
  • Jean-Baptiste Lallement (jibel) is joining the Canonical QA team as Stable Release Updates Engineer. Before that, he's been a very active bug triager.
  • SRU Testing -- jibel
    • dapper
      • 5 packages published
        • 1 packages published to -updates

        • 3 packages published to -security

        • 1 packages published to -proposed

    • hardy
      • 5 packages published
        • 1 packages published to -updates

        • 3 packages published to -security

        • 1 packages published to -proposed

    • jaunty
      • 6 packages published
        • 1 packages published to -updates

        • 4 packages published to -security

        • 1 packages published to -proposed

    • karmic
      • 9 packages published
        • 1 packages published to -updates

        • 7 packages published to -security

        • 1 packages published to -proposed

    • lucid
      • 46 packages published
        • 22 packages published to -updates

        • 14 packages published to -security

        • 10 packages published to -proposed

    • Complete report is available at QATeam/SRUReports/2010-08-11

  • Bug Day status -- pvillavi
    • August 12th target will be the Operation Cleansweep which deals with reviewing patches and forwarding them to our Upstream partner projects.
    • More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100812

    • It is happening at #ubuntu-bugs and in #ubuntu-reviews
  • Ubuntu 10.04.1 release has been postponed to next Tuesday, August 17th.
  • Next meeting will be happening in TWO weeks, rather than one, as most of us are sprinting next week. Chair will be Marjo.

Meeting opened by ara at 17:00

  • <pedro_> hello!

    <ara> So, the agenda for today is:

    <ara> # review previous action items (all)

    <ara> # Introducing Jean-Baptiste Lallement

    <ara> # SRU testing -- sbeattie, jibel

    <ara> # Bug Day status -- pvillavi

    <ara> # Ubuntu 10.04.1 Testing status -- ara

    <ara> # Maverick Alpha 3 Spec Status -- all

    <ara> # Selection of new chair -- ara

    <ara> as always the agenda is available at

    <ara> [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings

  • <ara> [TOPIC] Review previous action items

Review previous action items

  • <ara> any action items?

    <ara> I don't remember any

    <charlie-tca> none that I recall, either

    <ara> OK, let's move on, then

    <ara> [TOPIC] Introducing Jean-Baptiste Lallement

Introducing Jean-Baptiste Lallement

  • <marjo> welcome jibel! would you like to do a short self intro?

    <ara> OK, you may all know jibel, he's been always pretty active in the community

    <marjo> very active, in fact!

    <jibel> Hello I'm Jean-Baptiste (jibel).

    <jibel> For those who do not know me, I've been a bug triager for a few years now, mainly active on installation and upgrades issues.

    <YokoZar> Hello jibel Smile :)

    <jibel> hello YokoZar

    <sbeattie> welcome, jibel!

    <ameetp> jibel: welcome!

    <charlie-tca> Welcome, jibel

    <marjo> sbeattie must be so happy, right now

    <ara> jibel, welcome!

    <jibel> thank you all for your warm welcome !

    <bdmurray> jibel: welcome!

    <pedro_> welcome jibel!

    <hggdh> jibel: welcome!

    <schwuk> hey jibel!

    <ara> jibel has started this week in Canonical QA team

    <jibel> Yes, I'm now working on Stable Release Updates as a member of the QA team

    <jibel> This new activity let me less time to triage bugs and makes pedro_ happy because he can kick me from the first place of the hall of fame.

    <pedro_> lol!

    <jibel> In my spare time I'm also the co-maintainer synaptic

    <jibel> You'll find the details about my Ubuntu involvement on my wiki page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JeanBaptisteLallement

    <jibel> Feel free to add a testimonial Wink ;)

    <jibel> So, if you're a bug triager, a developer or a tester and are interested in finding bugs and tracking regressions in stable releases, fixing them or backporting from the development release,

    <jibel> or testing and reviewing the updates just reach me on irc or find my email on my lp page http://launchpad.net/~jibel .

    <jibel> Did you notice a regression in a package which went to -updates? ping me too.

    <ara> jibel, great! thanks!

    <ara> any other question for jibel, or can we move on?

    <jibel> Special thanks to sbeattie who did a really awesome job !

    <marjo> +1! we'll miss him dearly

  • sbeattie is quite confident jibel will do a great job, and generate more community nterest in SRU testing than he did.

    <jibel> 1... 2... 3... no question for me ? moving on.

  • hggdh would still have both in the team

    <ara> [TOPIC] SRU testing -- sbeattie, jibel

SRU testing -- sbeattie, jibel

  • <jibel> I'll keep the flag if sbeattie agree.

    <sbeattie> by all means

    <jibel> the stable release updates details for this week is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/SRUReports/2010-08-11

    <jibel> A total of 71 packages have been published to stable releases

    <jibel> dapper: 5 packages published

    <jibel> 1 packages published to -updates

    <jibel> 3 packages published to -security

    <jibel> 1 packages published to -proposed

    <jibel> hardy: 5 packages published

    <jibel> 1 packages published to -updates

    <jibel> 3 packages published to -security

    <jibel> 1 packages published to -proposed

    <jibel> jaunty: 6 packages published

    <jibel> 1 packages published to -updates

    <jibel> 4 packages published to -security

    <jibel> 1 packages published to -proposed

    <jibel> karmic: 9 packages published

    <jibel> 1 packages published to -updates

    <jibel> 7 packages published to -security

    <jibel> 1 packages published to -proposed

    <jibel> high activity in lucid

    <jibel> lucid: 46 packages published

    <jibel> 22 packages published to -updates

    <jibel> 14 packages published to -security

    <jibel> 10 packages published to -proposed

    <jibel> Thanks to Alkis Georgopoulos, Ameet Paranjape, Lluis, Jamie Strandboge, Philip Muakovac, Micah Gersten, Vish, Fergal Daly, Jacob Helwig, Jean-Baptiste Lallement, komputes, Paul van Genderen, Ron S, scm, and Martin Jackson for testing packages in -proposed.

    <jibel> As always, you can see the current set of packages needing testing in the -proposed queue at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html . Your assistance in testing is always appreciated!

    <jibel> Do you have any question about the packages on the wiki page ?

    <sbeattie> looks good to me!

    <ara> OK, thanks jibel!

    <ara> [TOPIC] Bug Day status -- pedro_

Bug Day status -- pedro_

  • <pedro_> Hola!, nothing from previous weeks but...

    <pedro_> For tomorrow we're planning a rocking bug day and our target will be the Operation Cleansweep

    <pedro_> which deals with reviewing patches and forwarding them to our Upstream partner projects

    <pedro_> so if you wanna learn about patch review workflow and make dholbach and nigelb happy then please join us!

    <pedro_> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20100812

    <pedro_> as you can see there some folks already started to work on it

    <pedro_> thanks devildante and yofel Wink ;-)

    <pedro_> and by the way, we're always looking for new tasks/targets/ideas for the Bug Days

    <YokoZar> Has cleansweep been nearing its goal?

    <YokoZar> (of removing the backlog of patches)

    <pedro_> so if you have one or a bunch please add those to the Planning page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning

    <pedro_> YokoZar, well we can help to try to achieve that goal Wink ;-)

    <pedro_> looking at the graphs they need a lot

    <pedro_> that's all from here ara, unless there's a question

    <ara> pedro_, is this going to happen at #ubuntu-bugs? or #ubuntu-motu as it has a different target this time

    <pedro_> ara, it's going to happen in two channels actually in #ubuntu-bugs and in #ubuntu-reviewers

    <pedro_> so please join both tomorrow Wink ;-)

    <ara> pedro_, sure, noted! Smile :-)

    <ara> thanks pedro_!

    <ara> [TOPIC] Ubuntu 10.04.1 Testing status -- ara

Ubuntu 10.04.1 Testing status -- ara

  • <ara> OK, as you may have read at the ubuntu-devel mailing list, the release of Ubuntu 10.04.1 has been delayed to next Tuesday

    <ara> August 17th

    <ara> I guess that by the end of the week, or very early next week, the candidate images will appear in the tracker

    <ara> [LINK] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com

  • <ara> So, please, keep an eye open and help testing the ISOs!

    <ara> jibel, a point release just on the following week Wink ;-) not a bad start

    <ara> OK, we can move on

    <ara> [TOPIC] Maverick Alpha 3 Spec Status -- all

Maverick Alpha 3 Spec Status -- all

  • <jibel> Yes and that makes me nervous.

    <ara> OK, Alpha 3 was released and hopefully all the blueprints targeted to Alpha 3 finished

    <marjo> thanks for everyone's great work on the Alpha 3 work items

    <marjo> moving on to beta... http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-platform-qa-ubuntu-10.10-beta.html

    <ara> marjo, can you please take care of changing the status of the bluprints for alpha 3 that were finished?

    <marjo> ara: yes, i think hggdh & i can clean that up, as necessary

    <ara> [ACTION] marjo to review Alpha 3 blueprints statuses

marjo to review Alpha 3 blueprints statuses

  • <marjo> ara: no need since they are all 100% complete for alpha 3

    <marjo> hggdh had to update his blueprints

    <hggdh> oops

    <ara> marjo, I mean the status as "Beta available", etc, etc

    <hggdh> I thought I had

    <marjo> ara: ok will do

    <ara> anything else on this topic?

    <ara> marjo, do you have any other comments?

    <marjo> ara: no thx

    <ara> OK, moving on

    <ara> [TOPIC] Open Mic

Open Mic

  • <ara> Any other business that you want to discuss that were not part of the agenda?

    <YokoZar> I got something

    <YokoZar> Wanted to followup on the wine-checkbox stuff I mentioned last month

    <ara> cr3, ^

    <YokoZar> For starters, it's found a kernel bug Wink ;)

    <YokoZar> So it's working to some extent, however it's not yet merged. I'll talk with cr3 about that separately I suppose

    <YokoZar> While creating the tests I realized that there was some potential for Wine programs as a performance metric as well as a regression test

    <YokoZar> Including, oddly enough, the Windows version of Phoronix

    <cr3> YokoZar: I was on vacation last week, so I was quite busy before and still cathing up. feel free to get in touch with me at your convenience though

    <YokoZar> (we already have native Phoronix in checkbox, so it would be interesting to compare)

    <YokoZar> cr3: perfect

    <YokoZar> Anyway I'd like to thank fader_ for the help with running it on real machines earlier

    <marjo> YokoZar: thx for your contribution & will pass on your thanks to fader_

    <ara> YokoZar, thanks!

    <ara> YokoZar, anything else?

    <ara> OK, anybody else have another topic?

    <ara> OK, last one then

    <ara> [TOPIC] Selection of new chair -- ara

Selection of new chair -- ara

  • <ara> marjo, it has been a while Wink ;-)

    <marjo> ara: are you nominating me?

    <ara> But, first we have to decide what to do with next week meeting

    <hggdh> +1

    <ara> many of us will be sprinting

    <marjo> ara: i propose we cancel it

    <ara> +1

    <hggdh> +1

    <bladernr> +1

    <cr3> +1

    <marjo> ara: and i can chair the next one on 25 august

    <ara> marjo, great, thanks Smile :-)

    <hggdh> and then I will chair

    <hggdh> (the next next one, I mean)

    <ara> now everybody wants to be the chair Big Grin :)

    <marjo> ara, hggdh: thx

    <hggdh> Smile :-)

    <charlie-tca> I think they took note of how bad I was...

    <ara> OK, next meeting August 25th, 17:00UTC, marjo as the chair. And the next one, 1st September, hggdh as the chair

    <ara> 1st September, 19UTC, of course

    <hggdh> ack

    <ara> OK, I think that we can wrap up

    <ara> Thanks everybody and see you all in two weeks!

    <marjo> ara: ack & thx for chairing!

    <ara> #endmeeting

Meeting closed at 17:43

People Present

  • pedro_
  • ara
  • charlie-tca
  • marjo
  • jibel
  • YokoZar

  • sbeattie
  • ameetp
  • bdmurray
  • hggdh
  • schwuk
  • cr3
  • bladernr

Actions Recorded

  • marjo to review Alpha 3 blueprints statuses

QATeam/Meetings/20100811 (last edited 2010-08-12 06:53:10 by p54BE1344)