
  1. Randy installs the karmic desktop CD and expects the latest stable firefox (3.5) to be the default
  2. Rick upgrades its existing (default) jaunty install to karmic and expects firefox 3.5 to be the new main browser installed
  3. Rama requires some extensions that only work on firefox 3.0 and wants firefox-3.0 to be easily available from the archive until those extensions become available for ffox 3.5.


Transitioning to Firefox 3.5 involves various high level steps:

  1. file bugs for all detailed tasks below
  2. finish firefox 3.5 and xulrunner 1.9.1 main transition in PPA
  3. do trademark review on patches with mozilla
  4. switch firefox 3.5 to default and use official branding
  5. send patches developed upstream

To ease maintainability we aim to migrate all gecko embedding API consumers in main to use webkit; those that cannot be migrated should be ported to xulrunner 1.9.1

Detailed Tasks

Firefox Transition

Xulrunner Transition





Important cleanup tasks

system lib tasks


Main: 1.9.1 migration is mandatory in main, unless we can move to webkit or demote

Universe: migration tasks to 1.9.1 are optional in universe for karmic


MozillaTeam/Specs/Karmic/Firefox35Transition (last edited 2009-06-09 11:32:10 by e177172043)