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My name is Sergio Andres Meneses Echavéz, I'm 22 years old, live in the city of Cucuta, Norte de Santander and am currently a student at the university Francisco de Paula Santander where i'm studing computer engineering, I belong to the group of GNU / Linux from my university, the GNU-UFPS .

Personal Gallery: link

Contact Information


These are the Teams in which participated with much regularity.



Ubuntu Colombian Team


Council Ubuntu-co


Support Team Ubuntu-co


Ubuntu BugSquad


User Day Instructor


Ubuntu Member


Ubuntu Manual Team




Personal Goals

  1. Learn a lot about free software.
  2. Encourage the use of free software in my area and where to bring philosophy of free software.
  3. To assist the community in the management of free software as a truly useful tool that may be able to compete with any other software.

Objectives Ubuntu

  1. My, ascertain and provide support for community growth.
  2. Learning from each other by way of feedback in order to spread knowledge.
  3. Show great potential for Ubuntu in our country and bring more people turn to the SL.
  4. Create events of spread and creation of new communities in the world of the free software/Ubuntu.

Contributions to Ubuntu

Currently I contribute by participating in the mailing list of the community and the team I support equipo de soporte de Ubuntu-Co, in which I have resolved doubts of many of my classmates.

Assist in organizing hacklab held in the city of Cucuta in 2008. Gallery

Join the Global Bug Jam GBJ for Ibex, which helps connect bugs with software packages ... I hope the next best contribute GBJ.

Organizer of the Global Bug Jam for karmic in my city, making speeches about the handling of bugs and implementation of translations. Photos of the day: GBJ Cucuta

I will participate as an instructor in the Ubuntu User Day takes place on Saturday 23 January, with a workshop on the management and file system permissions.Logs

I'm helping with the editing and translation of the manual of ubuntu and the editing the wikipedia page. in the version in Spanish.

Join the Ubuntu Open Week, which took place on Monday May 3, 2010 with two talks: file systems and Ubuntu Linux permissions.

Participates as an instructor in the Ubuntu User Day that was held on Saturday June 5, 2010 where in the opening of the day, a discussion of permissions in Ubuntu and how to set up a home web server in Ubuntu

Organizer and promoter of Latin American ugj, which was held on August 29, 2010

Coordinator, promoter and instructor of Ubuntu Open Week in Spanish, to be held from 11 to 15 th October, 2010

External contributions

In the group of GNU / Linux which I do at my university part contributed to the spread of SL in all fields, giving talks and training sessions. Gallery

Participate as an organizer in the Days of free software that took place in the city JSL2009. Galeria

Participation in the FLISOL 2009 as an installer in the city of Cucuta. Gallery

Assistant to the Free Software Symposium 2008. Gallery

Participation in the FLISOL 2008 as an installer in the city of Cucuta. Gallery

Member of Colibri, where he participated in the Mailing list. Link

Participate as a speaker at the 2010 FLISOL made in my city, talking about free software communities. Gallery


Ubuntu Sergio is a wonderful person, his work is hard for the local team of ubuntu Colombia and Venezuela team, Sergio is known for its contributions in support, conferences, translations, etc. Sergio demonstrates a breadth of leadership in our council ubuntu Colombia. Sergio has my support to be a member of ubuntu IngForigua

Ubuntu He is one of the most active members of the Ubuntu-co council, He is the main reference in the area bordering Venezuela, has participated in several events such as Flisol, UGJ as an organizer, lecturer and installer, Also gives support to users in the IRC channel and mailing list. czam

Ubuntu He is a active members of ubuntu team Colombia, colaborating in promotionals events, translation and support to Community Colombian and Venezuelan too. Nathalie Colina

Ubuntu Sergio is a young men with everything ahead of him. He has vision, he wants to be there, he works hard for Ubuntu and the Team. He loves what he does and following the proper road he would be an amazing asset for Ubuntu as a member. AndresMujica

Ubuntu excellent support and very helpfull for the Ubuntu-co on mailing list, concilio and the IRC. juanmarquez

Ubuntu Sergio is a great Ubuntu Colombian member, has made great contributions to our team, great support for lists and IRC chat, and great contributions as a member of the Ubuntu-co council. HollmanEnciso

Ubuntu I testified!!! Wink ;) Same (Sergio) now is one of the members of the Council from Ubuntu Colombia. He is very committed spreading Ubuntu in his land (Santander). He is a great help for Ubuntu-Co and for Ubuntu, always looking for new ways to help us!! - JulianAlarcon



Mi nombre es Sergio Andrés Meneses Echavéz, tengo 20 años, vivo en la ciudad de Cúcuta-Norte de Santander y actualmente soy estudiante de la universidad Francisco de Paula Santander donde estudio ingeniería de sistemas, pertenezco al grupo de GNU/Linux de mi universidad, el GNU-UFPS.

Información de contacto


Estos son los Teams en los cuales participo con mucha regularidad.



Ubuntu Colombian Team


Concilio Ubuntu-co


Support Team Ubuntu-co


Ubuntu BugSquad


User Day Instructor


Objetivos personales

  1. Aprender mucho sobre el software libre.
  2. Fomentar el uso del software libre en la región donde vivo y a donde pueda llevar la filosofía del software libre.
  3. Ayudar a la comunidad en el manejo del software libre como una herramienta verdaderamente útil, que puede estar en capacidades de competir con cualquier otro software.

Objetivos en Ubuntu-Co

  1. Aportar en lo poco o en lo mucho que sepa para el crecimiento de la comunidad.
  2. Aprender de los demás a manera de retroalimentación con el fin de difundir el conocimiento.
  3. Mostrar el gran potencial de Ubuntu en nuestro país y así lograr convertir a mas personas al SL.
  4. Crear eventos de difusión y creación de nuevas comunidades de Software Libre/Ubuntu.

Contribuciones a Ubuntu

Actualmente contribuyo participando en la lista de correos de la comunidad y hago parte del equipo de soporte de Ubuntu-Co, en la cual ya he solucionado dudas de muchos de mis compañeros e igual ellos me las han resuelto.

Ayude en la organización del hacklab que se realizó en la ciudad de Cúcuta el año 2008. Galeria

Participe de la GBJ global bug jam para Ibex, en la cual ayude a relacionar bugs con paquetes de software... Espero en la proxima GBJ contribuir de mejor manera.

Organizador de la Global Bug Jam para karmic en mi ciudad, realizando charlas acerca del manejo de bugs y la realización de traducciones. Fotos de la jornada: GBJ Cucuta

Participe como instructor en el Ubuntu User Day que se realiza el sábado 23 de Enero, con un taller acerca del manejo del sistema de archivos y permisos.

Participe en la [[|Ubuntu Open Week], que se realizó el lunes 3 de mayo del 2010 con dos charlas: sistemas de archivos y permisos en Ubuntu Linux.

Contribuciones externas

En el grupo de GNU/Linux al cual hago parte en mi universidad contribuyo a la difusión del SL en todos los campos, dando charlas y capacitaciones. Galeria

Participe como uno de los organizadores en las Jornadas de software libre que se llevaron a cabo en la ciudad JSL2009. Galeria

Participacion en el FLISOL 2009 como instalador en la ciudad de Cucuta. Galeria

Asistente a los Jornadas de software libre del 2008. Galeria

Participacion en el FLISOL 2008 como instalador en la ciudad de Cucuta. Galeria

Miembro de Colibri, donde participo en la lista de discución. Link

Participe como conferencista en el FLISOL 2010 realizado en mi ciudad, hablando acerca de las comunidades de Software Libre. Galeria

Organizador y promotor de la ugj latinoamericana, que se realizó el 29 de Agosto del 2010


