galeon (mostly dead, try to move to 1.9.1; consider to remove from archive)
- Package: gnome-web-photo (gecko only, move to 1.9.1)
- Package: google-gadgets (can be moved to webkit)
- Package: kazehakase (has -webkit, try move to 1.9.1, check the status, consider to drop gecko part it)
- Package: libgtk2-mozembed-perl (migrate to 1.9.1)
- Package: libjdic-java (TBD)
- Package: listen (check webkit; migrate to 1.9.1)
- Package: midbrowser (dead, remove from archive)
- Package: miro (check webkit; migrate to 1.9.1)
- Package: moon (gecko plugin; keep at 1.9)
- Package: mozzemberek (spell checker; check 1.9.1; keep at 1.9)
- Package: ruby-gnome2 (migrate gecko part to 1.9.1)
- Package: sugar-hulahop (migrate gecko part to 1.9.1)
- Package: swt-gtk (migrate gecko part to 1.9.1; file bug upstream for webkit support)
- Package: videolink (TBD)
- Package: virt-viewer (migrate gecko part to 1.9.1)
- Package: banshee (migrate to webkit)
- (Add your comments here - remember to give info how to contact you)
MozillaTeam/Specs/Karmic/Firefox35Transition (last edited 2009-06-09 11:32:10 by e177172043)