
Differences between revisions 94 and 95
Revision 94 as of 2006-10-17 13:09:41
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Editor: 202
Revision 95 as of 2006-10-17 13:12:01
Size: 4463
Editor: 202
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 * Organised Software Freedom Day Event - [ Software Freedom Showcase], Mawson Lakes Adelaide, September 2006
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 * [Done] Add name to next Council agenda  * [Done] Add name to Council agenda


People I Owe Beers/Pizza To

  • jmitch - help with 'keyboard' accessability issue (My keys don't work!)
  • Hobbsee - help with 'keyboard' accessability issue (My keys don't work!)
  • bimbari
  • greebo - Software Freedom Day ideas and promotional material


The following links are to Wiki pages that I have created, have contributed to, or are currently collaborating on.


  • ["ATAOverEthernet"]
  • UbuntuBooks - Maintain 'English Books' section, including 'Not yet published' books.

  • HardwareTestingCatalog

  • ["AustralianTeam/Projects/UbuntuFriendlyComputerShops"]
  • ["AustralianTeam/Projects/UbuntuFriendlyNotebooks"]
  • ["AustralianTeam/Projects/NotForProfitDocumentation"]
  • PaulSchulz/AustralianMedia


A Brief Introduction (to me)

Paul is currently working as System Administrator for YourAmigo, an Adelaide company doing 'googly' stuff.

Up until very recently, Paul worked on embedded Linux systems for Robway Crane Safety Systems. In past lives he has worked with large SQL databases (education), been a Unix/Linux System Administrator (defence), and developed network managment software (startup). Oh, yeah and he also studied Physics and Mathematics at the University of Adelaide.

He is also involved in LinuxSA (The South Australian Linux User Group, and has given presentations on topics of personal interest, ranging from distributed computing, embedded Linux and 'git'.

He enjoys having a local public library that he can walk to, although he has to bring his own software (Portable Apps.) as they are yet to appriciate the benefits of Free and Open Source.

Paul maintains a community news site ([ MawsonLakes.Org ]) and is in the habit of passing out Ubuntu CD's whenever he can.

Immediate Plan for Ubuntu Involvement

  • Continue my contributions on the AustralianTeam, bringing Ubuntu to the Austalian community.

  • Work on Bug #1
  • Help out where I can.


Linux Australia

  • Organised Software Freedom Day Event - [ Software Freedom Showcase], Mawson Lakes Adelaide, September 2006

  • Linux Australia Representative at [ ConnectingUp06] Conference, Adelaide, May 2006

  • Organised Embedded Miniconf (1/2 day) at Linux.Conf.Au 2006
  • Organising Committee Member (Helper/Volunteer wrangler) for Linux.Conf.Au 2004 (Adelaide)

Open Source

My Todos

Other Ideas

  • Ubuntu Installfest in School Holidays with Dapper.
  • Contact South Australian Education Department about distributing Dapper.
  • Building local community support and infrustructure.
  • Contact CISA re. making Ubuntu available for Not-for-profit groups.

Related pages: FullSearch()


PaulSchulz (last edited 2010-04-14 02:27:41 by 116)