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Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)



If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!

Members Present

10 people in the IRC channel tonight


Meeting started at 8:00 by prontochris

Topics Discussed

--- Log opened Tue May 04 20:00:07 2010
20:00 -!- Irssi: Log file ~/irclogs/2010-05-04.txt opened
20:04 -!- rlopez12 [~rlopez12@m570e36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
20:04 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Let's give everyone a few more minutes to arrive.
20:04 #ubuntu-us-nm: < rlopez12> hello all
20:05 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> rlopez12: good evening
20:09 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Well, it doesn't look like we have any agenda items tonight.  Does anyone have anything to discuss?
20:10 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> there are several pictures of the trade show at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/trade_show_2010 
20:11 -!- yibberish [~jib@m425636d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
20:11 #ubuntu-us-nm: < rlopez12> deinerson1: did you get mine?
20:11 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> I love all of the guns in the background.
20:12 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> rlopez12: yep and they are posted
20:12 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> How did the show go?
20:15 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> very well, we handed out around 100+ Karmic CD's and spoke with many passers by
20:15 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> I'd guestimate we spoke quite personally with over 50 people and casually with perhaps another 100 on top of that
20:18 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Great!
20:19 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> I'd like to give a shout out to rlopez12 and kenneth_ --> thank you both for a great weekend promoting Ubuntu :)
20:20 [Users #ubuntu-us-nm]
20:20 [@ChanServ    ] [ deinerson1] [ mneptok] [ protonchris] [ tritium] [ woowoo   ] 
20:20 [ ColonelPanik] [ locobot_4 ] [ nick125] [ rlopez12   ] [ ubot3  ] [ yibberish] 
20:20 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-us-nm: Total of 12 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 11 normal]
20:20 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Well done gents
20:20 #ubuntu-us-nm: < rlopez12> glad to help
20:22 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> When are we going to do a release party for Lucid?
20:24 #ubuntu-us-nm: < ColonelPanik> June 5th, genfool and I are doing a meet.
20:24 #ubuntu-us-nm: < ColonelPanik> everyone is invited.
20:26 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> June 5th works for me
20:29 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> nick125: do you have a date to suggest?
20:30 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> No suggestions here
20:30 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> We should postpone that until next meeting, perhaps.
20:30 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> ok
20:30 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> any ideas on where?
20:30 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> However, I am not sure we will have anymore people next week :(
20:31 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> protonchris: Well, we should at least aim to have tritium and mneptok on the meeting..
20:31 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> ok
20:33 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> mneptok is usually busy during our meetings, but I suspect that he will read the scrollback.
20:34 #ubuntu-us-nm:  * protonchris raises his arms in the air and conjures mneptok from the depths of the great unknown.
20:35 #ubuntu-us-nm: < ColonelPanik> genfool and I are set for the cyber cafe located at 5th and Osuna (sp?)
20:35 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> protonchris: Does that work?
20:35 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> nick125: I haven't tried it before.  Cross your fingers.
20:35 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> Mmmkay. Fingers crossed.
20:36 -!- kenneth [~quassel@rrcs-70-62-49-74.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
20:36 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> hi there
20:36 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Dang it.  I wasn't concentrating hard enough.  I conjured kenneth instead on mneptok.
20:36 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> kenneth: Good evening
20:37 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> protonchris: Try again.
20:38 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> Sorry for being late but comcast is down at my home
20:38 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> and I'am at Cottonwood Mail using it Free Wifi
20:41 #ubuntu-us-nm:  * protonchris creates an altar of tobacco, patent leather, and giovanni's pizza to conjure mneptok
20:42 #ubuntu-us-nm: < ColonelPanik> You are going to sacrifice a pizza?
20:42 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> ColonelPanik: that depends on mneptok
20:43 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> So have you been discussing the Gunshow Booth
20:43 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> kenneth: We did a little and deinerson1 showed us the pictures.
20:44 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> gave out over 100 disks
20:44 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Very nice.
20:46 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> and also over 60 Tux models
20:47 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Yeah, those models were a big hit at the last show.
20:48 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> also for reference the SSID for Free wifi at Cottonwood mall is SIMON WiFi
20:52 [Users #ubuntu-us-nm]
20:52 [@ChanServ    ] [ kenneth  ] [ nick125    ] [ tritium] [ yibberish] 
20:52 [ ColonelPanik] [ locobot_4] [ protonchris] [ ubot3  ] 
20:52 [ deinerson1  ] [ mneptok  ] [ rlopez12   ] [ woowoo ] 
20:52 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-us-nm: Total of 13 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal]
20:52 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> All Disk , Broshures, and business have the NM Ubuntu LoCo webaddress on them
20:52 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Well, I am going to step away.  Have a good night.
20:52 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> kenneth: Very nice.
20:53 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> protonchris: Damn. If that doesn't get him, I don't know what will.
20:53 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> I'll upload the PDF for them as soon as the home connection from comcast is back up
20:58 -!- yibberish [~jib@m425636d0.tmodns.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
21:00 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> well there closed here see you later.
21:01 -!- kenneth [~quassel@rrcs-70-62-49-74.central.biz.rr.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
21:03 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> Here's a link for the release party - if we need it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam/Lucid_Release_Party_2010 
--- Log closed Tue May 04 21:06:05 2010

NewMexicoTeam/May_4_2010 (last edited 2010-05-05 03:07:33 by c-76-18-65-160)