
Revision 14 as of 2012-04-26 17:40:21

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Novacut Wiki Home > How To Install

Here's how to install Novacut if you're running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

It's wonderfully easy to install software through the Ubuntu Software Center. However, as Novacut isn't yet in any official Ubuntu software channel, the process is a touch more difficult. Just ask us if you need help or get stuck!

On the bright side, after you add the Novacut Stable Releases PPA, you'll automatically get each monthly Novacut release. There are two ways you can add our PPA:

Copy & Paste

A little copy & paste is a quick and easy way to install Novacut:

Open the terminal (search for "terminal" in Dash), and then copy and paste these 3 commands, hitting Return after each one:

  • sudo apt-add-repository ppa:novacut/stable
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install novacut

To paste into the terminal, choose Paste from the Edit menu, or use Shift+Control+V on your keyboard. You also can click your middle mouse button, if you have one.

Software Sources

You can accomplish the same through the Ubuntu Software Center. In the Edit menu, choose Software Sources:


Then in the Other Software tab, click the Add button:


For the Apt line, type ppa:novacut/stable, and then click the Add Source button.


Then click the Close button to close the Software Sources window:


You'll now have to force the Update Manager to reload the package info by clicking on Software Up to Date in the system menu (top-right corner of your Ubuntu desktop):


Now click the Check button in the Update Manager:


After the above completes, you should be able to return to the Ubuntu Software Center and search for novacut. Select it in the search results and then click the Install button:
