
Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)


  • Software Freedom Day Sept 20th
  • Ubuntu 8.10 Release Party
    • Opinions on the last one (8.04)
    • Should this one be more elaborate or less elaborate than 8.04?
    • Pick a date that both protonchris and tritium can attend Smile :)

    • Anyone interested in GPG keysigning?
  • Projects - where do we stand
    • EPC status
  • New Members (people need to know we are here)
  • Thoughts on Firefox EULA please go here for more information.

If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!

Members Present

  • dthomasdigital
  • protonchris
  • jimrz
  • mando
  • weazzle
  • bbechdol
  • mneptok


Meeting called to order at 8:00pm by dthomasdigital

Topics Discussed

  • Software Freedom Day Sept 20th - getting all the details finalized. Time, parking, what to bring
  • Ubuntu 8.10 Release Party - decided to but up some dates on the wiki and have people talk about it
  • Projects - where do we stand
    • EPC status - need to follow up with Eric
  • New Members (people need to know we are here)- Need to get going with a membership drive, one new member as of 9/18/08 39 total
  • Thoughts on Firefox EULA please go here for more information. - looks like the firefox folks listened to the end users

NewMexicoTeam/september,_18_2008 (last edited 2008-09-19 15:35:52 by 206)