To see what I'm doing in my life, take a look to my website
A very passionate boy, he is really active in Ubuntu Italy and helpful. Last but not least, he knows what to do when he gets involved into a project. -- by deshack, 06/04/2013
Riccardo is a very great and helpful boy that has worked in a lot of projects in the Italian LocoTeam like Web team, FCM and Marketing Team. In particular, he has helped our community to get an active presence on various social networks. IMHO, he definitely deserves the Ubuntu membership! -- paolorotolo 2013-04-06 17:39:33
Every time you need help it's better Riccardo is nearby, because he is the solution to all of your problem. Riccardo not only knows the right answer but he teaches you how to do in the future. -- by, almaidinajad 2013-04-06 21:09:33
Riccardo is a very "useful" person, always available to help you do everything. He always put him in new challenges, like the social media team he help to found. Now he want to get involved in Ubuntu Touch, for example. He definitely deserves the membership. -- mapreri 2013-05-29 16:53:35
I'm not very much into Ubuntu and I often find myself arguing with Riccardo on Google+ about the choices made by Canonical. Despide that, he's always there ready to help when I need some advice since he's really a better coder and he have a much more vaste knowledge than me regarding how to contribute to various FLOSS project. tl,dr: we argue, a lot, but he's a great man and a really precious resource for the FLOSS world. -- by Edoardo Maria Elidoro, 10/09/2013
There have been several situations where I worked with Riccardo within the Italian Loco, and I can testify his commitment, passion and enthusiasm. Riccardo is a pleasant person to work with, and the amount of work he has done and still does for Ubuntu is remarkable both for quantity and for quality. I wholeheartedly recommend him for membership, it has been well deserved. -- warp10 2013-09-10 22:19:38
I met Riccardo during the hack days for the core apps project for Ubuntu Touch. Within a short span of time, he contributed quite a number of bug fixes, and is now a calendar app maintainer. He is dedicated, friendly, energetic and always there to lend a helping hand if you need one. He is the kind of person who would be inspiring to new contributors. I fully endorse his application for the Ubuntu membership! -- nik90 2013-09-13 15:14:00
Riccardo participates actively in our LOCO Italian team; he is a very helpful person and he puts a lot of passion in what he does; I'm happy to support his membership. -- palma-salvatore 2013-09-14 09:22:21
I met Riccardo when I have started contributing into ubuntu core apps. We have been working together for calculator core app for Ubuntu touch. He is very helpful & dedicated to work. I can get him anytime whenever I need any help. It's been wonderful experience to work him. - mihirsoni-123 , 09/16/2013
Riccardo is a passionate and very competent developer. I have been mentoring him on the ubuntu-calculator-app project, and it is being a real pleasure. He makes himself always available for helping and his contributions to the project are really valuable. I fully endorse his application for the Ubuntu membership. -- boiko 2013-09-16 21:47:39
Riccardo worked hard for the Italian Loco, not only on technical front (lot of work on our Q&A platform, the work on UTouch that other mentioned, ... ), also he started taking responsibilities in the "management" of the Loco: he is exactly in these days organizing our event for all the italian members; and he took the leadership of the Web Team. I feel him will do a lot of good for both Ubuntu and his Community, and he deserve his Ubuntu membership for sure. -- -- gaspa 2013-09-17 20:16:21
Riccardo is one of our best contributors, working for our Newsletter and Web Team - in which he's now the leader - and organizing our meeting in Bologna. I strongly recommend him for Ubuntu membership -- dcavedon 2013-09-18 11:02:54
RiccardoPadovani (last edited 2015-02-14 18:33:11 by net-93-147-200-40)