Ubuntu Beginners Team Council Application

Thank you for to all those who supported my application.

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jgoguen - Silver_Fox has been an active contributor since he joined the Beginners Team and still shows no signs of slowing down. We've all benefited immensely from the experience Silver_Fox has brought to the team as well as the dedication he shows to the team, our target users and our members. Silver_Fox has improved the experience for both team members and users seeking our help through the IRC focus group. I believe it would be a logical next step to move on to improving the overall experience for the entire team and for those people who haven't yet joined us. I fully support Silver_Fox's nomination for Beginners Team Council.

talsemgeest Silver_Fox_ has done so much for the Beginners Team, especially in his role as lead of the IRC FG, and it is through that role that he has really displayed his suitability for leadership. He has my full support.

DiegoTc Silver_Fox_ rocks!! This guys is always available on IRC, if someone has a doubt or a problem he will help you and if he doesn't know, he founds someone to help you. He was a great master Big Grin :)

mohi Well to say about Silver_fox, hes awesome. He impressed me in lots of ways when i needed help. He just surfs the Forums and answers the posts to his best and even takes up those links to the channels. He is one of my "Role Models" to be true Big Grin :) And I believe in Him that He will do His best, wherever He gets in. I support for Silver_Fox's nomination for Beginners Team Council.

leoquant A ferm +1 for Silver_Fox. Always active and present on IRC, which is a rare combination. He is truely full of good karma, great ideas and he seems very suitable for leadership of the Ubuntu Beginners Team.

Joeb454 Since the testimonial I left in 2009, I have had the privilege of working with s-fox on the Ubuntu Forum staff, and have had several in-depth discussions on IRC. I can quite confidently say I would support any application from this member of the community for a leadership position in almost any team. My basis for this is the times I have seen comments and actions from s-fox within the UbuntuForums staff team, where it is quite clear they would be suitable for a leading role in a team.

starcraft.man - Silver Fox should be on the council because Silver Fox a proven contributor working hard in many different fields. Silver's supported over IRC group (as well as been in charge), become a moderator on forums, checks on mentee's constantly and has plenty of other talents like "The Stapler of DOOM". I don't think it's a very hard choice, even my Zerglings agree. So let it be so! Also, Silver Fox is still too 1337 for me to use anything but full name! PS: If this testimonial didn't exude enough awesomeness to impress, see my 2009 note.

Akos - Silver does belong in the council, there's no doubt about it. As the IRC Council lead he showed the council muscles, so I'm pretty sure it would be fine to have him as a member.

duanedesign I have known Silver Fox for a couple years now and in that time worked together on many different things related to the Beginners Team. I can wholeheartedly recommend Silver Fox for the Beginners Team Council. -- duanedesign 2011-02-28 13:22:49

NigelBabu I've known Silver Fox off an on throughout my time with the Ubuntu Beginners Team and later on through Ubuntu-UK and Ubuntu-women. I totally support Silver_Fox for UBT Council and wish all success! -- nigelbabu 2011-03-01 10:55:30

piskie/goblin/elfy - well - I almost wish I'd hung about in ubuntu world so I could give a big +1 to this - a definitely positive thing this would be for the Beginners Team in my humble opinion

A more caring and compassionate person you could not wish to meet, I love our chats and the work the fox does is well above the call of duty. The fox would make a truely wonderful council member, just simply applying for it says so much of the fox's commitment and I 100% back the application. phillw 4th March 2011.

BodhiZazen OMG is there room for one more ? SF has been an outstanding member of both the forums and the BT. SF is wise and experienced in the ways of the BT, I can not think of a better candidate. Best of luck SF.

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Silver_Fox/Beginners Team Council Application (last edited 2012-07-09 09:41:20 by cpc2-hink4-2-0-cust405)