NEXT Ubuntu Sugar Team MEETING: |
Ubuntu Sugar Remix is a tightly focused project. Our goal is to combine the work of two upstream projects into a single user friendly product that will be used and supported in schools around the world. Please see the road map for more details.
The mailing list is:
You can try the latest (not stable build) here = ??
Yes, we want your help!
The Ubuntu Sugar Remix Work flow is to:
- Import the Sugar packages from Debian and modify them as needed.
- Test USR on the hardware software platforms currently in use.
- Report problems and bugs to the bugtracker.
- Triage issues to insure that we have necessary information.
- Fix bugs and push them back upstream as necessary
The primary method for testing and reporting issues with Ubuntu Sugar Remix is by working through the Smoke Test on your hardware. The Smoke Test provides a uniform method for determining what works and what does not work in the current release of USR.
The bug report page contains information on how you can report bugs in a way that will help the team to process them more efficiently.
If you want to join the Sugar Team or just want to help out, triaging bugs is a fairly easy task that always needs to be done. Information on bug triaging can be found on triage procedures.
The next step is fixing the properly triaged issue reports. Information can be found at development.
Finally, for advanced developers, help packaging is all ways appreciated. Information can be found at Package.
TODO list
- Blog on planet.u.c to announce team and project
- See what dependencies we have for activities - like abiword, evince - so we can see what activities we are able to package.
Sugar/GettingInvolved (last edited 2010-08-03 16:29:44 by 190)