Please check the status of this specification in Launchpad before editing it. If it is Approved, contact the Assignee or another knowledgeable person before making changes.
Launchpad Entry:
Packages affected: revu
Permit Contributors to review and comment on new packages in REVU in such a way that a Contributor review does not count as a rejection, and a Contributor cannot advocate.
Release Note
REVU Now supports Contributor comments. Members of ~revu-uploaders may suppport the reviewing process by commenting on new uploads.
REVU should be used as an asynchronous packaging feedback tool.
- Contributors will learn to review and be confronted with different packages and packaging styles
- Contributors can cross-check their packages and share ideas and solutions
- Permitting contributors to comment on new packages could speed up the review process
Contributors are able to help each others on other channels (bugs, answers, forums, IRC, wiki, etc.), they should also be able to post comments on REVU.
Use Cases
- Alice is a Contributor with experience in python packaging. Alice notices a new python package on REVU and leaves a comment to share her experiences with the packager.
- Bob is a Contributor very active in NEW packaging, and wants to reduce the review load for MOTUs. Bob reviews packages on REVU, and comments regularly on all aspects of the packaging.
- Chris is a MOTU with limited time. Chris reviews the REVU list, notices Bob's comments, and leaves a short comment asking for a cleanup of the issues Bob mentioned, pushing the package into the "Needs Work".
- A Contributor comment is treated like a Packager comment, (no allowed to advocate, no treated as rejection).
- It is felt that there should be no additional distinction between comments from a contributor and those from MOTUs, just like for any other channels: IRC, LP, etc.
- Contributors should be encouraged to review and comment other packages, but should also be warned about posting inappropriate or derogatory comments
- Contributor comments should not push the package into the "Needs Work" list.
Change REVU code to support contributor comments. Test on the REVU staging server. Deploy to REVU production server.
Code Changes
- Don't automatically exit commenting option when level is Contributor:
=== modified file '' --- 2007-11-10 20:45:38 +0000 +++ 2007-12-07 22:29:35 +0000 @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ if login is None: return 'please login at main page' if (level == 'Contributor') and (_getuploader(c, upid) != login): - return 'Sorry, Commenting for contributors only on their own uploads' + print 'WARNING: please respect others people work, use constructive remarks' tmpl = cfg.getTemplatesPath('commentform.html') vars = { 'login' : login, 'upid': upid,
- Disable advocation checkbox when level is Contributor:
patch pending
- Modify sorting criteria to not push Contributor commented packages to the "Needs Work" queue
patch pending
StefanPotyra: After a glimpse at the big sql statement, imho no code change is needed here.
Outstanding Issues
Do we need comments moderation, scoring, threading, ... ?
Emmet Hikory - I think we don't need moderation: CoC applies. I don't think we need scoring, as most review comments are either actionable with a new upload or represent advocation (whether MOTU advocation or just Contributor satisfaction). I don't think we need threading, as focus should be on reviewing the package, rather than reviewing reviews.
[StefanPotyra] - I'd like to mark Contributor comments as such. Maybe MOTU Comments could display a MOTU icon next to the text marking these as MOTU Comments? Quick update: MOTU icons done in trunk, deployed to staging atm.
BoF agenda and discussion
proppy: what do you think about MOTU helpfull revu others MOTU packages proppy: ? proppy: (sorry) sistpoty: [TOPIC] having motu hopefuls review other MOTU packages MootBot: New Topic: having motu hopefuls review other MOTU packages ScottK: proppy: As lolng as you make it clear you're not a MOTU, I think it's great. imbrandon: we have a bad habbit about making things "required" though before they are put into use for a while, unlike debian policys where they are used for a long time before they are policy persia: proppy: It's good. It's encouraged, and no they can't have access to REVU to do it yet. proppy: and MOTU reviewing you'r review sistpoty: persia: they can, but only on a individual basis ScottK: proppy: If you do the review interactively on #ubuntu-motu then that happens automatically. Nafallo: imbrandon: agreed. persia: sistpoty: Yes, but we can't distinguish Contributor comments from MOTU comments for sort order, so it breaks the MOTU review of Contributor comments part of the goal. ScottK: sistpoty: That needs to be treated as a special case and not as a general capability right now. persia: proppy: If you're worried about flooding the channel, use a pastebin to write the review, and post the link to #ubuntu-motu sistpoty: persia: right. but I guess someone who does a good job for some time should get review rights... proppy: persia: ok proppy: it was just a suggestion sistpoty: ScottK: exactly, that's what I wanted to write Nafallo: sistpoty: shouldn't that person be a MOTU as well then? DktrKranz: I like this proposal. A non-MOTU can provide useful feedbacks, reviewer will choose to follow these advices or not. ScottK: proppy: It's a good one. persia: sistpoty: I disagree. If someone is doing an excellent job of reviewing, they should be prodded to apply for MOTU. proppy: maybe a threaded forum is more approriate for that than revfu ScottK: persia: Think of it as a final exam. sistpoty: Nafallo, persia: sure, but there are always delays, and I recall having someone grant review rights as a task of the application *g* persia: ScottK: For some special cases, maybe. sistpoty: I guess we all can agree that the real bug is in revu, which should get fixed, right?= ScottK: And since we haven't mechanized a way to distinguish MOTU/non-MOTU comments, then a special case is all it can ever be until someone codes the changes in REVU. persia: sistpoty: That might happen, but it's part of the application process, not a general case: Contributors should first prove their reviewing skills in #ubuntu-motu sistpoty: persia: I guess we agree there :) proppy: what about posting review in a mailing list then ? sistpoty: proppy: that mailing list exists already: ;) proppy: then distingish between motu and non motu is just a matter of identify ? persia: proppy: Be warned that not every uploader reads that list (nor every reviewer) proppy: like an email ? sistpoty: motu-reviewers even ScottK: proppy: The trick is the data base schem needs changing. persia: proppy: Essentially. It's not email, it's membership in ~ubuntu-dev ScottK: proppy: Not all MOTUs use their address. sistpoty: ScottK: we could abuse the current scheme a little bit... I guess there's some space left which would require only minimal changes (but those with care *g*) proppy: ScottK: you mean not at all ? proppy: ScottK: or not for reviewing business ? Nafallo: is for members, not developers. ScottK: sistpoty: Excellent. ScottK: proppy: I meant not at all. proppy: ScottK: ok ne ***ScottK for example. ***persia proposes the drafting of a spec for how non-MOTUs would comment, for general review sistpoty: [IDEA] fix revu to allow non-motu contributors MootBot: IDEA received: fix revu to allow non-motu contributors sistpoty: persia: that would be excellent, would you take care for this? proppy: thanks for feedbacks persia: sistpoty: I don't understand the problem well enough: I was happy using pastebin as a Contributor. persia: proppy: Would you be up for drafting a spec for how Contributors would add REVU comments? ScottK: proppy: How about you make a first draft? proppy: persia: np persia: proppy: Thanks. imbrandon: pastebin requires IRC :( proppy: persia: the difference betweend pastbin and revu sistpoty: persia: it would be in place reviews... debian-mentors acts quite like this persia: imbrandon: I don't consider that a downside. proppy: persia: is that pastebin is live proppy: persia: REVU is asynchronous ScottK: proppy: It alse needs to talk about how it gets decided who can review. sistpoty: (the mailing list, not the webpage= imbrandon: persia: i do, i know many contributors i have worked with will NOT cone to IRC imbrandon: come* persia: proppy: True. I'll probably have more useful input when more awake :) sistpoty: hehe proppy: should I use the spec template ? imbrandon: plus irc limits you to those that are in your timezone imbrandon: or sleep/schedule ScottK: imbrandon: Sleep is for the weak. imbrandon: hehe persia: proppy: That would be best. sistpoty: proppy: I guess just informative text is nice.. of course you can do an "official spec" if you want ;) proppy: persia: url ? proppy: persia: I mean of the wanted spec proppy: persia: not the template imbrandon: ok i got to run, i trust someone will post the minutes to the ML ? sistpoty: imbrandon: sure, I'll do ScottK: Maybe sistpoty would volunteer to mentor proppy on spec writing.... imbrandon: killer, thanks ***persia suggests but thinks someone else might have a better suggestion. proppy: ? sistpoty: ScottK: /me needs the spare time for rewriting revu :P persia: sistpoty: You don7t get to rewrite until there's a spec, no? ;) proppy: I suck when it comes to choosing CamelCasedNames DktrKranz: sistpoty, is source code available somewhere? imbrandon: sistpoty: i just started proding the codebase too and did you see the staging site yet ? persia: DktrKranz: In the LP project DktrKranz: ah, I'll have a look, then proppy: [LINK] MootBot: LINK received: Spec left the room ("what an unfortunate name :p"). sistpoty: DktrKranz: sure, sistpoty: imbrandon: no, not yet sistpoty: ok, shall we move on? ***persia seconds
Spec/ContributorREVU (last edited 2008-08-06 16:33:54 by localhost)