OpenExpo 7-8. March 2007
Application before 3. February (Tormod: done)
- Poster before 1. March
Photos taken by RashundaTramble: here
IRC meeting
Thursday 1st of February on #ubuntu-ch (Freenode) from 20:00 to 23:00.
Short summary of the meeting: IRC-20070201-summary
I have put the sections of this page into their own sub-pages, so that they can be edited with less chance of locking and mid-air collisions:
Who can attend, and when: SwissTeam/OpenExpo/2007-Bern/StandPeople
Poster projects: SwissTeam/OpenExpo/2007-Bern/Poster
Flyer project: SwissTeam/OpenExpo/2007-Bern/Flyer
USB sticks
Ubuntu-on-a-stick project: SwissTeam/OpenExpo/2007-Bern/USBStick
Other ideas
What can we do at our stand: SwissTeam/OpenExpo/2007-Bern/Ideas
Other comments
Just add them here
SwissTeam/OpenExpo/2007-Bern (last edited 2008-08-06 16:37:33 by localhost)