Jaunty Jackalope Release Party May 2nd 2009
Party will be on May 2nd from 6:00pm till 9:00pm In the Corrales, NM Flying Star hospitality room. Thanks to Jim for getting it all reserved.
You darn right we'll have door prizes!
resources needed |
responsible party |
Completed |
Jaunty Jackalope wiki planning page |
David Thomas |
Yes |
Jim Riordan |
Yes |
Party flyers - printing |
David Thomas |
The flyer's are pretty big so if printing from gimp be sure to set the print up right.
The party started with a little old school demo scene stuff:
Ubuntu guru indeed:
Getting all our gadgets setup
Waiting on some food, nothing is as bad as hungry geeks.
I'd say gadgets OLPC, Chumby, eee's, MacBook
Hey do I see new people at the far end of the room?
Great turn out, plenty of new faces can't wait till the next party.
More Pictures From Kenneth
The Temple of Swag
NewMexicoTeam/JauntyJackalope (last edited 2009-05-16 01:21:40 by c-69-254-140-79)