
Ubuntu Next New Mexico LoCo Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 at 9 PM MDT (details)


Feel free to update the pages on the wiki - posted by dthomasdigitial

  • Rio Rancho Library has been secured for SFD on the 19th. See you there - posted by dthomasdigital

If you want to add anything else to the agenda, please feel free!

Members Present

14 real people in the IRC channel tonight


Meeting started at 8:11 by nick125

Topics Discussed

20:11 < nick125> Here's the agenda: . Not much for tonight.
20:12 < jay4rest> It was the best I could do
20:12 < nick125> As the agenda says, SFD Albuquerque will be at the Rio Rancho Main Library on the 19th. 
20:12 < nick125> ColonelPanik: What's the status on the Portales SFD?
20:13 < ColonelPanik> We have a room at the university!  FREE.
20:13 < jay4rest> Very cool
20:13 < ColonelPanik> We have more helpers
20:14 < jimrz> excellent
20:14 < nick125> Awesome.
20:14 < ColonelPanik> We have plenty of swag
20:14 < jimrz> nice, did Dave send you a package
20:14 < ColonelPanik> We are starting to get the word out.  /me running around handing out info
20:15 < jimrz> you go, sir
20:15 < ColonelPanik> I have received some stuff, picked up when you guys did EPC re-install
20:15 < jimrz> ah
20:16 < ColonelPanik> Just heard that two schoolc (church) have purchased some Linux powered computers and need a helper to get them going.  Yes, I did volunteer.
20:16 < jay4rest> awesome
20:17 < jimrz> great
20:17 < ColonelPanik> Some guy in Roswell is needing help with Linux/SAMBA,  the Colonel hid behind some sand hills.  But my buddy here is a SAMBA wiz so that is covered!
20:18 < nick125> It seems like our mission to take over the planet is going well.
20:18 < jay4rest> I think so
20:18 < nick125> So, I think we'll open up the floor if anyone wants to bring something up.
20:18 < ColonelPanik> If we have just a little luck.....
20:19 < jimrz> good idea
20:19 < jay4rest> I need a little help on the wiki
20:20 < jay4rest> I lost the transcript from last week
20:20 < nick125> D oyou need a copy of it? I can probably dig through my logs.
20:20 < jay4rest> I updated everything else
20:21 < jay4rest> Thanks nick125
20:21 < nick125> I hope I enabled logging in irssi....
20:21 < jay4rest> jay4rest at
20:21 < nick125> Sept 1st, 2009? Do you want the whole log?
20:22 < jay4rest> just the meeting part
20:22 < jay4rest> I guess I volunteered to do the wiki
20:22 < nick125> One sec...
20:22 < jimrz> so it seems
20:23 < nick125> jay4rest: Sent. 
20:23 < nick125> You might need to edit the end, as I wasn't sure where the meeting ended.
20:24 < jay4rest> Thanks
20:25 -!- smooge [] has quit ["-ENOCAFFEINE"]
20:25 < jay4rest> I will do my best
20:25 < jay4rest> Dave is just too busy right now
20:26 < jay4rest> Got it
20:26 < nick125> Does anyone have anything else for the meeting? 
20:27 < jimrz> not here
20:27 < jay4rest> no
20:27 < jay4rest> pe
20:29  * ColonelPanik salutes nick125 for his great leadership /°_°
20:29 < nick125> Okay, I say we call the meeting done. So, what's everyone planning for the weekend?

NewMexicoTeam/september_8_2009 (last edited 2009-09-09 02:48:45 by c-68-42-42-61)