
Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)


  • Any updates on the web site?
  • New Mexico LinuxFest updates?

If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!

Members Present

  • beanie77
  • doomcat_
  • dthomasdigital
  • gcleric
  • gen_fool
  • mneptok
  • nick125
  • nxion
  • protonchris
  • sithlord
  • ColonelPanik

  • fgleich


Meeting called to order by dthomasdigital at 8:10pm

Topics Discussed

<sithlord> I was kicking around the Idea of having a free night at my cyber cafe for linux gaming
<sithlord> oh ok
<nick125> sithlord: Where's your cyber cafe at?
<dthomasdigital> sithlord I think we would agree to that!
<sithlord> near 4th and osuna
<nick125> Ah.
<dthomasdigital> What's the name?
<nick125> dthomasdigital: I still remember the last LAN party...heheh
<dthomasdigital> nick125 sorry bout that
<sithlord> internet express but its inside a cricket store viva wireless
<nxion> I havent been to a LAN party since Gamma used to go on at New Horizons in Alb
<nick125> I'm not much of a gaming fan anyways :)
<sithlord> I want people to discover the games that can be played on linux
<dthomasdigital> Just installed Quake 4 this week, damn fine fun
<gen_fool> nick125,  I am not either, another chance to get together and root on the kids :)
<sithlord> cool, I finally got my C & C zero hour to work perfectly
<doomcat_> I got quake wars and doom 3 to run on linux just demo on quake wars but full doom 3 (i like modding it and playing it no mods) It rocks!!!!
<gen_fool> sithlord,  who gets to use the 36" crt?
<gcleric> whoohoo.. got ubuntuone working... had to kill it's sync-daemon.
<sithlord> lol, use it for noobs to get them addicted to linux
<nxion> Ubuntu One looks awesome
<nxion> I signed up today for the beta
<gen_fool> That thing is huge, ...
<sithlord> and weights a ton
<sithlord> I want to load old atari style games
<gen_fool> I have a 32" tv and am happy takes 2 people to carry
<dthomasdigital> Should we get started we have a small agenda tonight
<sithlord> I know if people see that they can get them for free, then they will switch
<sithlord> ok
<protonchris> Looks like I have item one.
<dthomasdigital> The floor is yours protonchris
<protonchris> Birdhouse has installed the necessary software for running drupal with the loco-drupal modules.
<gcleric> gen_fool: a few years back I got a free 32" while loading it into my car I dropped it on my pinky finger...shattering the Proximal phalange.
* fgleich ( has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
<fgleich> hi all
<protonchris> In the future, it might be possible to use the canonical hosting, but their version of drupal is older and the loco-drupal modules are being backported.
<gen_fool> Hello fgleich
<gcleric> howdy fgleich!
<doomcat_> hello fgleich
<fgleich> hi gen_fool , gcleric , doomcat_
<protonchris> I suggest we stick with birdhouse since they have bent over backwards for us.
<protonchris> Only thing left is to switch the dns to point to birdhouse.  I will get tritium to help with that (he knows the admin)
<dthomasdigital> sounds good to me +1
<protonchris> After that we should be good to go.
<protonchris> openid logins work and we have a special launchpad group for people with edit/write access on drupal.
<dthomasdigital> Does this mean I have to learn drupal?
<mneptok> protonchris: be sure to let me know if there's anything else you need from Scot
<protonchris> It probably wouldn't hurt, but for basic stuff it is pretty self-explanatory
<protonchris> mneptok: Yeah, I need to get in touch with him and thank him, but the last couple of weeks have been crazy.
<mneptok> protonchris: i'll pas that along
* mneptok speaks to him a few times per week
<protonchris> Scot, the admin of birdhouse, has been great.
<protonchris> mneptok: give him a big kiss for us.
<mneptok> with tongue?
<sithlord> ewwwww
<protonchris> Yeah, if that is what he likes.
<gen_fool> ouch
<dthomasdigital> For those of you that think there is no gaming for linux
<mneptok> for those of you that want to play great games, get a console :P
<sithlord> oh, there is thought
<mneptok> dthomasdigital: any update on pictures from the release party?
<gcleric> mneptok: hear, hear!  =P
<mneptok> suh-WEET
<protonchris> there are some really hot pictures of the back of my head ;)
<nxion> Savage2 reminds me of WoW :)
<dthomasdigital> protonchris I wanted to get you best side
<mneptok> dthomasdigital: with tongue?
<mneptok> (x2)
<ColonelPanik> Sorry I missed that party!  Got the car fixed today so you can plan another one!
<protonchris> dthomasdigital: ouch
<mneptok> woo and i are heading out for dinner. sorry to bail, but empty stomachs must be obeyed..
<ColonelPanik> ASAP
<dthomasdigital> see ya mneptok
<dthomasdigital> fixed the last picture displayed
<dthomasdigital> On to the next item
<protonchris> +1
<gen_fool> +1
<doomcat_> +1
<dthomasdigital> LinuxFest update, as always we need presenters, exhibitors and sponsors.
<beanie77> +1
<dthomasdigital> The venu is still up in the air but things are changing daily
<dthomasdigital> We have almost 100 registered to attend not including speakers, and vendors.
<dthomasdigital> The schedule is starting to take shape
<sithlord> what is the cost to be a exhibitor?
<protonchris> LinuxFestNW took place at a small business college.  We could think about something like that for a venue (u of phoenix)
<nxion> dthomasdigital: I have been bugging my manager about an answer for them being a sponser. They seemed realy excited about it so I don't know why they are dragging there feet
<dthomasdigital> we have 3 presentations listed and I have 3 more to post, that being said if you have an idea please let me know
<dthomasdigital> thanks nxion, fedora is planning on sponsoring just waiting on how much
<doomcat_> can i present to various contations of linux games?
<nxion> dthomasdigital: I have a meeting with managment tomorow. I will bring it up again.
<dthomasdigital> protonchris good idea
<nxion> tomorrow*
<dthomasdigital> Again thanks nxion, again
<protonchris> dthomasdigital: they typically have wifi and classrooms.
<dthomasdigital> So if you are planing to attend and you have not registered please do, it will help us decide the size of venu we will need.
<protonchris> dthomasdigital: and projectors
<sithlord> I have 2 projectors
<dthomasdigital> Yes, that's the big thing we will need up to 7 projectors for the event, sithlord that rocks I have 1
<dthomasdigital> Thats about all just stay tunned for more and check often
<sithlord> I think I can get one more from a friend
<dthomasdigital> I promise to keep my pox to myself
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: that would rox! =)
<dthomasdigital> It's so hard to be gcleric's friend but I figure who else would abuse me.
<protonchris> dthomasdigital: doomcat_
<dthomasdigital> protonchris wins
<doomcat_> no way i think thats wrong
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: APS?
<nxion> All: Is there anything else that you all need help on please et me know. I want to help in anyway possible.
<dthomasdigital> nxion, and others I will be formulating all kinds of needs for volunteers, I'll be contacting people soon on task that we will need nxion will be the first we call on.
<nxion> :)
<nick125> I'm willing to help whenever I can, too.
<protonchris> dthomasdigital: Yeah, please let us know
<dthomasdigital> Check out my life hacker claim to fame
<protonchris> Any other business?
<ColonelPanik> I am willing to mill around smartly
<sithlord> I have something
<dthomasdigital> I knew we could count on ColonelPanik
<protonchris> sithlord: go for it
<dthomasdigital> +1\
<sithlord> I would like to offer a monthly game night at my place
<dthomasdigital> I'm game, 
<sithlord> maybe bring a friend new to linux
<sithlord> if not game we could show off linux to M$ users and get them to switch
<gcleric> sithlord: can I just kidnap some one off the street...would that count?  =)
<sithlord> sure, that is how I got my wife
<gcleric> sithlord: lol.
<dthomasdigital> What night or you can think about it and add it to the agenda page for next meeting
<gen_fool> :)
<sithlord> maybe wed?
<sithlord> first wed of the month?
<fgleich> ok
<dthomasdigital> That could work we can add it to the calendar.
<fgleich> what game to practice ?
<sithlord> you tell me
<fgleich> sauerbraten ?
<sithlord> old school games?  new ones?
<doomcat_> well bomberclone is old school bomberman its multiplayer online
<sithlord> ok
<sithlord> please email me with the games you want to see
<doomcat_> website or download it by add and remove progeams
<gen_fool> does not matter, I am 2 min. away and will be part of the cheering  section
<sithlord> lol
<protonchris> sithlord: hotmail ?!?!? ;)
<sithlord> for those who dont game, there may be noobs to linux that you can show off linux to
<gen_fool> If it is online, we have a ringer I can bring in from VA
<gcleric> protonchris: he's our agent on the inside... =P
<protonchris> gcleric: nice
<sithlord> I have 7 machines and wifi
<dthomasdigital> I'm working on an animation that will list thing for the LinuxFest will be fun to show that off.
<sithlord> that would be cool, is it in blender?
<gen_fool> sithlord,  you have 1 more
<sithlord> um, didnt count my machine
<dthomasdigital> Nope in c++
<fgleich> SDL ?
<doomcat_> sithlord i sent you what games i tink will be good
<sithlord> ok
<gen_fool> I have a 2.0 with 512k dual booted , needs a home, name is chuggs, be nice to it
<sithlord> ok
<sithlord> thanks
<fgleich> dthomasdigital: is it in SDL ?
<fgleich> or openGL ?
<dthomasdigital> opengl
<fgleich> spiffy
<fgleich> :D
<sithlord> if you bring a laptop, have your MAC ready to load in my router
<doomcat_> well goodnight guys i g2g (that means got to go dthomasdigital)
* doomcat_ has quit ("ok spock beam me out of here (beams doomcat to doomlair)")
<sithlord> lol
<protonchris> I am going to head out as well.  Have a good night
<dthomasdigital> well wait till you see it before spiffy, converting some of my old Amiga demos
<fgleich> hey I saw a G4 for 200 on craigslist today
<fgleich> is that good ?
<gcleric> question is... was that spock prime...
<dthomasdigital> doomcat_ is rarely prime that boy is almost always an odd number
<fgleich> sithlord: I dled the bomberclone stuff from the repos to practice
<gcleric> dthomasdigital: I'd really start worry about doomcat if he had Klingon for beam me up.
<sithlord> ok
<sithlord> I will pass out flyers here at work to get others interested in linux and its gaming
<sithlord> I get many of my customers to make the change
<fgleich> sithlord: you rock :D
<gcleric> g'night all..
<sithlord> :)
* gcleric has quit ("Ex-Chat")
<sithlord> night
<fgleich> night
<sithlord> hey, how about having it arcade style?
<fgleich> how do you do that ?
<sithlord> each machine having a game on it
<fgleich> oh
<fgleich> why not ?
<fgleich> playing against the computer ?
<gen_fool> sithlord,  creative process, find what works?
<sithlord> sure or have a few for multi
<dthomasdigital> sithlord keep us updated join the mailing list if you have not
<gen_fool>  I am game
<fgleich> lol
<dthomasdigital> I say it's your place you do what you want you sure have my support
<sithlord> thanks, I am open to ideas
<gen_fool> Is a creative process
<sithlord> I want other to see how fun linux is and make the switch
<dthomasdigital> I'm going to officially end the meeting.....carry on

NewMexicoTeam/May_12_2009 (last edited 2009-05-13 03:09:23 by 67-61-60-11)