
Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)


Members Present

12 people in the IRC channel tonight


Meeting started at 8:00 by tritium

Topics Discussed

        =-=     Topic for #ubuntu-us-nm was set by tritium on Sat 31 Jan 2009 01:24:56 PM MST
        ===     #ubuntu-us-nm https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam
        <tritium>       Hi, deinerson1.
        <deinerson1>    hello, tritium :)
        <tritium>       How is everyone this evening?
        <genfool>       Hi all, fine here....hope all is the same :)
        <tritium>       Doign ok here. I'm just quite tired.
        <tritium>       Doing*
        <genfool>       :) is like that
        <genfool>       any more thoughts on the gun & knife show?
        <kenneth_>      working on it,
        <deinerson1>    I would like to take on the privilege of updating the NewMexicoTeam wiki site. I have noticed it could use a current pair of willing hands. Not sure how the approval process works, but am certainly willing to learn.
        <nick125>       deinerson1: What approval process?
        <tritium>       deinerson1: there's no formal approval process
        <tritium>       (or informal, for that matter)
        <nick125>       Just don't do anything that makes a big change.
        <deinerson1>    gotcha - I am thinking mainly of just adding current events, IRC mtgs, that sort of thing
        <tritium>       Wow, thanks, deinerson1.
        <nick125>       deinerson1: In honestly, just do it.
        <protonchris>   Hello. Sorry I am late.
        <tritium>       Hi, protonchris.
        <kenneth_>      the only problem is i don't have feb 13 off
        <protonchris>   deinerson1: Go for it.
        <deinerson1>    I will start experimenting - I am fairly good with wiki's.
        <tritium>       That's awesome.
        <protonchris>   deinerson1: and don't worry if something gets screwed up, we can always go back to a earlier revision ;)
        <deinerson1>    ok, will do.
        <protonchris>   The gun & knife show is over Valentine's Day. Hilarious.
        <protonchris>   Now I know what the wife and I are going to do.
        <protonchris>   Any business tonight?
        <tritium>       No agenda items.
        <tritium>       firefox sure is having fun crashing every few minutes tonight
        <genfool>       ff working fine here 3.5.6
        <tritium>       genfool: let me know how 3.6.7 does for you
        <tritium>       3.5.7, rather
        <genfool>       lol
        <tritium>       You've not installed the security update, it would appear.
        <tritium>       kenneth_: I got my Chumby One yesterday.
        <genfool>       sooo, Eeb. 13 is on a Saturday.....Is any one else interested in obtaining a table and hanging out....handing out disc ??? I will get the update when it gets in portage :P
        <tritium>       genfool: ah, I had assumed you were running ubuntu 9.10 ;)
        <genfool>       I refuse grub2
        <protonchris>   Well gents, I am going to cut out of here early. I am dog tired. Have a good night.
        <tritium>       I'm rather tired myself.
        <deinerson1>    good night, prontochris
        <tritium>       genfool: how come?
        <deinerson1>    it gives your pc grubs :) I have an older friend who got karmic and every time he asks for help he says his pc has grubs. It cracks me up.
        <tritium>       haha
        <genfool>       I believe grub2 will be replaced with the original...on next release. I can wait
        <nick125>       That seems like a silly decision.
        <genfool>       I just do not want to deal with the uuid # manually setting up my existing drives
        <tritium>       Why would you have to do that?
        <nick125>       Grub2 is much better than Grub.
        <genfool>       you guys are going to make me try it .....
        <tritium>       Ubuntu has been using UUIDs for several releases now, even before switching to grub2.
        <genfool>       genkernel has, for that matter. I have a mixture of kernels not using uuid and a couple using uuid grub handles them well grub2 I will be putting it all back together. If ubuntu 9.10 is the only one using grub2 as default and will drop it ????
        <tritium>       I don't understand your question, genfool.
        <genfool>       I think grub2 for me is a bad idea, will create hours of work understanding how it works and how to modify.. And ubuntu on the next release, will drop grub2 never was a question.
        <nick125>       genfool: Where does it say that Ubuntu will drop grub2?
        <tritium>       I've not encountered that rumor anywhere.
        <genfool>       Busted :( I have only heard that, because of all the issues on the ubuntu forums. That it was posted there.... I do not have a link....I still am not ready for grub2 till I have to.....BOYCOT GRUB2! FTW!
        <genfool>       or not :)
        <nick125>       I highly doubt they would drop a superior solution (Grub2) for something that's....inferior (Grub).
        <tritium>       Interesting. What kind of issues are people having with grub2?
        <deinerson1>    no trouble here after I learned how to do in it what I could in the older version
        <fgleich>       what the heck is causing all those dings and dongs on this machine ?
        <fgleich>       hi guys, btw
        <deinerson1>    hi
        <genfool>       Using grub, I do not have any. You can check the forums for grub issues...see what comes up.
        <fgleich>       go back to lilo
        <genfool>       Hey fgleich
        <fgleich>       hey genfool
        <genfool>       fgleich, remembers lilo?
        <nick125>       I suspect that most grub2 issues are likely not because of grub2, but rather configuration issues.
        <fgleich>       all of a sudden my machine started going 'ding dong ding ding !'
        <fgleich>       <----lilo king
        <fgleich>       <----lilo king extraordinaire
        <fgleich>       It's dingy, I tell you !!!
        <deinerson1>    okay, gotta go...Bootz (my dog) is demanding to go outside. Good night all

NewMexicoTeam/January_12_2010 (last edited 2010-01-13 04:02:10 by c-76-18-65-160)