
Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)


  1. Team Logo
  2. GutsyGibbon Release Party/Installfest

    1. Running a Release Party

    2. List of Gutsy Release Parties

  3. Non-Profit project for EPC

If you want to add anything to the agenda go for it!


October, 11th 2007 meeting Minutes

Weekly Meeting of the New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo

Members Present

  • David Thomas dthomasdigital
  • protonchris
  • tritium
  • don2718

Others Present

  • some lurkers but no one chimed in


Meeting called to order at 8:00pm by Member David Thomas

Topics Discussed We talked about the groups growth we are now 15 members

Talked about the gutsy release party flyer's and case badges that are on order and coming.

Don2718 from the MVLUG (Mesilla Valley Linux Users Group) let us know that they have a meeting every first tuesday of every month at the NMSU science hall (SH) 124 at 5:30pm MST

Assessment of Meeting More members need to show up and put in there 2 cents worth

Meeting minutes submitted by David Thomas

NewMexicoTeam/October,_11_2007 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:41:22 by localhost)