
About Me

I'm programmer and student of Computer Sciences. i'm interested in web development. I am an active member of the Ubuntu-EG LoCo team.

My Contact Info



  • Founder of I Open Source community at el-Shorok Academy which a sub-community of Ubuntu Local Team to help colleagues in using Ubuntu
  • Helping spreading ideas about Ubuntu and FOSS in shrouck academy computer science and engineering department
  • Convinced my head of the department in computer science with Islam Waziry to make Linux a case study of the OS course and other courses and to have a lab that is dedicated to that purpose with Ubuntu installed on its machines.

  • Organized Shrouck acadeny computer science department installfest.

    • My role was to get the event approved (my proposal) with Islam Waziry from the college and to coordinate with them for the event requirements.

    • Planning for the whole event sessions, organizing the day by taking care of places of sessions and helping everyone how wants to, making Ubuntu CDs, and trying to make fun.
  • Member of Egypt LoCo Launchpad team.

  • Active in #ubuntu-eg IRC channel.
  • Installing Ubuntu to many Teacher Assistants in my department, helping them to learn using it, and getting involved in it.
  • Developing and maintaining an Open Source project 3D Virtual User Interface.

Future Goals

  • Make I Open Source community an official Ubuntu community in my university
  • Ubuntu Usage workshop in el-Shorouk Academy under the name of Ubuntu-eg team
  • Participating in all events with Egypt LoCo team

  • Getting our team Ubuntu-eg approved

If you're going to add a testimonial, then please don't forget to add you LP Name. Thanks :)

Refaat (last edited 2011-04-26 23:00:59 by 41)