
Differences between revisions 24 and 25
Revision 24 as of 2007-05-21 05:42:43
Size: 3349
Editor: c-67-173-246-94
Comment: Ubucon-Boulder
Revision 25 as of 2007-06-27 19:44:15
Size: 3403
Editor: c-67-173-246-94
Comment: update about ubucon boulder and tiecolorado
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * 2007: VOIP-in to ["UDS-Sevilla"]. Contribute to various LoCo-related wiki pages. Participate in UbuntuOpenWeek. Get [ basic README update] into authtool via bzr.  Wrote ["Ubucon-Boulder"], UbuntuConferences, ["Ubucon"], Editing:  * 2007: VOIP-in to ["UDS-Sevilla"]. Contribute to various LoCo-related wiki pages. Participate in UbuntuOpenWeek. Get [ basic README update] into authtool via bzr. Updated UbuntuConferences and ["Ubucon"].

 Most recently I organized the
["Ubucon-Boulder"] conference and helped out with the Ubuntu/Canonical presence at 
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I'm now working on ["Ubucon-Boulder"], and beginning to get my feet wet with code contributions via bzr and Launchpad. I'd like to use my enterprise Linux/Solaris experience from Internet2 and Bell Labs to contribute to the NetworkAuthentication efforts. I'm beginning to get my feet wet with code contributions via bzr and Launchpad. I'd like to use my enterprise Linux/Solaris experience from Internet2 and Bell Labs to contribute to the NetworkAuthentication efforts.

I'm Neal McBurnett and I've been an Ubuntu user, promoter, contributor and distributor since the first release, on servers and desktops, for myself and several non-profit organizations. I've been active with *nix since 1977 and have never had Windoze on my desktop.


Ubuntu timeline


I'm beginning to get my feet wet with code contributions via bzr and Launchpad. I'd like to use my enterprise Linux/Solaris experience from Internet2 and Bell Labs to contribute to the NetworkAuthentication efforts.

Member of

Sample contributions:


I'm also co-founder in 1993 of the Boulder Community Network, active with the IETF since 1995, and a consultant on computer security and web sites. I'm working on middleware for, after a career at Bell Labs. I've been an IT professional since 1973, used Unix/BSD/UTS/Solaris/Linux since 1977, and have never had Windoze on my desktop Smile :-) I speak English, Esperanto, and a bit of Spanish.

See my [ home page] for lots more details.


NealMcBurnett (last edited 2017-09-23 12:34:46 by nealmcb)