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If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!
Discussion of how the trade show went. See the pictures at the bottom of the trade show page.
Members Present
10 people in the IRC channel tonight
Meeting started at 8:00 by prontochris
Topics Discussed
--- Log opened Tue May 04 20:00:07 2010 20:00 -!- Irssi: Log file ~/irclogs/2010-05-04.txt opened 20:04 -!- rlopez12 [] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm 20:04 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Let's give everyone a few more minutes to arrive. 20:04 #ubuntu-us-nm: < rlopez12> hello all 20:05 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> rlopez12: good evening 20:09 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Well, it doesn't look like we have any agenda items tonight. Does anyone have anything to discuss? 20:10 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> there are several pictures of the trade show at 20:11 -!- yibberish [] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm 20:11 #ubuntu-us-nm: < rlopez12> deinerson1: did you get mine? 20:11 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> I love all of the guns in the background. 20:12 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> rlopez12: yep and they are posted 20:12 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> How did the show go? 20:15 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> very well, we handed out around 100+ Karmic CD's and spoke with many passers by 20:15 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> I'd guestimate we spoke quite personally with over 50 people and casually with perhaps another 100 on top of that 20:18 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Great! 20:19 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> I'd like to give a shout out to rlopez12 and kenneth_ --> thank you both for a great weekend promoting Ubuntu :) 20:20 [Users #ubuntu-us-nm] 20:20 [@ChanServ ] [ deinerson1] [ mneptok] [ protonchris] [ tritium] [ woowoo ] 20:20 [ ColonelPanik] [ locobot_4 ] [ nick125] [ rlopez12 ] [ ubot3 ] [ yibberish] 20:20 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-us-nm: Total of 12 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 11 normal] 20:20 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Well done gents 20:20 #ubuntu-us-nm: < rlopez12> glad to help 20:22 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> When are we going to do a release party for Lucid? 20:24 #ubuntu-us-nm: < ColonelPanik> June 5th, genfool and I are doing a meet. 20:24 #ubuntu-us-nm: < ColonelPanik> everyone is invited. 20:26 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> June 5th works for me 20:29 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> nick125: do you have a date to suggest? 20:30 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> No suggestions here 20:30 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> We should postpone that until next meeting, perhaps. 20:30 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> ok 20:30 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> any ideas on where? 20:30 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> However, I am not sure we will have anymore people next week :( 20:31 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> protonchris: Well, we should at least aim to have tritium and mneptok on the meeting.. 20:31 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> ok 20:33 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> mneptok is usually busy during our meetings, but I suspect that he will read the scrollback. 20:34 #ubuntu-us-nm: * protonchris raises his arms in the air and conjures mneptok from the depths of the great unknown. 20:35 #ubuntu-us-nm: < ColonelPanik> genfool and I are set for the cyber cafe located at 5th and Osuna (sp?) 20:35 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> protonchris: Does that work? 20:35 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> nick125: I haven't tried it before. Cross your fingers. 20:35 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> Mmmkay. Fingers crossed. 20:36 -!- kenneth [] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm 20:36 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> hi there 20:36 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Dang it. I wasn't concentrating hard enough. I conjured kenneth instead on mneptok. 20:36 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> kenneth: Good evening 20:37 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> protonchris: Try again. 20:38 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> Sorry for being late but comcast is down at my home 20:38 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> and I'am at Cottonwood Mail using it Free Wifi 20:41 #ubuntu-us-nm: * protonchris creates an altar of tobacco, patent leather, and giovanni's pizza to conjure mneptok 20:42 #ubuntu-us-nm: < ColonelPanik> You are going to sacrifice a pizza? 20:42 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> ColonelPanik: that depends on mneptok 20:43 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> So have you been discussing the Gunshow Booth 20:43 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> kenneth: We did a little and deinerson1 showed us the pictures. 20:44 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> gave out over 100 disks 20:44 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Very nice. 20:46 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> and also over 60 Tux models 20:47 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Yeah, those models were a big hit at the last show. 20:48 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> also for reference the SSID for Free wifi at Cottonwood mall is SIMON WiFi 20:52 [Users #ubuntu-us-nm] 20:52 [@ChanServ ] [ kenneth ] [ nick125 ] [ tritium] [ yibberish] 20:52 [ ColonelPanik] [ locobot_4] [ protonchris] [ ubot3 ] 20:52 [ deinerson1 ] [ mneptok ] [ rlopez12 ] [ woowoo ] 20:52 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-us-nm: Total of 13 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 12 normal] 20:52 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> All Disk , Broshures, and business have the NM Ubuntu LoCo webaddress on them 20:52 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> Well, I am going to step away. Have a good night. 20:52 #ubuntu-us-nm: < protonchris> kenneth: Very nice. 20:53 #ubuntu-us-nm: < nick125> protonchris: Damn. If that doesn't get him, I don't know what will. 20:53 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> I'll upload the PDF for them as soon as the home connection from comcast is back up 20:58 -!- yibberish [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:00 #ubuntu-us-nm: < kenneth> well there closed here see you later. 21:01 -!- kenneth [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:03 #ubuntu-us-nm: < deinerson1> Here's a link for the release party - if we need it: --- Log closed Tue May 04 21:06:05 2010
NewMexicoTeam/May_4_2010 (last edited 2010-05-05 03:07:33 by c-76-18-65-160)