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If you want to add anything to the agenda go for it!
October, 4th 2007 meeting Minutes
Weekly Meeting of the New Mexico Ubuntu LoCo
Members Present
- David Thomas dthomasdigital
- protonchris
- uuwsley
- don2718
Others Present
- some lurkers but no one chimed in
Meeting called to order at 8:00pm by Member David Thomas
Topics Discussed
David Thomas was in Florida for a conference and was talking about all the rain, it was also raining in New Mexico at the time. The conference was for court technology and this year there was much talk about open source software.
A little discussion about the Gutsy Release Party on the 19th of October. Getting a list together about attendance.
More talk about the Non-profit project.
Assessment of Meeting
Starting to see new members come aboard.
Meeting minutes submitted by David Thomas
NewMexicoTeam/October,_4_2007 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:19:43 by localhost)