
Revision 6 as of 2007-05-11 19:46:16

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About Me

Real name:...Rafael Sfair


website:........http://sfair.wordpress.com (pt_BR)

e-mail:............MailTo(rsfair AT gmail.com)

e-mail:............MailTo(rsfair AT feg.unesp.br)

Jabber ID:......sfair AT jabber.cz

OpenPGP:.....[http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xF0306039C473AA61 C473AA61]

irc nick:..........sfair on Freenode

where:............Curitiba / Brazil

pt_BR wiki:....http://wiki.ubuntu-br.org/RafaelSfair

What I Do

I'm brazilian, 22 y, PhD physics student that uses Ubuntu to find and explain structures on planetary rings (firt Saturn's F-Ring and now Uranus' rings).

What Ubuntu did for me

Since my master course, Ubuntu is my main OS, I use it to do my work, since writing numerical codes until run and analise data. It's a trustworthy platform and my work would be almost impossible to do another way. And I met incredible people through Ubuntu Community that share same ideias and also watch Lost!! Smile :)

What I did for Ubuntu

And other minor changes and organizing in existent pages/wikis.

What I do for Ubuntu

What I plan to do for Ubuntu

  • Contribute to the growth of the documentation team
  • Try to migrate even more machines at my university to open source systems
  • Increase the divulgation of the Ubuntu and our work to make it always easier


-- When I knew him, we both started of the [http://wiki.ubuntu-br.org/TimeDeDocumentacao Ubuntu Brazilian Documentation Team], since then we are working to increase the number and quality of documentation about Ubuntu in portuguese. RafaelSfair always helps people who wants to contribute to Ubuntu, and always indicating the best ways to go on. His job with Ubuntu is also a very point in favour of Ubuntu and Open Source project, as he always convert people to the white side of the power. I completely agree and support his membership. -- RafaelProenca <cypherbios@ubuntu.com>
