- Details on the Ubuntu 8.10 Release Party
A discussion on a New Mexico LinuxFest something along the lines of the Ohio LinuxFest.
If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!
Members Present
- dthomasdigital
- tritium
- Protonchris
- jimrz
- Phil_S
- mneptok
- kenneth
- source3
- Meeting started by tritium at 8:00pm
Topics Discussed
- Details on the Ubuntu 8.10 Release Party Full details discussed on the release party. Dthomasdigital will bring a projector, Cost will be $30.00 per hour plus $3.00 per person we plan to split cost between the core members. Dthomasdigital will post in the alibi, on Duke City Fix and create flyer's. Jimrz and tritium will distribute.
A discussion on a New Mexico LinuxFest something along the lines of the Ohio LinuxFest. An exploratory committee was formed memebrs tritium, jimrz, and dthomasdigital. A wiki page will be started to show news and progress.
- EPC was also discussed briefly.
NewMexicoTeam/october,_14_2008 (last edited 2008-10-15 02:55:05 by 24-119-204-191)