
Revision 22 as of 2009-01-20 23:10:40

Clear message


We are the North Carolina Ubuntu Local Community Team, a group of Linux enthusiasts with the common goal of interacting and spreading the word about Ubuntu throughout the state. We are open to all forms of participation from advocacy to support.


  • To promote Ubuntu and it's various flavors throughout the area.
  • To provide support to fellow members
  • To create a community through which participants can exchange ideas and goals.




Upcoming Meetings

  • Jan. 29, 2009, 7:30pm - IRC #ubuntu-northcarolina
    1. Regular IRC (other protocols?) meeting time and dates
    2. Event possibilities: Jaunty launch party, triage gatherings, other ideas...
    3. Progress report on logo, flyers.
    4. Volunteer to take over the IRC channel: get the name w/in Loco guidelines, change links on various pages, promo tips for other users...
    5. General chat...

Previous meetings

  • Jan. 6 2009, 7pm - IRC (Log)
