
Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)


I will not be able to make the meeting tonight Feel free to update the pages on the wiki - posted by dthomasdigitial

  • Rio Rancho Library has been secured for SFD on the 19th. See you there - posted by dthomasdigital
  • Good news we did get our SFD packet so more disks, stickers and a few other items - posted by dthomasdigital
  • Please be sure and advertise SFD any way you can DYI marketing material can be found here}. - posted by dthomasdigital

  • MVLUG will have a SFD team this year too, that is 3 teams in New Mexico W00T! - posted by dthomasdigital

If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!

Members Present


Meeting started at 8:04 by protonchris

Topics Discussed

20:04 < protonchris> Here is the agenda:
20:04 < kenneth_> hi there
20:04 < protonchris> Looks like Dave was responsible for all of items.
20:05 < protonchris> Let's give Dave a few minutes to stop by.  Does anyone have any other business?
20:05 < jimrz> hi kenneth
20:06 < jay4rest> Put a plug in for SFD on the podcast
20:06 < protonchris> jay4rest: Great.  Thanks.
20:06 < jay4rest> It is going to be a blast
20:07 < jay4rest> I will finally be able to put faces to handles
20:08 < protonchris> Well.  Let's cover the agenda:
20:08 < jimrz> +1
20:08 < protonchris> Dave has secured the Rio Rancho Library and received the SFD promotion packet.
20:08 < jimrz> good news
20:09 < gcleric> excellent
20:09 < gcleric> oh evening all.
20:09 < jimrz> hi gcleric
20:09 < jay4rest> hi gcleric
20:09 < protonchris> Here is a link to SFD info for the NM LoCo:
20:10 < protonchris>
20:10 < protonchris> Add your name to the volunteer list.
20:11 < jay4rest> how?
20:12 < protonchris> Looks like you need to register on the wiki before you can edit the page.
20:13 < protonchris>
20:15 < jay4rest> Registered and added my name
20:18 < protonchris> Ok.  At this point, let's open the floor.
20:18 < jimrz> ok
20:23 < jay4rest> Is there an Albuquerque LUG?
20:23 < jay4rest> I know about the Mesilla Valley Linux Users Group
20:23 < protonchris> Not an active one that I know of.
20:23 < jay4rest> and the one in Santa Fe
20:24 < gcleric> I think that there is NMLUG
20:25 < jay4rest> Ya, I think that is the one in Santa Fe
20:25 < jimrz>  NM Gnu & Linux Users Group :
20:25 < jimrz>  We are a user group in the Santa Fe area of New Mexico who are dedicated to the use of the GNU/Linux Operating System and other Free Software. We meet every other Thursday to broaden our own, and others, knowledge of computing in regard to the GNU/Linux OS. Please participate regardless of how much you know or don't.
20:25 < jimrz> map:
20:25 < jimrz> contact:(505).988.4292
20:25 < gcleric> jay4rest: nope that is the NMGLUG>
20:26 < jay4rest> is santa fe
20:26 < gcleric> the is ABQ.
20:27 < gcleric> though their site has not been updated in 5 years... eeek.
20:28 < jay4rest> Actually both places
20:28 < jay4rest> Last entry 2004-03-05
20:28 < gcleric> I know that swcp used to host the site and so to speak sponsor it.
20:29 < gcleric> i know pretty sad huh?
20:29 < gcleric> the mailing list is still active.  I get emails from time to time.
20:30 < jay4rest> It really is
20:30 < protonchris> jay4rest:
20:31 < jay4rest> Does anyone know about the New Mexico Open Source User Group
20:31 < protonchris> jay4rest: I think nick125 does
20:33 < protonchris> IIRC, he was trying to get it going again.
20:33 < jay4rest> I subscribed to their mailing list
20:34 < jay4rest> will see
20:35 < gcleric> since the floor is open.  Dave and I were kicking around the idea of an online linuxfest.
20:36 < gcleric> using a service like DimDim....
20:36 < jimrz> gcleric: rather than a physical gathering or in addition to?
20:37 < jay4rest> We should think about recording the December 19th event
20:37 < gcleric> as a possible alternative to the physical.
20:37 < gcleric> seems kinda fitting seeing how linux is a child of the internet.
20:37 < jimrz> interesting
20:38 < jimrz> it does
20:38 < jay4rest> What about the  December 19th event?
20:38 < gcleric> and we could have the event over a week rather then one day.  did I mention save money.
20:39 < jay4rest> It bypasses the local community though
20:39 < gcleric> jay4rest: we are still shooting for it but this is a backup plan.
20:39 < gcleric> jay4rest: how so?
20:39 < protonchris> Maybe we could do a test run using dimdim with the group.
20:40 < jay4rest> They have to go online and visit a site and register
20:40 < gcleric> protonchris:  I think it is worth a test...
20:41 < jay4rest> It would be hard to do a press release for a cyber event
20:41 < gcleric> jay4rest: that is technically what they are doing now.  along with the presenters.
20:41 < gcleric> jay4rest: not really.
20:42 < jay4rest> I guess I like the face to face, person to person exchange.
20:42 < jay4rest> I confess my bias
20:43 < jay4rest> You  build friendships that you just can't do online
20:43 < jay4rest> I guess it comes with years of pastoring
20:44 < jimrz> still a valid point
20:44 < protonchris> jay4rest: I agree, but if we don't come up with more sponsorships, the decision will be made for us.
20:44 < gcleric> jay4rest: that is really odd seening that we are talking in an irc channel.
20:44 < gcleric> jimrz: protonchris  agreed.
20:44 < jay4rest> Would you trust me enough to load me $500.00
20:44 < jay4rest> loan
20:45 < gcleric> jay4rest: people are giving that to the NMLC with out having met any of us to help pay for the physical event.
20:45 < jay4rest> How much are we behind in sponsorships
20:46 -!- gcleric_ [] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
20:46 < jay4rest> It's an organization though
20:46 < protonchris> jay4rest: dave would be the one to ask.
20:47 -!- gcleric [n=gcleric@ubuntu/member/gcleric] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
20:47 -!- gcleric_ is now known as gcleric
20:47 < gcleric> brb....
20:47 -!- gcleric [n=gcleric@ubuntu/member/gcleric] has quit [Client Quit]
20:47 < jimrz> ko
20:47 -!- gcleric [n=gcleric@ubuntu/member/gcleric] has joined #ubuntu-us-nm
20:48 < jay4rest> people are giving for the physical event.
20:48 < jay4rest> We should give them a physical event.
20:48 < gcleric> if it comes down to it we can return the money.
20:49 < jay4rest> I guess I am optimistic
20:49 < gcleric> I like backup plans.
20:49 < jay4rest> I will do what I can as well
20:51 < gcleric> now for the record I have offered to front the money for the facilites but we are hoping for sponsors.  But in a recession getting more paided sponsors may be really hard.
20:52 < jimrz> gcleric: very true + if we need to, I can help with the front money
20:52 < jay4rest> We need to know how many sponsors we need and start pounding the pavement
20:52 < jay4rest> We can do this my friends
20:53 < jimrz> agreed
20:53 < gcleric> jay4rest: but a backup plan would be *REALLY* smart.
20:53 < jay4rest> but hopefully unnecessary
20:53 < jimrz> gcleric: absolutely
20:54 < gcleric> because if we come up short and can not produce anything...that would be BAD.
20:54 < jay4rest> No we postpone until 2010
20:54 < gcleric> sponsors don't like that...
20:54 < jay4rest> The dedian motto: release when ready
20:55 < gcleric> thanks for the money but wait another year?
20:55 < jay4rest> I suppose
20:55 < jay4rest> they might not be happy
20:55 < jay4rest> but return the money if they like
20:55 < gcleric> and we loose credibility..
20:56 < jay4rest> as you suggested
20:56 < jay4rest> They giving for a physical event now
20:56 < jay4rest> Don't have it and you get the same result
20:56 < gcleric> agree...time is ticking... 3months away.
20:57 < jay4rest> Indeed
20:57 < gcleric> i think it might be a good idea to start small and let it build..
20:57 < jay4rest> I agree
20:57 < jay4rest> That is wisdom
20:58 < jay4rest> we can always get bigger
20:58 < gcleric> just a gut and reality check.
20:58 < jay4rest> true
20:59 < jay4rest> it is scary
20:59 < jay4rest> it is that credibility thing
20:59 < gcleric> yes it is...
20:59 < jay4rest> but I really believe in this group
21:00 < jay4rest> I think we can pull this off
21:00 < jay4rest> You know you have free advertising on the podcast
21:01 < jay4rest> and I might be able to get you on a few others
21:01 < gcleric> I know I should save this for the NMLC but ... we are 3 months out.  We have not location, no confirmation on the keynote speakers and no budget...
21:01 < gcleric> that does not look good.
21:02 < kenneth_> ouch
21:03 < jay4rest> We need to have a sit down meeting with all of us and make some plans
21:03 < jay4rest> I have a few connections
21:05 < protonchris> jay4rest: sounds good.  The board has met multiple times, but we are planning on having a meeting soon with everyone.
21:06 < jay4rest> That would be great
21:10 < jay4rest> we will prevail
21:11 < gcleric> if patton where alive today... he would say... Backup, Backup, Backup.

NewMexicoTeam/september_1_2009 (last edited 2009-09-09 02:37:06 by c-68-42-42-61)