
Revision 15 as of 2013-07-17 21:20:16

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This page details information for the testdrive hackfest(s). A hackfest is a gathering of interested contributors with the goal of contributing new code and documentation as well as fixing and enhancing existing code. Members from the quality and testdrive teams make themselves available during the hackfest to help streamline contributions.


All day, Saturday, 10th August, 2013 with hangouts run from 1100-1200UTC and 2000-2100UTC.


#ubuntu-quality on freenode and a google plus hangout.

How can I participate?

  • Show up on IRC and/or G+ during the scheduled time
  • Put your name on the list of things that need doing

== To Do List ==



Improve Documentation (On wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Testdrive)

Improve Documentation (In app)

Translate (Some languages are completed)

Get UbuntuGNOME into testdrive (lp#1170618)

Remove or fix Parallels (lp#1171045)

Change the time testdrive resets to (lp#1171054)

Add netboot to testdrive (difficult) (lp#1077158)

Add VMWare support (lp#527161)

Allow download speeds to be limited (lp#703349)

Increase available Storage space (lp#1183153)

Increase available RAM (lp#1183153)

Fix the gui options for setting RAM to "Other"

Fix the gui options for setting Storage to "Other"

Make testdrive able to launch an CD/DVD Burner

What can I expect as part of the hackfest?

  • A opportunity to learn and get help with python, gtk, bzr and general testing stuff.
  • Noskcaj complaining about timezones
  • Bad sound quality
  • Seriously, a good time!